
It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

author:The cub is in the circle of foolishness

In Chinese dramas, what is the most popular and most often disappointing type of national drama?

I think it's a criminal investigation drama.

This type of drama is undoubted, and dramas such as "Six Groups of Serious Cases", "Criminal Investigation No. 1 Case", and "Conquest" are regarded as classics by the audience, and they are still often mentioned by everyone.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

Of course, criminal investigation dramas have also had low stages.

It was not until recent years that this genre became famous again, from "Icebreaker", "Sweeping the Black Storm" to "Crime Hunting Guide" and "Hurricane", more than 30 years, the basic plate of criminal investigation dramas is still there.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

However, halfway through 2024, the criminal investigation drama does not seem to have gained momentum.

In the list of films to be broadcast, ruthless dramas such as "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night 2", "Above the Dark Clouds", and "Just Defense" have disappeared for a long time.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

Is there a criminal investigation drama that is really enjoyable to watch?

Here it comes.

The contemporary procuratorial investigation drama "In the Name of the Law" has been officially completed recently, and at the same time, the drama party waved its hand and issued the first trailer flower, with a strong lineup and excellent picture texture.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

After watching the trailer, I asserted that this year's hit criminal investigation drama is it!

In the name of the law, and eliminate evil

"In the Name of the Law" tells the story of Zheng Yaping (Jiang Xin), a prosecutor from the Haidong Provincial Procuratorate, and others, who found that the arrested suspect seemed to be forced to confess when they reviewed the "Wan's Group Crime Case" in Haizhou City.

Faced with many suspicious points, after Zheng Yaping and others reported, they used the report clues as a breakthrough to review a number of cases, and finally arrested the real murderer behind the scenes, and restored the innocence of the suspect.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

Combined with the trailer, there are three major highlights of this new work that cannot be ignored.

The first highlight: the urban criminal investigation of the original style.

Most of this year's domestic criminal investigation dramas are based on the era, and the types of homicides are converging, and if you watch too much, the audience will naturally get tired of sight.

However, "In the Name of the Law" interweaves a number of independent cases with the main line cases, including both tense and exciting unit cases and a gripping main line of anti-crime and evil.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

Among them, there are many cases related to people's livelihood, such as framing crimes, embezzlement cases, and homicide cases.

Whose corpse floats up and down under the ice; In the interrogation room, why is Hong Liang (played by Zhang Yi), who is also a prosecutor, being interrogated by Zheng Yaping.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

Victims, perpetrators, enforcers, and avengers compete against each other.

Desire, hatred, and emotions are intertwined.

Topics, scales, reversals, and the highlights of new dramas are too many.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

The second highlight: social suspense detectives.

The biggest suspense has always been the human heart.

Behind each case, there are various elements such as family emotions and social topics.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

Each case is full of suspense and mystery, keeping the audience in a state of tension and excitement throughout the viewing process.

When the truth is revealed, it is human desire itself that is at work.

"Fairness, justice, truth, those are the ideal states mentioned in the college books, life is not, life is alive."

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

When the justice of the judiciary is questioned, when the public loses confidence in public officials, there are internal demons within the prosecutors, who can even be ruthless to their own colleagues.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

When the truth is revealed, human nature is also exhausted.

The third highlight: the duel between the forces of justice and evil.

The biggest attraction in "In the Name of Law" is the duel between good and evil.

In the procuratorate, the perversion of the law by judicial personnel for personal gain is undoubtedly a challenge to the law.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

In the trailer, in addition to the heroine Zheng Yaping's firm stance, people-centered, and maintenance of social fairness and justice, the other two prosecutors, Hong Liang and Li Renjun (played by Li Guangjie), are difficult to distinguish between friend and foe.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

"The law is your weapon, and the judiciary is your backing."

The core of the whole drama of "In the Name of Law" is murder, criminal investigation, and suspense, and it is precisely because of this that this drama is more interesting.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

The criminal investigation dramas of the era, anti-crime and anti-drug elements are good-looking, but they are a little tired of watching too much, and now, there is finally a criminal investigation drama that really focuses on solving the case.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

All the members are acting skills, and the content of old drama bones exceeds the standard

Whether a criminal investigation drama can succeed or not, actors are also a crucial part, and the casting of "In the Name of Law" is full of sincerity, there is no traffic, and it is all powerful.

The first place, Zhang Yi.

As the hottest Mesozoic actor in the mainland in recent years, Zhang Yi has enough hardcore works to hand over on both large and small screens.

From "My Captain, My Regiment", "Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky" to "Hurricane", no matter what genre he can easily control, and the potential is too great.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

Zhang Yi has acted in too many criminal investigation suspense dramas, and playing too many roles of the same type will inevitably make the audience aesthetically fatigued.

So, in the new play, Zhang Yi incarnated as prosecutor Hong Liang to meet the audience.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

In the trailer, Hong Liang stood at the door of the interrogation room, and when he heard the person opposite say "It's all over", his eyes were red, his expression was sad, and the wrinkles on his forehead added a heavy sense of life experience to the characters.

When he said the words "someone didn't pass" in a trembling voice, I knew that this character was done.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

second place, Jiang Xin.

When it comes to Jiang Xin, the first thing that the audience thinks of must be the role of Concubine Hua in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", this character is too classic, and Jiang Xin's acting skills are also quite exquisite.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

In the new drama "In the Name of Law", Jiang Xin will play the role of prosecutor Zheng Yaping.

In the trailer, Zheng Yaping looked at the suspect who was suspected of being wronged, with a sincere expression, and said earnestly, "The court is your backing."

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

A single line triggers a huge sense of suspense, which is the performance tension of a good actor.

Jiang Xin's acting skills have always been full of tension, and the role given to her will definitely be brilliant.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

third place, Wang Jinsong.

The old drama bone Wang Jinsong has created too many classic roles, from "Langya Bang" to "The Wind Blows in the Summer", no matter the size of the role, in his hands, it is absolutely plump and three-dimensional.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

In the new drama, Wang Jinsong will play the role of Zhang Fang.

In the trailer, Zhang Fang is standing in the dim office, dressed in a straight suit, looking at the sunset on the horizon, with a solemn expression, a deep coldness in his eyes, and a look that is already full of tension.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

I'm looking forward to the wonderful performance of the old drama bones in the play.

fourth place, Feng Jiayi.

Su Jianren, the "love brain" played by this veteran powerhouse in "City in the City", is a little out of the circle, and in the play, Feng Jiayi plays the character's bluff and sleek sophistication to the fullest, and her acting skills are too superb.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

In the new drama, Feng Jiayi will play the role of Xu Yanwu.

In the trailer, Xu Yanwu is wearing a police uniform, one looks up, his brows are furrowed, his expression is serious, and the coldness in his eyes is terrifying.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

It seems that this character is not easy to mess with, although I don't know whether the character is right or evil, but Feng Jiayi's performance never disappoints the audience.

fifth, Ding Yongdai.

The old drama bone Ding Yongdai is also here, Lin Maogen in "An Home", Zhou Zhigang in "The World", Ma Kui in "South to North", Ding Yongdai's performance is meticulous, and he can always show the charm of the character to the audience to the greatest extent.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

In the new drama "In the Name of Law", Ding Yongdai will play the role of Yu Tiancheng.

In the trailer, Yu Tiancheng is wearing a suit, looking like he is eating, chewing food while turning his head contemptuously and looking back, as if waiting to see something good, with a hint of caution in his eyes.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming

Judging from the trailer, this character looks quite a big guy aura, I don't know if it's the biggest behind-the-scenes villain in this show, I'm looking forward to it.

In addition to the above-mentioned powerful actors, Liu Jia, Hao Ping, Li Guangjie, Shi Jingming and many other powerful actors will play important roles in the play, this is definitely a feast of acting, too exciting.

It's finally here! Another criminal investigation drama is coming, starring Zhang Yi and Jiang Xin, and the ceiling of criminal investigation dramas is coming


In the end, it is still the question, can "In the Name of Law" explode?

In the current domestic drama market, there seem to be a lot of hot dramas, but the popular ones are basically ancient puppets like "Ink Rain Clouds" and current puppets like "The Story of Rose", and there are not many popular dramas that are really suitable for all ages.

This is the best time for the dark horse of criminal investigation dramas to break through.

The criminal investigation theme has always been the easiest genre to attract audiences of all ages.

The mode of confrontation between police and bandits, coupled with the main line of case detection, can naturally accommodate suspense, emotions and other topics that attract the audience, and it is easy to become a national hit.

Judging from the trailer, the suspense of the new drama "In the Name of Law" is online, the cast is quite strong, the old drama bones are gathered, and the acting skills do not have to worry, so the show definitely has the potential to be a hit.

At present, we are only waiting for the show to be officially finalized and broadcast smoothly, bringing the audience an ultimate battle between good and evil.

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