
The 36-year-old well-known mountaineer Zhang Yuanzhi was killed, and the picture of falling off the cliff was exposed, and he once said: Mountaineering will kill people!

author:Wishing you prosperity.

Zhang Yuanzhi, an ordinary name, hides an extraordinary heart behind it. He is a real mountaineering fan, and his obsession with mountains is like a fish that can't do without water, and a bird that can't do without the sky. But who would have thought that this love would become the last journey of his life.

The 36-year-old well-known mountaineer Zhang Yuanzhi was killed, and the picture of falling off the cliff was exposed, and he once said: Mountaineering will kill people!

On June 27th, a day that sounded very ordinary, Zhang Yuan was deeply attracted by the majestic beauty of the South Needle Peak, and decided to embark on a journey to conquer it with his mentor Zhang Xingwen.

The Needle du Mid, located in the French Alps, is a member of the Mont Blanc group, with a height of 3,842 meters, which is an unattainable dream for many people, but a challenge for both of them. But nature always has its unpredictable side.

The 36-year-old well-known mountaineer Zhang Yuanzhi was killed, and the picture of falling off the cliff was exposed, and he once said: Mountaineering will kill people!

Just 3,200 meters above sea level, an accident quietly came. Not wearing a safety rope may be just an inconspicuous negligence in normal times, but at that moment, it has become the dividing line between life and death.

Zhang Yuanzhi fell from the cliff like this, and the distance of 250 meters was enough to completely shatter the hope of life. At that moment, the mountain was still the same mountain, but the people could never come back.

Zhang Yuanzhi is not a novice, and his mountaineering resume can make people dazzled. From Aconcagua, the highest mountain in South America, to Makalu, the fifth highest peak in the world, every mountain he trampled on was a testament to his courage and determination.

Every time he climbs, it is a transcendence of self and an exploration of the unknown. It's just that this time, he didn't get to the top again, but stayed in the arms of the mountain forever.

The 36-year-old well-known mountaineer Zhang Yuanzhi was killed, and the picture of falling off the cliff was exposed, and he once said: Mountaineering will kill people!

When the bad news spread, it was his family, through social media, who endured their grief and informed the outside world of this unacceptable fact. For a while, the Internet was full of mourning voices, and while everyone felt sorry for the death of this brave man, they also expressed their respect and gratitude to him.

Every time Zhang Yuanzhi shared before his death, every expression of his love for mountaineering, it was like a seed, planted in people's hearts, although it is no longer there, but the love of life and the pursuit of the limit, but after he left, blossomed into the flowers of longing.

Zhang Yuanzhi himself actually knows very well that mountaineering is separated from death by a layer of window paper. He once said that every climber is playing a dangerous game with death, and every step can be a choice between life and death.

The 36-year-old well-known mountaineer Zhang Yuanzhi was killed, and the picture of falling off the cliff was exposed, and he once said: Mountaineering will kill people!

It sounds heavy, but he never flinched because of this, but cherished every opportunity to climb and was more in awe of every close contact with nature.

His story is like a mirror, reflecting everyone's deep desire for adventure, and at the same time, it is also a wake-up call, reminding us that on the road to pursuing our dreams, safety is always the bottom line that cannot be crossed.

His experience tells us that life is not only about the present, but also about poetry and distance, but on the way to pursue poetry and distance, remember to bring a safe bag, because the waiting of the family is the warmest light on the way home.

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