
Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: The Golden Soul (32)

author:Exquisitely clear and purple
Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: The Golden Soul (32)
Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: The Golden Soul (32)

31 - is passing through the rugged road

- Remembering comrade-in-arms Li Guangxi

You just turned 20 and are my little brother, eight years after me. But you come from a family with $550,000. Your father, who had a strategic vision for his prosperity through labor, said, "It is better for a son to be talented than to be rich." "He sent you to the troops.

Li Guangxi, do you know? I'll be your instructor, just as we are digging sand from the ground, it's not easy. I still remember one day, you came back with a sample bag, and before you put it away, you hung your head and sat on the damp tower and didn't move. You touched your coat pockets and trouser pockets, but you didn't even touch the butt of a cigarette, so you shook your head and sighed, and said, "This hellish place is really not for people." ”

You threw yourself on the bed, whimpering and crying like a child. This is your second year in the military. At that point, you've made significant progress. I still remember the day I first came, you couldn't even eat. Looking at the rice bowl, you were shocked: "This is not human food, this is pig food." A year has passed, and what is wrong with you today?

Your squad leader came to me and said, "Li Guangxi is a little sad today. "

He and I came to your bedside and brought you two bottles of canned apples. You raised your eyelids and ignored them with a look of disdain. I know that you are attached to a wealthy and comfortable family, and your thoughts have fluctuated, so I use the method of agitation and say to you bitterly: "You are also a young soldier, a dignified five-foot man, others can endure hardships, why can't you endure it?" Why can't you do what others can do? Where are your ambitions and ideals? What kind of man and what kind of revolutionary soldier are you? ”

A few words aroused you, your eyes suddenly flashed with tears, spewed fire, and said unconvinced: "Instructor, don't underestimate people, just wait and see!" ”

Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: The Golden Soul (32)

The next day, you and your comrades walked through the dense forest of the Little Wutong River. Mosquitoes, small bites up your face all over the bag. Carrying eight or nine sample bags on his back, he climbed mountains and waded for more than 30 miles, and it was already more than 8 o'clock in the evening when he returned to the station.

That night, you felt a terrible pain in your anus. You can't see or touch it in a hurry. There is no way, so I have to let Xiao Zhang, who sleeps on you, watch. Boy! This one is incredible: it is the grass crawler that "dings in". This thing will not come out when it bites in. What to do? Xiao Zhang: Burn with cigarette butts, so hot that you scream; After being scalded for a long time, the grass crawler was getting hotter and hotter and crawling in. Everyone knows that if you don't pick it out, your life is in danger. So, you tell Xiao Zhang to pick with a knife. He couldn't do it. You were so anxious that you scolded him, "It's a woman, it's really a wretch," so he dared to do it, but he picked off a piece of meat and pulled out the grass crawler, and then you sweated so hard that beads of sweat rolled down.

In the morning, you get up early, wash the face and brush teeth of your comrades-in-arms, clean the front of the tent, and go to boil the kettle......

You're starting to change, you're a different person.

Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: The Golden Soul (32)

One day, you came to me with a letter saying that your girlfriend asked you to take a leave of absence to go home, or blow it.

I ask you, "Do you want to go back?" "

You say, "The company is so tight-staffed, can I bear to go back?" The squad leader's mother is sick and he hasn't gone back, can I go back? After saying that, you stretched out your hand embarrassedly: "Instructor, give me a cigarette." "

You chatted with me about your girlfriend and marriage while smoking, and spit out all the depression in your heart along with the smoke, and you can see that you are more relaxed.

In the blink of an eye, in the third year, we were ordered to go to the most remote Xikouzi construction site. Although a section of the forest fire prevention road was built there, the 80-mile road to the construction site still had to be measured by two legs, and the sand drills, drill pipes and other parts had to be carried in. You snatched a large gear weighing more than 50 kilograms and carried it on your shoulder, and you still carried a bundle of vermicelli weighing more than 10 kilograms in your left hand. After less than 30 kilometers, you get stuck in the swamp and most of your body is cut off. The gears are worn out of your shoulders, and they're red and swollen. You didn't say a word, you struggled to pull your feet out of the swamp, and went on again.

When you go to the Xikouzi construction site, your body and bones are like falling apart. Late at night, you can't sleep because of the pain, and you have to take two analgesics and sleeping pills. The next day, when you saw that there was not much food to be delivered, you just ate pickles and drank gruel, so you distributed the canned food and cigarettes that you had brought back from visiting your relatives. At that time, I could smoke a cigarette and eat some canned meat in the mountains, which was like the Chinese New Year.

Looking at the whole class, you smiled happily, even happier than when you were a child......

1987. 7
Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: The Golden Soul (32)
Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: The Golden Soul (32)
Liu Jixiang Documentary Literature: The Golden Soul (32)


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