
The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia 82-93, why don't Liu Yutong and Zhang Jingyi use it!

author:Sakuragi chats about balls


The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia 82-93, why don't Liu Yutong and Zhang Jingyi use it!

On June 30, Beijing time, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia 82-93 in the warm-up game, and has lost three in a row, Han Xu got 24 points and 6 rebounds, Sun Mengran 15 points, Yang Shuyu 8 points, Wang Siyu 7 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists, Pan Zhenqi 5 points, 3 assists and 3 rebounds, Huang Sijing 5 points, 3 steals and 2 rebounds, Luo Xinqi 5 points, Li Yuan 4 points, 3 assists and 2 rebounds, Wu Tongtong 4 points and 6 assists, Zhang Ru 3 points and 2 rebounds, Yang Liwei 2 points!

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia 82-93, why don't Liu Yutong and Zhang Jingyi use it!

The Chinese team has been very passive in this game, the continuous warm-up games have made us see the problems and gaps, Wang Siyu is not as sharp as before, Li Yuan came to the international arena, especially against European and American teams, it is difficult to display the ability, Yang Liwei and Wu Tongtong can no longer be used, these two people are given for nothing on the defensive end, and it is difficult for Wu Tongtong to return to the state before the injury on the offensive end, Pan Zhenqi and Zhang Ru are both auxiliary types, the team lacks an offensive core, and the two of them can't help, and in the recent warm-up games, Zhang Ru faced the European team, and his ability to grab and defend was gone, and Jin Weina was already incapacitated, and in terms of newcomers, Luo Xinqi and Yang Shuyu were still very immature, and it was impossible for them to change the situation!!

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia 82-93, why don't Liu Yutong and Zhang Jingyi use it!

The Chinese women's basketball team has today's embarrassment, or the replacement is too slow, Wu Tongtong and Jin Weina should have given up a long time ago, among the domestic players, the characteristic players Liu Yutong and Zhang Jingyi should have been trained in advance, and Liu Yutong cooperated with Han Xu in the Universiade, the two of them can appear at the same time, Liu Yutong has distinctive characteristics, some people are worried about Liu Yutong's defense, and now look at the national team This group of people faces European teams, and there is no bright spot in defense!! If Liu Yutong is there, he can even put more pressure on the opponent!

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia 82-93, why don't Liu Yutong and Zhang Jingyi use it!

In addition to Liu Yutong, Zhang Jingyi is also a very good player, some people say that Zhang Jingyi can score three points, but think about it carefully, is there a player as stable as Zhang Jingyi with three points in the national team, and the ability of the current Chinese women's basketball team is not enough to only score three points? When Han Xu and Wang Siyu attract defense, if it is Zhang Jingyi standing on the outside, she only needs to hit the ball, and the offensive space of the Chinese team will be much larger, and the pressure on Han Xu will be reduced, and now in the Chinese team, many players face Serbia and Spain, and they don't even dare to shoot, and their confidence is almost gone, the existing lineup of the Chinese women's basketball team has declined seriously, and the Olympic prospects are very bad!!

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