
Practicing the spirit of educators (8)|Chen Qingtian: Leading high school students to plan themselves and build their dreams for the future

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Practicing the spirit of educators (8)|Chen Qingtian: Leading high school students to plan themselves and build their dreams for the future

[Editor's note]

No flower is a flower from the beginning, and when babbling children grow into energetic young people, they are inseparable from the guidance and companionship of their class teachers every step of the way. At 12:00 on April 26, the third phase of the 2024 Dongguan Education System "Why I Be a Teacher" Teacher Ethics Theme Video was launched, and the video showed the warmest and most solid force to support the growth of students through the stories of 4 class teachers in four different stages of kindergarten, primary school, junior high school and high school.

In them, practicing the spirit of educators is to understand, support, and help students, to focus, execute, and solve problems, and to reflect, improve, and excel in business. Southern + second combing video, see the education behind the head teacher of Guanyi.


Practicing the spirit of educators (8)|Chen Qingtian: Leading high school students to plan themselves and build their dreams for the future

After walking through the youth and stepping through the eighteen-year-old "adult" gate, in Dongguan No. 5 Senior High School, a career drama "Flying Shape" written, directed and acted by teachers and students has influenced one class of students after another, and the producer is the school's teacher Chen Qingtian.

Practicing the spirit of educators (8)|Chen Qingtian: Leading high school students to plan themselves and build their dreams for the future

"Trust and promote each other in academics, tolerance and mutual understanding in life, guidance in development, and key companionship" is the teacher-student relationship that Chen Qingtian strives to pursue and hopes to achieve. Combined with the growth and psychological development characteristics of high school students, in the curriculum design of "Huimei Career Planning" in No. 5 Middle School, he and his team created the first "career drama" that students like to see.

"Jin Shuren, a career education expert, said, 'Career planning is to choose a lifestyle that can be settled according to one's original appearance, judging the time, sizing the situation, randomness, and adaptation'. How do I spend the three years of high school?What are my hobbies?What kind of major do I choose in the future?What kind of life do I want to live?This is also the original intention of our creation of "Flying Shape", hoping to guide students to plan themselves and build their dreams for the future. Chen Qingtian introduced that "Flying Shape" has a total of 8 episodes, and the two protagonists are the "prototypes" of previous students.

Practicing the spirit of educators (8)|Chen Qingtian: Leading high school students to plan themselves and build their dreams for the future

Among them, Wang Fei's story development is a typical example of success after students experience setbacks, and Liu Xing's story development is a real life that respects interests and diversified development, and experiences the growth process of "change-conflict-adaptation-choice-struggle".

Carried out with the working idea of "total collection planning + writing of each episode", based on the people and things around you, "Flying Shape" has been launched since the project in 2020, and nearly 400 students have participated in the production in more than two years, and they are all successful practitioners of their own career development.

"Life is like a play, everyone is not only a screenwriter, but also the protagonist, and has the initiative to create career scripts", the success of "Flying Shape" also made Chen Qingtian determined, whether it is a course or a project, it ultimately points to the comprehensive and individual development of students.

Practicing the spirit of educators (8)|Chen Qingtian: Leading high school students to plan themselves and build their dreams for the future

In the future, he and his team will continue to deepen their career field and complete the research and practice from "Career Drama Experience Course" to "Humanistic Career" to help more students plan a happy life.

【Co-ordinator】Wang Hui

【Author】Huang Ting, Li Han

【Image/Video】Sun Junjie Li Han

【Design】Yuan Yongping

【Authors】 Huang Ting, Sun Junjie, Li Han, Yuan Yongping

Education Guanjia

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