
The cold is the best, and anyone who lives seriously will love it

author:Drawer movies

We often say that some people treat every day as a new day, and some people live the same day for decades. Life is a very complicated thing, but when we are completely determined to have the same goal, life is simple, why simple, since everyone's end is the same, then what is the meaning of life? We need a colorful life, first of all, we need a colorful definition, if the definition is certain and unquestionable, then isn't life repetitive?

The cold is the best, and anyone who lives seriously will love it

The film "Imperfect Beauty" recommended to you today is a story about life, a full-time funeral practitioner, a delivery man with a brain disability, one day, the two of them met, but this encounter originated from a car accident, the two people got together because of the car accident, and met and accompanied each other in the following days. Although the delivery man is disabled, he has a positive attitude towards life, while the funeral practitioner seems to be more successful and mature than the average person, but he has been pessimistic about life.

The cold is the best, and anyone who lives seriously will love it

The greatest ability of an optimist is not to always have an optimistic attitude towards life, but to infect more people with their own mentality, and the delivery man infects the funeral practitioners with his own mentality, so that the original colorful of one person becomes a carnival of two people, and the original boring life does not exist, and the gift of enjoying life occurs.

The cold is the best, and anyone who lives seriously will love it

"Imperfect Beauty" is still more routine, the combination of brainless and unhappy will have an explosive power at any time, and the creator borrows this explosive power very well to tell his own story, and finally presents to the audience that the story is very complete, but at the same time it is also very simple, but simple stories often do not require us to think too much to express the points they expound. What does this film say? It expounds life and expounds the attitude towards life.

The cold is the best, and anyone who lives seriously will love it

When the pace of modern life is getting faster and faster, what we are looking for is efficiency, but efficiency and life are originally irrelevant things, because work can bring efficiency, but does life need efficiency? If there is a need, then he should be really happy driving the hearse, the protagonist is a very efficient person, but he is not happy, and not as happy as a person who seems to be inferior to him. That's why, because life shouldn't be about efficiency, because efficiency belongs to work.

The cold is the best, and anyone who lives seriously will love it

What is life all about? The delivery man gave the answer, he is not only a philosopher who likes to read, but also a person who dares to face life and live happily. Because he can think of anything that happens as an experience of his own, and under this experience, life is life. Life is about participating as much as you can in your own time. This is important.

The cold is the best, and anyone who lives seriously will love it

When each of us has our own life, how do we deal with our own life? Busy repeating the mechanical repetition of each day on the course of life for decades? Isn't that life? As someone once said, "One day in our lives, our growth stops, and for the remaining decades, every day of our life is a repetition of yesterday." No one should like this kind of life, but this kind of life is obviously happening all around us all the time, someone gets out of it, someone joins it, and then the cycle goes on and on, is this really all there is to life?

The cold is the best, and anyone who lives seriously will love it

Since we want to pursue efficiency, then efficiency has high and low, efficiency has positive and negative, but life is not like this, when we will diversify the goal of life or people's values, the direction we pursue will naturally be diversified, the direction and goal of diversification will eventually usher in a diversified life, the reason why some people can live happily, to a large extent, lies in the guidance of this diversity itself.

The cold is the best, and anyone who lives seriously will love it

Most of the time, people today fall into a kind of extreme pursuit of material things, and the extreme pursuit of material things lies in the pathological concept of money in the whole society. When people are kidnapped by their own greed, the endless direction of money becomes the pursuit of some people's lives, because of the pursuit of money, so people can give up their lives, because of the pursuit of money, so when facing life, people can allow themselves to be unhappy.

The cold is the best, and anyone who lives seriously will love it

However, any form of repression will always bring a lot of backlash, and when life becomes a narrow pursuit of money and makes himself repeat himself over and over again, life loses its meaning. A single life goal, and an endless life goal, does not create a good living environment, therefore, the farther away the joy is from us, and the pain will happen anytime and anywhere. At this time, perhaps we should think about why we can't live in a different way, is it only the pursuit of material things that is considered life?

The cold is the best, and anyone who lives seriously will love it

Use material to achieve yourself, when you lose your material, you will naturally lose yourself, but when you use joy, knowledge, and mentality to achieve yourself, this is not something that others can easily take away, why can the delivery man be so happy, because his life is anchored not in substance, you can do it, you are naturally happy, so the question is, are you really happy?


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