
The first re-loan for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation was launched

author:Karamay zero distance
The first re-loan for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation was launched
The first re-loan for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation was launched
The first re-loan for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation was launched
The first re-loan for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation was launched

On June 25, the reporter learned from the Karamay Branch of the People's Bank of China that on the 5th of this month, the Karamay Petroleum Branch of China Construction Bank issued a reloan for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation to Bakken (Xinjiang) Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Bakken Energy"). This is the first loan that meets the policy requirements of Karamay City since the establishment of the re-loan for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation.

Scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation re-lending is a policy established by the People's Bank of China to encourage and guide financial institutions to increase financial support for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, technological transformation and equipment renewal projects in key areas. On April 1 this year, the People's Bank of China set up a 500 billion yuan re-loan for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation. Among them, the re-lending amount of the first loan for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises is 100 billion yuan.

After the policy was promulgated, in order to do a good job in science and technology finance, the Karamay Branch of the People's Bank of China acted quickly, through the establishment of a cross-departmental coordination mechanism, the holding of policy implementation promotion meetings, strengthening the government-bank-enterprise docking and other measures, guiding financial institutions to sort out the account opening credit and business needs of science and technology enterprises, strengthen financing docking, and achieve "full coverage" of service docking.

Verified by the Karamay Branch of the People's Bank of China, a total of 6 enterprises in Karamay City meet the criteria for re-lending, and the Karamay Petroleum Branch of China Construction Bank has found out that Bakken Energy has capital needs. In order to inject financial vitality into the development and operation of enterprises in a timely manner, CCB Karamay Petroleum Branch and the enterprises jointly agreed on financing plans, and at the same time, with the support of the re-lending policy, the bank took the initiative to implement preferential interest rates for customers, and completed the whole process of loan approval and disbursement services within 7 working days. In the end, Bakken Energy obtained a loan of 19.6566 million yuan, which effectively alleviated the financial pressure of the enterprise.

In this regard, the relevant staff of the Karamay Branch of the People's Bank of China introduced that in the next step, the bank will guide financial institutions to further promote the innovation of financial products and service models, organize and carry out various forms of policy publicity, accelerate financing docking, promote the flow of more financial resources to the fields of scientific and technological innovation, technological transformation and equipment renewal, and provide strong financial support for Karamay City to accelerate the development of new quality productive forces.

The first re-loan for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation was launched
The first re-loan for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation was launched

Source: Karamay financial media reporter Yang Yi Peishan correspondent Gao Yaning

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