
Three young men rented a Mercedes-Benz and raced on the village road, the operation lost control and killed people, and they abandoned the vehicle and fled the scene

author:Da Chen Hunting

Woe to man and rain to heaven! Some people, because they are too ignorant, go further and further on the road of death, and eventually harm not only themselves but also others.

On June 30, netizens posted a video to break the news that a serious traffic accident occurred in Anshun County, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, when a car was driving on a rural road, due to excessive speed, the driver accidentally operated the vehicle out of control, and hit people directly into the roadside house, and the three people in the car were too scared to drop the car and fled the scene.

Three young men rented a Mercedes-Benz and raced on the village road, the operation lost control and killed people, and they abandoned the vehicle and fled the scene

The video shows that in Mengba Village, Anshun County, a black Mercedes-Benz sedan with a "Gui A" license plate crashed into the wall of a house on the side of the road, and the front of the car had rushed into the house, leaving only the butt of the car outside, and the driver who caused the accident was nowhere to be found. Dozens of villagers were watching the scene, and everyone was talking loudly, asking about the specific situation of the car accident, and some people immediately called the police.

Three young men rented a Mercedes-Benz and raced on the village road, the operation lost control and killed people, and they abandoned the vehicle and fled the scene

According to insiders, the car accident occurred on the night of the 29th, three young men rented a Mercedes-Benz car, and raced on the village road at night, the speed was as high as more than 100 yards per hour, and the driver may be a novice, and it is not clear whether he has a driver's license. At night, the sight was not good, coupled with speeding, found someone in front of him, the driver panicked, and as a result, he hit and killed someone, and the three young people were so frightened that they jumped out of the car and fled without a trace.

Three young men rented a Mercedes-Benz and raced on the village road, the operation lost control and killed people, and they abandoned the vehicle and fled the scene

As the saying goes: If you can run, a monk can't run the temple! Car rental companies all register information about renters, and there is surveillance everywhere, and it is believed that the police will be able to catch the perpetrators soon. If it is driving without a license, hit-and-run, and a few years in prison is settled, turning himself in may be able to reduce the guilt a little.

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