
Mizhi County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television: Continue the red blood and strengthen party discipline education

author:Glory Shaanxi Net

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the party spirit cultivation and party discipline education of party members and cadres, inherit the red gene, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 28, 2024, all party members and cadres and subordinate branch secretaries of the Mizhi County Culture, Tourism, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television Bureau went to Suide County to carry out the party day activity with the theme of "Continuing the Red Blood and Strengthening Party Discipline Education".

On the bus to Suide County, a meaningful activity is underway. Party members and cadres actively participated in the "Rural Revitalization, Great Love Sanqin" online donation activity, and everyone generously contributed to the "Charity Happy Home" and "Charity Aid". Subsequently, a passionate melody sounded in the car, and the red song activity was carried out collectively. The classic red singing echoed in the carriage, and everyone expressed their love for the party and the motherland with sincere feelings and loud singing.

Mizhi County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television: Continue the red blood and strengthen party discipline education

First of all, everyone came to the Suide Revolutionary Memorial Hall. Everyone first faced the party flag, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and once again expressed their loyalty to the party and their determination to fight for the cause of communism for life. In the memorial hall, everyone had an in-depth understanding of the history of the revolutionary struggle and heroic deeds in the Suide area by watching historical pictures, physical displays and documents.

Subsequently, everyone visited the Suide Exhibition Hall. The exhibition hall comprehensively displays the history, culture, economic and social development achievements and future development plans of Suide County with rich graphic materials and multimedia display methods. Through the visit, everyone has a more comprehensive understanding of the development process of Suide County, and also has a deeper understanding of the development mission of the new era.

Mizhi County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television: Continue the red blood and strengthen party discipline education

Then, everyone came to the Suide County Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall. Here, everyone watched the exquisite skills and unique charm of intangible cultural heritage such as Suide stone carving, Suide paper-cutting, and Suide folk songs at close range, and felt the breadth and profundity of China's excellent traditional culture. At the same time, it also further strengthens everyone's sense of responsibility and mission for the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage.

Mizhi County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television: Continue the red blood and strengthen party discipline education

Finally, everyone came to the former site of the Suide Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China. Here, we carefully visited the various exhibition halls in the old site and learned about the important role and historical contribution of the Suide Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China in the revolutionary war years.

Through this theme party day activity, all party members and cadres received a profound party spirit education and spiritual baptism. Everyone said that they would take this event as an opportunity to further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, enhance their party spirit, strengthen their sense of party discipline, and devote themselves to the cause of radio and television of cultural relics and cultural relics with more enthusiasm and higher morale, so as to contribute to the high-quality development of rice fat. (Contributed by: Mizhi County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television)

Editor-in-charge: Yang Yang

Editor: Liu Xin

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