
A 6-month-old baby bumpers over a hot water bowl and burns the emergency doctor to teach you the emergency treatment of burns

author:Shenyang health release
A 6-month-old baby bumpers over a hot water bowl and burns the emergency doctor to teach you the emergency treatment of burns
A 6-month-old baby bumpers over a hot water bowl and burns the emergency doctor to teach you the emergency treatment of burns
A 6-month-old baby bumpers over a hot water bowl and burns the emergency doctor to teach you the emergency treatment of burns

At 10:12 a.m. on June 26, the Xue Peng emergency team of the Dadong Second Branch of the Shenyang Emergency Center received a request for help, and a baby in the jurisdiction was scalded and needed first aid, and the emergency team urgently went to the child's home. After arriving at the scene, I saw the 6-month-old baby and its parents, and learned that the child was in good health in the past, and the child accidentally knocked down the bowl containing hot water at the time of the incident, and the hot water spilled on the body, and the family then dialed 120 for help, and after examination, it was found that the child's right chest, abdomen, and right inner thigh, a large area of skin flushing, and multiple blisters could be seen on the surface, with blisters ranging from 1-2cm in diameter, and some of the blisters had burst. After the incident, the family members have given the child cold water to rinse and cool down, and the medical staff bandaged and cold compressed the child, and quickly sent the child to the hospital for further treatment.

A 6-month-old baby bumpers over a hot water bowl and burns the emergency doctor to teach you the emergency treatment of burns

In daily life, infants and young children are highly curious and have insufficient cognitive ability to risk factors, and are prone to burn accidents. As a parent, it is important to know the correct first aid methods while monitoring safety, and it can even save your child's life at a critical moment. The following is the scientific knowledge of first aid for burns provided by emergency doctors:

1. Common causes of burns

1. Hot liquid burns: such as hot water, hot soup, hot milk, etc.

2. Flame burns: such as contact with open flames, candles, etc.

3. Electrical burns: contact sockets, wires, etc.

2. Judge the degree of burns

1. First-degree burns: The skin is only red and swollen, and the pain is obvious, but there are no blisters.

2. Second-degree burns: blisters appear on the skin, the base is ruddy, and the pain is severe.

3. Third-degree burns: The whole thickness of the skin is damaged, which is scorch-like, and even the muscles and bones may be damaged, and the pain is not obvious.

A 6-month-old baby bumpers over a hot water bowl and burns the emergency doctor to teach you the emergency treatment of burns

3. First aid steps after a baby burn

1. Rinse: Immediately rinse the burned area with cold running water for 15 - 30 minutes to reduce the surface temperature of the skin and reduce pain and damage. Be careful not to have too much water to avoid breaking through the blisters.

2. Take off: Carefully take off the clothes covering the burned area in cold water, if the clothes are sticky to the skin, do not tear them forcibly, you can use scissors to cut the surrounding clothes first, and keep the adhesion part.

3. Soaking: Continue to soak the scalded area in cold water for 15 - 30 minutes to further reduce pain and heat penetration.

4. Cover: Cover the burned area with a clean gauze or towel to avoid infection.

5. Send: Take to the hospital immediately or call the 120 emergency number.

4. Precautions in first aid

1. Do not apply toothpaste, soy sauce, sesame oil and other items to the burned area, as these not only have no therapeutic effect, but may also cause infection and affect the doctor's judgment of the injury.

2. Do not pick blisters to avoid infection.

3. If the burn area is large or the condition is severe, you can give the baby some warm water to prevent dehydration while waiting for rescue.

5. Measures to prevent infant burns

1. Place hot water properly: Keep hot water bottles, hot soups, etc. out of the reach of babies.

2. Pay attention to kitchen safety: Do not let babies into the kitchen when cooking, avoid touching the stove, hot pot, etc.

3. Adjust the water temperature: When bathing the baby, put cold water and then hot water, and test the water temperature with your elbows to control the water temperature at about 37 - 40°C.

Infant burns can be a sad thing, but as long as parents have the right first aid methods and take precautions, they can minimize the injuries. I hope that every parent can always be vigilant and create a safe environment for their children to grow up.

Author: Xue Peng

Source: Shenyang Emergency Center

Editor: Sheng Wenbo

Proofreading: Sun Ping, Chen Zeming

Preliminary review: Jin Bo

Review: Xu Jiang

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