
Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

author:Jade comes to entertain
Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

At the end of June, the National Track and Field Championships and the National Track and Field Grand Prix Finals kicked off in anticipation. It was in this game that a dazzling name once again ignited the enthusiasm of the audience - Wu Yanni.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

She won the women's 100m hurdles with a stunning time of 12.74 seconds, which was not only a personal victory, but also a classic battle of speed and perseverance. However, behind the championship, controversy and applause flew together, what made her the focus of the game?

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

On the day of the race, the sun scorched the track, and the enthusiasm in the audience was like the hot summer sun. As soon as the gun rang out, Wu Yanni seemed to be a little slow when she started, and the audience couldn't help but sigh. But who would have thought that in these fleeting seconds, she was like a phoenix nirvana, gradually speeding up, hurdling like flying.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

The deficit in the first half didn't seem to affect her rhythm, but instead allowed her to show more explosiveness in the second half. In the end, Wu Yanni crossed the finish line first with a time of 12.74 seconds, and at this moment, the cheers on the scene were like a tide, and the entry of "Wu Yanni Women's 100m Hurdles Champion" quickly rushed to the hot search, and the heated discussions continued.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

In addition to the applause and flowers, there are also some doubts. Some netizens pointed out that Wu Yanni's starting reaction time was the slowest in the field, is there some luck in winning the championship like this? But it turns out that speed racing is not just about the start, but also about explosiveness and rhythm in the second half. Wu Yanni responded to all doubts with strength, a real champion not only needs speed, but also wisdom and perseverance.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

In the face of various voices on the Internet, Wu Yanni was particularly calm. In her post-race interview, she addressed the doubts with her usual humility and humor: "Slow start? That's me creating suspense for everyone! This light-hearted sentence not only caused laughter from the scene, but also made people see the indomitable spirit in her.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

Wu Yanni's response was like a gust of wind, blowing away the clouds of doubt. She doesn't deliberately explain anything, nor is she in a hurry to prove anything, but in a humorous and light-hearted way, people can see her attitude towards the game and life. Such an attitude is not only a manifestation of self-confidence, but also the calmness and firmness that she has honed over the years of training and competition.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

In fact, this is not the first time that Wu Yanni has achieved excellent results in the field. Throughout the season, she broke several personal bests and proved her worth with victory after victory.

She is like a precision clock, every second is rigorously calibrated, and every step is full of control of speed and control of rhythm. Her success is not accidental, but the result of countless trainings, countless adjustments, and countless self-challenges.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

On the field, Wu Yanni is not only running, but also competing with herself. Every hurdle, every sprint, is a challenge to the limits of oneself. She used her performance to tell us that the best response is the result, and that hard work will not disappoint anyone who runs hard. Her performance on the field is not only a demonstration of speed, but also the crystallization of perseverance and wisdom.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

Wu Yanni's growth trajectory is like an inspirational movie, and every picture is full of passion and challenges. From obscurity to being in the spotlight, she has gone through too many hardships and efforts. In countless trainings, she broke through herself again and again, set new records, and proved her strength with practical actions. Her success story inspires countless young people to believe that if they work hard, they will be able to achieve their dreams.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

Wu Yanni's success has undoubtedly injected a shot in the arm for Chinese track and field. The young athlete's performance on the field was like a shining star, illuminating the entire track and field world. Her progress and strength are not only worthy of our applause, but also should give her enough space and time to grow.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

In this era of information explosion, athletes' every move is infinitely amplified. Weibo, WeChat, Toutiao, every social platform is focusing on her every start, every hurdle, and every sprint. One of her starting mistakes may lead to countless questions; One of her victories could also be interpreted as accidental.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

Wu Yanni stood in such a spotlight, bearing countless expectations and pressures. Should we give them more understanding and support? Let them be able to run more firmly on the road of chasing their dreams.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

Wu Yanni's story has also given us a lot of inspiration. Every hurdle she hurdles tells us that no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, as long as we have firm beliefs and continue to work hard, there will always be a glorious moment of our own. Imagine that in that tense arena, Wu Yanni faced an opponent who was also eager to win, and it was that unknown and challenging runway.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

She did not flinch, but chose to face the difficulties, and every step she took was interpreting the true meaning of perseverance and perseverance. Her success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to each and every one of us. The infinite possibilities of youth have been best interpreted in her.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

In Wu Yanni, we see the strength and hope of the younger generation. She uses her practical actions to tell us what hard work is, what persistence is, and what is the meaning of struggle. Every training, every competition, is her pursuit and persistence of her dreams. She is not only running, but also chasing her dreams and the blue sky in her heart.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

Wu Yanni's success also reminds us that behind every success, there are countless efforts and sweat. Every achievement she has achieved in the Circle has been the result of her numerous falls and rises on the training ground.

We see her cheering at the finish line, but few people know how much effort and sacrifice she put in behind the scenes. Her success is a revelation to each of us: only by continuous efforts can we usher in our own glorious moments.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

Looking at Wu Yanni running on the track, we can't help but feel the infinite possibilities of youth. Every step she takes inspires us to pursue our dreams bravely and not be afraid of challenges. Life is like a track, full of unknowns and challenges, but as long as we have dreams in our hearts and keep moving forward, we will definitely usher in our own moment of victory.

Wu Yanni won the women's 100m 12.74 championship and rushed to the hot search, and the post-game interview was laughing

Wu Yanni's victory is the best tribute to youth and the most powerful encouragement for each of us. In the face of difficulties and setbacks in life, can we also be like her, maintain a firm heart and keep working hard to move forward? Let us take Wu Yanni as an example, bravely chase our dreams, and welcome our own glory.

Overall, Wu Yanni is not only a champion on the field, but also a role model in our lives. She used her own experience to tell us that the road to success is never smooth, but as long as we persevere, we will eventually usher in our own glorious moment. Let's run bravely towards our dreams together!

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