
"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

author:Hawthorn is a joy to read
"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

Jiang Xin sat in front of the mirror, staring at herself with a deep gaze. The years have left traces on her face, but they have not been able to erase the sharpness in her eyes.

She caressed her slightly plump figure, and a confident smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.

"'Strong' has never been a problem," Jiang Xin said silently in her heart, "The real question is, how many people in this circle dare to be their true selves?" "

She recalled what Han Hong said to her many years ago: "The reason why you have attracted criticism is only because you have told too much truth." This sentence is like a sharp blade, cutting through the hypocritical core under the glamorous appearance of the entertainment industry.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

In this world full of falsehoods and performances, Jiang Xin chooses to be a "sober" outlier. Her straightforwardness and truthfulness are like a demon mirror, reflecting the true face behind the perfect characters carefully created by many "female stars".

Jiang Xin's existence has won her the love of the audience, and it has also attracted countless criticisms and controversies for her. But she never cared about that. In her opinion, it is more important to be true to yourself than to please others.

"This is me, Jiang Xin," she said to herself in the mirror, "a real being who doesn't want to be defined, who doesn't want to be bound." "

On the gorgeous stage of the entertainment industry, Jiang Xin used her way to tear open the fig leaf of many "female stars" and show a real and three-dimensional self.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

Back in 2011, Jiang Xin was still the stubborn girl who did everything for the role. When the script of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" was placed in front of her, Concubine Hua's role seemed to beckon to her.

A hint of cunning flashed in Jiang Xin's eyes, and a confident smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.

She recalled how she used the name of "Tiger Girl" to tirelessly pester director Zheng Xiaolong. "Director, I'm Concubine Hua!" She says this almost every day.

Finally, her persistence impressed Zheng Xiaolong and got the opportunity to audition.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

When Jiang Xin appeared in front of Zheng Xiaolong as Concubine Hua, the line blurted out, as if she was born to belong to her. Her performance not only amazed Zheng Xiaolong, but also made the audience remember this Hua Concubine who dared to love and hate.

However, the fame and controversy that followed followed. Jiang Xin's bluntness on the set often caught people off guard. She recalled the conversation with Chen Jianbin and her words were almost to the point of being unspeakable.

At that time, she didn't know how to find a balance between reality and sleekness.

It was this angular truth that attracted Han Hong's attention. Under the influence of Han Hong, Jiang Xin began to turn her attention to public welfare. The experience of participating in the "Han Hong Love 100 People Activity" allowed Jiang Xin to find a new way to express herself.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

She vividly remembers carrying supplies and setting up tents in poor areas. There, there is no lens, no audience, only the most authentic self and the purest dedication.

This experience made Jiang Xin understand that truth is not only about telling the truth, but also about conveying sincerity with actions.

From Concubine Hua on the screen to a volunteer at the public welfare site, Jiang Xin has completed an inner transformation in the process. She's still straightforward, she's still authentic, but she's learned to express her sincerity in a gentler way.

"Philanthropy has allowed me to see the wider world," Jiang Xin said, "and it has taught me that authenticity is not only for myself, but also for others." "

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

This change made Jiang Xin re-examine her position in the entertainment industry. She realized that she could be both a good actor and a socially responsible public figure.

This experience not only enriched Jiang Xin's life, but also allowed her to find a unique position in the entertainment industry. She uses her own way to interpret what is the real star charm.

In 2016, the set of "Ode to Joy" became the starting point of Jiang Xin and Liu Tao's friendship. Jiang Xin seems to have returned to the shooting scene full of laughter, she and Liu Tao are like two carefree girls, playing in front of and behind the camera.

Their friendship is affectionately called "heart-digging" CP by netizens, which seems to indicate that this friendship will last for a long time.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

However, friendships in the entertainment industry are like fragile bubbles that can burst if you are not careful. Jiang Xin recalled that moment that changed everything, when the well-known paparazzi Zhuo Wei broke the scandal of a married actress surnamed L, she stood up without hesitation.

"I just wanted to protect my friend," Jiang Xin muttered to herself, a hint of regret flashing in her eyes, "but I didn't expect that my actions would make things worse."

Her straightforwardness and righteousness have become a double-edged sword in this calculating circle.

This incident not only did not calm the controversy, but resurfaced the "scandal" that had already been settled. The relationship between Jiang Xin and Liu Tao has also been impacted.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

Even in the subsequent filming of "Bazaar Fashion", the two never spoke.

Jiang Xin's thoughts turned to 2017, Zhao Liying's New Year's Eve singing turmoil. At that time, she once again stood up to defend her "friend" without thinking, and bluntly said that it was normal for actors to sing falsetto.

However, this remark not only did not calm the controversy, but instead caused a bigger storm and even angered Zhao Liying's fans.

"I always want to be honest and truthful, but I forgot that sometimes silence is also a kind of wisdom." Jiang Xin shook his head with a wry smile and began to realize how difficult it was to grasp the balance between truth and sleekness in this circle.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

These experiences have taught Jiang Xin that even the most sincere friendships require caution and wisdom to maintain. She began to learn to express her true thoughts while also taking into account the feelings and possible effects of others.

However, even after these setbacks, Jiang Xin still did not change the essence of her true expression. She just learned to be more cautious and considerate. "Maybe this is growth," Jiang Xin said softly, "while staying authentic, you must also learn to protect yourself and the people around you."

For Jiang Xin, this experience was both a painful lesson and a valuable growth. She realizes that in the entertainment industry, authenticity and sleek are not opposites, but need to be intelligently balanced.

"Friendship is precious, but my true self is even more precious," Jiang Xin said firmly, "I will continue to be my true self, but I will also cherish the people around me more."

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

This experience allowed Jiang Xin to find a new position in the entertainment industry. She is still the same Jiang Xin who dares to speak and do, but she has learned to be silent when the time is right and stand up when needed.

This balance allowed her to find her own way of survival in this complex circle.

Back in 2003, 18-year-old Jiang Xin stood on the set of "Dragon Babu", facing the "ageless male god" Lin Zhiying, both excited and apprehensive.

When she learned that she was going to shoot a kiss scene with Lin Zhiying, the young Jiang Xin blurted out something that surprised everyone present: "Lin Zhiying is too old, I really can't talk about it."

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

This sentence was like a bomb and caused quite a stir on the set. Lin Zhiying was like a bolt from the blue after hearing this, he never thought that he would be disliked and old.

And Jiang Xin, because of this sentence, began to be labeled as "difficult to deal with" in the circle.

Recalling the scene at that time, Jiang Xin couldn't help but laugh. She shook her head and sighed: "At that time, I didn't know how to restrain my edge, I only knew how to say the most truthful words.

In that unforgettable kiss scene, Jiang Xin and Lin Zhiying staged a "garlic war". The two each secretly chewed garlic in an attempt to embarrass the other. This vignette not only shows Jiang Xin's wit, but also shows her character who is not to be outdone.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

"At that time, I didn't know what it meant to be sleek or sophisticated," Jiang Xin recalled, "I only knew how to express myself authentically, even if it sometimes offended people."

It is this undisguised truth that makes Jiang Xin quickly stand out in the entertainment industry. Her performances are full of vitality and passion, and her words and deeds are always so distinct and unique.

However, this trait has also brought her a lot of trouble and criticism.

In the filming of "Dragon Babu", Jiang Xin vividly interpreted the details of the characters, especially when depicting the scene where the two characters were attacked by "aphrodisiacs", her performance was very visually impactful, showing extraordinary acting skills.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

This not only won praise from the audience, but also impressed industry insiders.

Jiang Xin said with a smile: "Some people say that I have low emotional intelligence, and some people say that I don't know how to think about others. But what I'm trying to say is that I just choose to be my most authentic self. This kind of persistence has made Jiang Xin a clear stream in the world of hypocrisy and performance in the entertainment industry.

From an amateur to an "unmanageable" actor, Jiang Xin interprets what is real in her own way. Her story has become a unique existence in the entertainment industry, inspiring more people to have the courage to be their true selves.

At the recording site of "Ace vs. Ace", Jiang Xin once again showed her true temperament, but it also unexpectedly caused a small storm. When the program team arranged to take a photo with Wang Ziwen, Jiang Xin subconsciously posed the pose that could best show his advantages, and used side shots to highlight his figure.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

However, she ignored the fact that the petite Wang Ziwen might be embarrassed by this.

This little episode caused the scene to fall into an awkward atmosphere for a while. Jiang Xin recalled the scene at that time, and a trace of remorse flashed in her eyes. "I was so focused on showing myself that I didn't care about other people's feelings," she whispered, "and it made me realize that authenticity shouldn't come at the cost of hurting others."

Fortunately, the witty Jia Ling resolved this embarrassing scene in time. She cleverly proposed to shoot only the upper body, which not only took care of Wang Ziwen's feelings, but also maintained Jiang Xin's image.

This vignette makes Jiang Xin begin to reflect on her own actions, and she realizes that authenticity and thoughtfulness are not contradictory, on the contrary, they should complement each other.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

"While staying authentic, you also have to learn to empathize," Jiang said thoughtfully, "and this is probably the most important lesson I have learned in my acting career."

This experience made Jiang Xin feel more considerate of the feelings of others while maintaining her true self. Her true temperament is still distinct, but it has become gentler and more tolerant.

She has learned to show herself while also taking into account the feelings of others, and this balance allows her to show a more mature and mellow side on the variety show stage.

Jiang Xin's growth is not only reflected in her words and deeds, but also in her attitude towards work. She began to treat every variety show recording more attentively, trying to find a balance between authenticity and professionalism.

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

This transformation has won her the love and recognition of more audiences on the variety show stage.

Today's Jiang Xin, standing at the crossroads of life, looking back on the past, there is both firmness and softness in his eyes. She remains true to herself, but has learned to find a balance between authenticity and sleekness.

"An excellent actor," she firmly believes, "should be able to face reality head-on in order to interpret a wonderful life in the play."

"'Strong' has never been a problem," Jiang Xin said confidently, with a determined glint in her eyes, "The real question is whether we dare to be our true selves."

"Strong" has never been a problem, and Jiang Xin's "sobriety" has torn off how many "female star" fig leafs

Her eyes are like torches, as if she is challenging the entire entertainment industry.

Looking forward to the future, Jiang Xin hopes to continue to find a balance between acting and public welfare, and influence more people in her own way. Her story may become a unique existence in the entertainment industry, inspiring more people to be their true selves.

"This is me, Jiang Xin," she smiled brightly in the mirror, "an imperfect, but forever true me." I will continue to use my own way to tear the fig leaf of the entertainment industry and show my truest self.

Jiang Xin's story is not only her personal growth process, but also a challenge and inspiration for the entire entertainment industry. In her own way, she interprets what is the real star charm, and also points out a path for those who want to stay true in this circle.

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