
After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

author:There is history in the wind
After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Recently, Chinese U18 women's basketball player Zhang Ziyu's anti-sky performance went viral on the Internet, and netizens praised her as the "future star" of the Chinese women's basketball team, but before that, another women's basketball "future star" Liu Yutong failed to enter the national team.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

In the face of this unexpected turning point, Liu Yutong was not discouraged, but chose a difficult but hopeful path. Liu Yutong's physical fitness can be called against the sky.

With a height of 2.01 meters and a weight of 110 kilograms, such data is enough to make people marvel in the women's basketball world. At last year's Chengdu Universiade, she was like a moving fortress, galloping under the basket.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

In the face of strong teams in Europe and the United States, Liu Yutong's confrontation ability is not inferior to that of his opponents. Her performance was like a dazzling lightning bolt, illuminating the future of the Chinese women's basketball team.

With the cooperation of her and Han Xu, the Chinese women's basketball team finally won the gold cup of the Universiade, which made fans across the country cheer. However, talent is not the only passport to success.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Although he was brilliant at the Universiade, Liu Yutong failed to be selected for the national team as he wished. The result came as a surprise to many and sparked speculation. A closer look at the reasons for this reveals a few key factors.

First of all, the national team's interior lineup is already quite strong. Han Xu and Li Yueru, two veterans, are strong and experienced.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

In this case, even if Liu Yutong is selected, it will be difficult to get too much playing time. For a young player who is on the rise, sitting on the bench is obviously not conducive to her development.

Secondly, Liu Yutong's physical fitness problem is also a shortcoming that cannot be ignored. In high-intensity competitions, she is physically exhausted quickly and struggles to perform at a high level consistently.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

This problem is especially acute when facing strong opponents. A good player must not only have excellent technique, but also have long-lasting stamina.

Faced with such a predicament, Liu Yutong did not choose to give up or complain. Instead, she made an admirable decision: to go to the United States for intensive training at her own expense. This decision not only shows her love for basketball, but also her determination to excel.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

In the WCBA offseason, when other players may choose to rest or prepare for the game, Liu Yutong embarked on a journey to the United States. Her goal is clear: to improve her fitness and flexibility.

This is the area where she most urgently needs to improve. Through systematic training, she hopes to overcome her own shortcomings and win the favor of the national team coach again. Liu Yutong's advantages are obvious.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Her muscular body is like an impassable mountain on the inside, making her opponents daunting. However, this also brings with it some unavoidable problems.

Her lack of flexibility and relatively clumsy footwork on the inside could be an Achilles' heel in high-level play. In addition, her fitness is not as good as it could be, and she is usually only able to play the full three quarters efficiently.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

However, these issues are not insurmountable chasms. Through this special training in the United States, Liu Yutong hopes to improve his strength in an all-round way. She understands that only by constantly improving can she stand out from the fierce competition and regain the favor of the national team.

Liu Yutong's story has brought us profound inspiration. Talent is important, but persistence and hard work are also essential.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Her decision to go to the United States for special training at her own expense shows the fighting spirit and professional attitude that an athlete should have. This spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and having the courage to challenge oneself is worth learning from everyone who pursues excellence.

We are looking forward to seeing a brand new Liu Yutong. A Liu Yutong with more physical fitness and more comprehensive skills. Hopefully, she can show amazing progress in the league and prove her worth with her strength.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Returning to the national team and winning glory for the country is believed to be the dream of every Chinese athlete, and it is also the goal that Liu Yutong strives for. Liu Yutong's story continues.

Every time she progresses, it is the hope of the Chinese women's basketball team; Every breakthrough she makes is the pride of Chinese sports. Let's cheer for this brave "big baby" and look forward to her shining brighter on the basketball court.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

In the world of competitive sports, success never happens overnight. It requires talent, and it needs to be watered by sweat. Liu Yutong is interpreting this truth with his own actions.

Her hard work and determination are not only for a position in the national team, but also for self-breakthrough and transcendence. Every great athlete has a hard time training.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Liu Yutong is now writing his own chapter. Every drop of her sweat in the United States is for her brilliant performance on the field in the future. We have reason to believe that after this special training, she will return to the competition with a new look.

Let us look forward to Liu Yutong's transformation and growth. I look forward to her being able to prove her worth with her performance in the future and regain the trust of the national team. Every step of her progress is the hope of the Chinese women's basketball team; Every breakthrough she makes is the pride of Chinese sports.

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Liu Yutong on the court is like a rising star. Her light may not be dazzling enough now, but we know that she is moving towards a higher goal at her own pace, step by step.

In this challenging world of basketball, Liu Yutong's story continues. We look forward to seeing her shine brighter in the future, and looking forward to her breaking through and creating miracles."

After losing the women's national basketball team, the whereabouts of the "big baby" Liu Yutong were exposed, and the reasons behind it are thought-provoking

Every time we see Liu Yutong fighting the court, we can't help but want to cheer for her. Her hard work and perseverance are not only for herself, but also for all those who have dreams.

The lights on the basketball court are still bright, and Liu Yutong's figure is flying on the court. We know that the story of this "big baby" has just begun.

Let's witness her growth together, cheer for her every progress, and cheer for her every dream. On this stage full of possibilities, we believe that Liu Yutong will surely bloom with his own unique light.

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