
The flood season has arrived, how to prevent and control animal diseases? The definitive guide →

author:Agriculture and Forestry TV

Recently, extreme weather has increased and floods have occurred frequently. Major animal diseases such as African swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease, and highly pathogenic avian influenza, as well as zoonotic diseases such as anthrax and schistosomiasis, are at increased risk. In order to ensure the stability of animal epidemics during the flood season, the following response measures should be strengthened.

The flood season has arrived, how to prevent and control animal diseases? The definitive guide →

The first is to strengthen immunization and treatment. For major animal diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease and highly pathogenic avian influenza, the newly supplemented livestock and poultry and the livestock and poultry whose immune antibody levels do not meet the standards shall be supplemented and immunized in a timely manner. In the event of a flood disaster, according to the epidemic prevention situation, an emergency immunization of livestock and poultry can be carried out to improve the level of immune protection. In old anthrax-endemic areas such as river basins and low-lying areas, it is necessary to check the anthrax immunization status of livestock to ensure that livestock are in a state of effective immune protection. In high-risk areas of schistosomiasis epidemic, the monitoring of free-range cattle and sheep should be strengthened, and positive animals should be disposed of in a timely manner; In areas with severe flooding, schistosomiasis prophylaxis can be used for livestock.

The second is to strengthen monitoring and investigation. Strengthen the monitoring of major animal diseases such as African swine fever and highly pathogenic avian influenza, as well as zoonotic diseases such as anthrax and schistosomiasis, and promptly analyze and judge the occurrence and development trend of animal diseases in the affected areas. Intensify the investigation of livestock and poultry in key monitoring foci and high-risk areas, and once animals that have died of illness and the cause of death are unknown, they should be immediately diagnosed, dealt with in a timely manner, and reported quickly. Autopsy is strictly forbidden for animals with symptoms such as sudden death, bleeding from natural holes, soy sauce-colored blood that is not easy to coagulate, incomplete mortis, and abdominal distention.

The third is to strengthen disinfection and source elimination. Carry out a comprehensive preventive disinfection of livestock and poultry breeding enclosures, transport vehicles, slaughterhouses, harmless treatment plants, livestock and poultry trading markets, etc. Thoroughly disinfect flooded enclosures, troughs, livestock and poultry utensils, means of transportation, etc., and disinfect flood and waterlogged areas after drainage and decontamination; In heavily polluted areas, you can choose high-efficiency disinfectants to increase the concentration and increase the number of disinfections. For the breeding places of mosquito and fly larvae, it is necessary to remove stagnant water or fill soil in time. Repair the corroded and damaged walls in time to prevent rodents from entering, search for dead rats in time after putting poison bait, and bury or incinerate them in a centralized manner.

The flood season has arrived, how to prevent and control animal diseases? The definitive guide →

Fourth, strengthen harmless treatment. Strictly implement the "four prohibitions and one treatment" measures that prohibit slaughter, eating, selling, and transporting sick (drowned) dead animals, as well as harmless treatment of dead animals. Timely inspect rivers, lakes, farms, farms and other key areas along roads, find dead livestock and poultry, and salvage them in a timely manner and treat them harmlessly. Harmless treatment personnel should do a good job of self-protection, wear protective clothing, masks, gloves, goggles, water boots, etc. In schistosomiasis-endemic areas, farmers should avoid contact with infected water and apply protective ointment if necessary.

Fifth, upgrade management measures. Farms should be comprehensively repaired, reinforcing enclosures, fences, roofs and other facilities, dredging and reinforcing drainage ditches, overhauling drainage facilities, maintaining drainage pumps, emergency lighting and other equipment, and preparing for flood control and drainage. After the end of heavy rainfall, discharge the water in the livestock and poultry breeding site as soon as possible, repair and strengthen the damaged livestock (poultry) house, and if it cannot be repaired in time, the livestock and poultry should be transferred to a dry and safe area as soon as possible. Reduce the frequency of movement of people and goods. During continuous rainstorms, the site can be closed for management, and non-productive operations such as group transfer and immunization can be stopped. Keep the feed clean and dry, and try to use it as much as possible to prevent mildew. Provide clean drinking water, and multivitamins can be appropriately added to drinking water to enhance the resistance of livestock and poultry. If the commercial livestock and poultry reach the slaughter weight standard, they shall be slaughtered as soon as possible and the feeding density shall be reduced.

The flood season has arrived, how to prevent and control animal diseases? The definitive guide →

Sixth, strengthen emergency duty. Strictly implement the 24-hour emergency duty system for major animal epidemics, and report and deal with emergencies in a timely manner according to regulations. Strengthen the reserve of emergency supplies, and strengthen the reserve of emergency supplies such as disinfectants, protective equipment, vaccines, and deworming drugs according to the risk of epidemic diseases. Pay attention to the flood prevention situation in the locality, make full use of the official website, Douyin, WeChat, Weibo and other platforms to publicize the knowledge of disaster prevention and mitigation in the flood season, and improve the awareness of risk prevention of farms (households).

Original title: Guidelines for the prevention and control of animal diseases in the flood season

Source: Farmer's Daily

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