
China Life Insurance 2024 College Entrance Examination Booster Posture Award

author:China Business Daily Hebei Reporter Station

In the middle of summer in June, the annual college entrance examination season is coming as scheduled. Chinese Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chinese Life Insurance Company") has always taken the people's yearning for a better life as the direction of inclusive financial development, consciously assumed the responsibility and mission of benefiting the people, focused on the whole link of the college entrance examination of "pre-exam + middle exam + post-exam", and took psychological counseling, college entrance examination station, voluntary filling and other entry points as the entry point, reaching more than 3 million customers online and offline. We will send superior resources and services to customers, and warmly protect the road of candidates' dreams.

Accompany the exam before the exam - China Life to help

The college entrance examination is the first major test for adults. In the process of preparing for the exam, candidates not only have to face heavy study tasks and revision plans, but also have to deal with many pressures and challenges. In order to alleviate the anxiety and nervousness of candidates before the exam, Chinese Life Insurance Company specially invited national second-level psychological counselors and national senior nutrition lecturers to share exam stress reduction skills from the dimensions of emotional relief, stress management, and scientific diet in a live interactive way on the Chinese Life Insurance APP and other platforms, helping candidates and parents adjust their physical and mental states, and watched more than 175,000 people in a single live broadcast. At the same time, a college entrance examination information column has been set up on the Chinese Life Insurance APP, and new information such as the interpretation of localized college entrance examination policies in different regions and emotional management during the preparation period will be updated to help candidates and parents calmly cope with the challenges of the college entrance examination and provide parents with valuable content in an all-round way.

Escort in the examination - China Life is in action

Gather advantageous resources to help candidates take the exam calmly. Chinese Life Insurance Company has launched the "College Entrance Examination Station" public welfare service at more than 1,200 business outlets near the test center in 285 cities across the country to escort candidates and parents.

"Know where you are", convenient "nearby service"

In order to facilitate the close candidates and their parents to know and experience the "College Entrance Examination Station" service, Chinese Life Insurance Company has taken multiple measures to increase service publicity, and both corporate customers and non-customers can quickly find and locate the nearby or required China Life Counter "College Entrance Examination Station" on the counter map of the outlet through the Chinese Life Insurance App, official WeChat, life insurance mini program or scanning the special QR code.

"Attract your attention", eye-catching "store signs"

Outside the business outlets, Chinese Life Insurance Company uniformly hung and placed eye-catching identification signs, and played reminders such as cheering and test assistance through LED electronic scrolling screens. In the business outlets, electronic equipment such as consultation and guidance desks and cloud signage display large-scale posters with the theme of "College Entrance Examination Station" to enhance service recognition.

China Life Insurance 2024 College Entrance Examination Booster Posture Award

"Enjoy what you want", a quiet "Companion Rest Area"

Chinese Life Insurance Company makes full use of the advantages of venue resources to build the space of VIP room, negotiation area and waiting area into a rest area for the test, providing a quiet and comfortable space for candidates and parents. Some outlets have built temporary service sheds to extend the station to the perimeter of the test center. The Beijing Houguangping Company outlet set up a rain shelter in front of the test center of No. 35 Middle School, so that the accompanying parents could avoid the rain, and guided the parents who were wet to the outlet, helped them dry their clothes, and provided hot tea and drinks. Xinjiang Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture Branch has set up air conditioners for indoor cooling in the outlets, set up 6 awnings and hundreds of chairs outdoors, provided drinking water, paper towels, etc., and received more than 150 candidates and their parents every day. At the same time, the service areas of Changji, Altay and Yili in Xinjiang receive more than 150 people per day.

China Life Insurance 2024 College Entrance Examination Booster Posture Award

"Prepare what you need", abundant "material supply station"

Chinese Life Insurance Company provides test candidates and accompanying parents with free test stationery, soft drinks, fruit snacks, medical supplies and other materials, as well as mobile phone charging, printing and copying and other emergency services. Shandong Heze, Fujian Ningde Fu'an, Guangdong Qingyuan company outlets learned that the candidates forgot to bring the card pen or found that the stationery bag was damaged, and immediately provided stationery to them to solve the candidates' urgent worries. The outlet of Fujian Nanping Jianyang Company received a call from the customer Mr. Jiang, and learned that the customer's daughter was unable to walk normally due to an accidental sprain of her right foot and was in urgent need of a wheelchair. Shandong Rizhao Branch outlets arrange heat stroke candidates to go into the VIP room to take a cool break, and after taking medicine and resting, the candidates feel that the symptoms are relieved, and arrange vehicles to send the candidates home.

China Life Insurance 2024 College Entrance Examination Booster Posture Award

"Know what you want", a positive "emotional energy station"

Focusing on "Winning the College Entrance Examination Show Shine", Chinese Life Insurance Company organized the "top students" in the system to record the college entrance examination cheering video, and mobilized new media matrix resources to cheer up the candidates and say no to the anxiety before the exam. On the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, some outlets invite parents to participate in interactive games such as making zongzi, making sachets, and throwing rings, so as to convey the beautiful meanings of "high dumplings in one fell swoop" and "gold list title" to relieve the tension of candidates' parents. Fujian Longyan Changting Company outlets set up "champion door" and "wish wall". Tianjin Wuqing Company outlets invited members of the Calligraphers Association to send blessings on the spot, and invited painters to hand-paint the cartoon image of "Gao Zong". Zhejiang Taizhou Road and Bridge, Sichuan Deyang Shifang Company outlets carefully prepared experience activities such as "Signing for the College Entrance Examination" and "Champion Cake" to cheer for the candidates.

China Life Insurance 2024 College Entrance Examination Booster Posture Award

"Solve your worries", convenient "test delivery bus"

Some outlets of Chinese Life Insurance Company provide test delivery vehicle services for candidates and parents with travel difficulties and emergencies, and send candidates to the test room in time. Anhui Bengbu and Shandong Heze Company outlets arrange special buses to provide test delivery services for candidates who live far away and have difficulties in catching up with the test. The Gansu Jiuquan Company outlets sent the teachers and candidates who could not get a taxi to the Jiuquan No. 1 Middle School examination center, and the teacher said gratefully: "It's good to meet you, I want to send a circle of friends, thank you." "Hebei Baoding Li's company outlets provide special bus services for four consecutive days in order to save time for candidates and other buses. On June 7th, it rained lightly, and the parents who passed by on electric vehicles found the college entrance examination station, and immediately sent their children to the examination room. When the customer of Zhejiang Taizhou Linhai Company handled the business, he expressed his concern that the child would be delayed the next day due to driving violations, and the Linhai outlet offered to provide the test delivery service, and the customer responded well.

China Life Insurance 2024 College Entrance Examination Booster Posture Award

After the exam, China Life came to help

After the college entrance examination, candidates will be faced with an important choice of filling in their preferences and choosing a major. This is not only about which university they are going to study, but even affects their future career direction and life trajectory. Chinese Life Insurance Company takes "online live Q&A + offline lecture consultation" as the main line to create a college entrance examination volunteer to fill in the popular science "Zhi" group. Online, from June 17th to June 20th, the online interactive Q&A live broadcast was launched for four consecutive days, with lectures by experts in education and further education planning, answering the voluntary filling questions that customers are concerned about, with a total of more than 500,000 online interactions; Offline, in Beijing, Xi'an, Nanjing, Zhengzhou, Nanning, Hohhot, Changsha, Wuhan eight cities to carry out the "Flash Eight Cities" offline volunteer filling tour activities, with the way of "on-site lectures + consultation and interaction", to open up a new path of service. At present, more than 1,000 groups of families have attended the offline lecture activities, and the on-site activities have a warm atmosphere, answering questions and solving doubts for the families of candidates through questions and interactions, one-on-one consultation and other services. In the summer when candidates enter a new stage of life, Chinese Life Insurance Company will also organize the "985 through train" study tour, and Beijing Branch and Nanjing Branch invite local students and parents to visit 985 colleges and universities to experience the atmosphere of colleges and universities and experience university life in advance.

China Life Insurance 2024 College Entrance Examination Booster Posture Award

In the college entrance examination, students have been sharpening their swords for ten years and overcoming obstacles for their dreams. Chinese Life Insurance Company deepens inclusive financial services, expands the benefit groups, pays close attention to the worries, worries and worries of the people, opens up new service paths, and realizes the whole link of "pre-exam + mid-exam + post-exam" college entrance examination assistance as the specific entry point and focus point of "doing practical things for the people", and does its best to solve people's worries. The service is endless, and Chinese Life Insurance Company has always practiced its firm commitment of "customer-centric" and forged ahead on the road of "simple, quality and warm" customer service. (Shi Xuan Liu Hui) (Photo courtesy of Chinese Life Insurance Co., Ltd.)

China Life Insurance 2024 College Entrance Examination Booster Posture Award

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