
Big discussion: Should Zhang Ziyu, Liu Yutong, and Zhang Jingyi join the Chinese women's national basketball team?

author:The truth is my relative

Personally, I think there is nothing wrong with the national team not using Liu Yutong and Zhang Jingyi, but Zhang Ziyu definitely wants to use it.

Recently, Zhang Ziyu has become popular all over the Internet, saying that it is not a coincidence that the Chinese women's basketball team, which is training in Europe to prepare for the Paris Olympics, has been defeated repeatedly. As a result, everyone began to question the employment of the national team, and many people called on the national team to call Zhang Ziyu, Liu Yutong, and even Zhang Jingyi into the Chinese women's national basketball team.

Big discussion: Should Zhang Ziyu, Liu Yutong, and Zhang Jingyi join the Chinese women's national basketball team?

Personally, I think that after Zhang Jingyi played in the WCBA for a year, he really felt that he had not reached the level of the national team.

And Liu Yutong, there is nothing wrong with the national team. After all, Liu Yutong is only 2.01 meters, and she competes with Han Xu at 2.08 meters and Li Yueru at 2.01 meters for the same position.

Big discussion: Should Zhang Ziyu, Liu Yutong, and Zhang Jingyi join the Chinese women's national basketball team?

Is it true that Zhang Ziyu, who is 2.24 meters tall, cannot be used by the national team?

Definitely not.

Many of us have played basketball, I don't know if you have ever met someone who is 20 centimeters taller than you have ever played ball, such as 1.70 meters to 1.90 meters. Anyone who has played knows that the game can't be played.

And Zhang Ziyu is a person who is more than 20 centimeters taller than the highest peak in any country, so she is so different.

Big discussion: Should Zhang Ziyu, Liu Yutong, and Zhang Jingyi join the Chinese women's national basketball team?

Take Chinese male players as an example, if you are only about 2 meters tall, even if you win the NBA championship, you can only become Sun Yue, and when you are 2.26 meters tall, you can become Yao Ming.

Women are generally shorter than men, and Zhang Ziyu's height advantage is even more prominent for the women's basketball team. Zhang Ziyu, who is 2.24 meters tall, will definitely surpass Yao Ming in her ceiling.

So far, the Chinese women's basketball team has won two world runners-up, once we have Zheng Haixia, who is 2.06 meters tall, and once we have Han Xu, who is 2.08 meters tall (I have always felt that Li Yueru's height is actually almost meaningful).

Big discussion: Should Zhang Ziyu, Liu Yutong, and Zhang Jingyi join the Chinese women's national basketball team?

When we have Zhang Ziyu, who is 2.24 meters tall or even taller, what will happen to the Chinese women's basketball team?

It can be predicted now that Zhang Ziyu is the hope of the Chinese women's basketball team for at least 10 years in the future, and she is the biggest support for the Chinese women's basketball team to win the world championship and even the Olympic championship for the first time.

Big discussion: Should Zhang Ziyu, Liu Yutong, and Zhang Jingyi join the Chinese women's national basketball team?

Let's take it to the Paris Olympics.

It's very simple, without Zhang Ziyu, the Chinese women's basketball team will win the most medals this year, and there is a high probability that it will be a top 4 or top 8; And with Zhang Ziyu, he may get a gold medal.

Big discussion: Should Zhang Ziyu, Liu Yutong, and Zhang Jingyi join the Chinese women's national basketball team?

Some people say that the Paris Olympics will open in more than 20 days, and Zhang Ziyu has not practiced with the national team and will not be able to go.

What does Zhang Ziyu want to practice together, pass the ball to the sky for her, and then leave it alone, won't the current guards of the Chinese women's basketball team be?

If Zhang Ziyu did not go to Paris in the end, it would be a big pity for Chinese fans.

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