
Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

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Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

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"If you don't pass it three times, how do you say you can move around?"

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

A hot spot in the cross talk circle in June is definitely the open and secret battle between Li Yinfei and Guo Degang.

When Li Yinfei chatted with netizens in the live broadcast room, he revealed that he had added Guo Degang three friends, but they were all lost in the sea and there was no news.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Graduated from Tsinghua University and appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala twice.

He is a disciple of Deyun Club, a disciple of Ma Ji, and a rising star of cross talk commended by the People's Daily.

Li Yinfei is such an excellent junior, it stands to reason that he should be right with Guo Degang, the big man in the circle, and Meimei.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

But Guo Degang "made bad comments" in public, and Li Yinfei was not to be outdone, and insinuated that he was not as good as day by day.

One is a rising star in cross talk, and the other is a leader in cross talk.

What happened between the two to make such an embarrassment?

Sanjia friends were not passed, is Li Yinfei scheming or Guo Degang stingy?

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around
The source of this article comes from the authoritative reports [People's Daily Online], [Yangtze Evening News], [Big Funny Crosstalk Li Yinfei Douyin Homepage] (detailed sources are attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

The origin of Deyun Society

"Persist in creating, I want to learn from Mr. Ma."

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

On June 20, Li Yinfei posted a video saying that he wanted to pay tribute to his master Ma Ji.

He spoke without gasping for breath, speaking clearly, without pause, without mistakes.

The video of just over a minute made fans admire, and the comment area was full of praise.


"It's a mouthful."

"Ma Ji's masterpieces are all excellent."

Paying sincere tribute to the deceased master, in a sense, also shows that Li Yinfei is not a person who does not know how to repay his kindness.

However, he has a different attitude towards the leader of the new cross talk.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Little known Before joining Ma Jimen, he was a senior student of Deyun Club.

For the head Guo Degang, Li Yinfei, a junior, must have respect even if he is not familiar with it.

But the reality is that the relationship between the two was tense to the point of saber rattling.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Guo Degang mercilessly criticized him for not being successful in variety shows, and he used "nostalgia for Guo Degang 06 years ago" to satirize.

This can't help but make people wonder, where did Li Yinfei get the confidence to dare to call Guo Degang?

What is his relationship with Deyun Club?

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Li Yinfei, born in the 80s, is an authentic Beijinger.

When he was a child, he often listened to Ma Sanli and Hou Baolin's cross talk jokes, and he was fascinated and would talk about them.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

The family was worried that Li Yinfei's studies would be affected by listening to cross talk, so they never thought of letting Li Yinfei learn professional cross talk skills.

Fortunately, Li Yinfei has been a scholar since he was a child, and he listens to cross talk and learns at the same time.

To his parents' surprise, Li Yinfei actually developed cross talk as his specialty and added points to his studies.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

In 2005, he was admitted to Tsinghua University, a prestigious university, as a student with a specialty in quyi.

After entering a university of higher learning, Li Yinfei became more determined to receive professional cross talk training.

He believes that there is a specialization in the art industry, and he can only learn professional theoretical knowledge in Tsinghua University, and the real practical experience can only be accessed by the cross talk club.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

In 2006, when Li Yinfei saw Deyun Club's notice of external enrollment, he couldn't suppress his excitement and decisively signed up.

After layers of screening, Li Yinfei finally became a disciple of the "crane" character department of Deyun Club.

Like other Deyun Club students, Li Yinfei received systematic and standardized cross talk training on the platform.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

After performing on stage again and again, Li Yinfei realized that he gradually had the professional skills and professionalism of a professional cross talk actor.

After studying in Deyun Club for three years, Li Yinfei chose to leave.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Sometimes it's just that way.

It just so happened that someone in Deyun Club chatted with Li Yinfei about his future plans and asked him if he had ever thought about earning money by talking about cross talk in the future.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Li Yinfei carefully considered his career path, he knew that he liked cross talk, but he didn't want to spend his whole life on cross talk.

He longs for a free life and wants to be a freelancer who can do anything.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Since Deyun Club is cultivating cross talk professionals, Li Yinfei only regards cross talk as a hobby.

This is also destined to Li Yinfei to part ways with Deyun Club.

After taking off his robe, Li Yinfei returned to the campus to study his studies, and Deyun Club and him seemed to have become two straight lines that did not intersect with each other.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Tsinghua high-achieving students returned from their studies and founded the cross talk club

In 2012, in line with the dedication to cross talk art and the sense of mission to spread folk art.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Li Yinfei and a group of like-minded young people founded the "Big Funny Crosstalk Club".

Unlike professional cross talk clubs, big comic cross talk clubs are definitely non-professional teams.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

The members of the group come from all walks of life, including doctors, workers, teachers, etc., and what unites them is their common love for cross talk.

Under the leadership of Li Yinfei, the Big Funny Crosstalk Club adheres to the traditional theme and creates cross talk works in a novel and suitable way for all ages.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Li Yinfei has his own sober understanding of the direction of the cross talk club: "We must be easy to understand, not only for people with a literate level, but also for the elderly and children to understand." ”

You must know that there were more than 20 large and small cross talk clubs in Beijing at that time, why did Li Yinfei frame himself in such a severe market environment of competition?

This brings us back to the topic that Li Yinfei researched when he was a Ph.D. student.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

During his studies at Tsinghua University, Li Yinfei joined the school's quyi team, and often gave his cross talk works to the team to perform, figure out, and revise.

In Deyun Club, he came into contact more with the performing arts of cross talk.

When he was studying for a Ph.D., he mainly studied the form of disseminating traditional art, which is the way that the audience likes to see, and it can also inject new vitality into the cross talk industry.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

It is under this insistence that Li Yinfei has successively created many excellent works, such as "Miscellaneous Conversations on Beijing Dialect" with Beijing themes, "Polyphonic Characters" and "I Love Writing Essays" in the Chinese language book series.

According to the "attraction principle", people with the same magnetic field are attracted to each other and come together.

's love and study of cross talk made Li Yinfei appreciated by Liu Hongyi and other cross talk masters.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

In 2014, he was even more fortunate to apprentice to cross talk artist Wang Qianxiang and became Ma Ji's apprentice.

With the guidance of a famous teacher, Li Yinfei's cross talk level has been greatly improved.

In 2016, Li Yinfei appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and his partner Li Ding said a cross talk "I know".

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

's good performance made Li Yinfei an acquaintance of the CCTV evening party since then, his cross talk story is novel, the burden is good, and the audience naturally expects him to appear.

As a newcomer in the cross talk industry, Li Yinfei has changed from a layman to a peer.

And he is also a competitor who has been reported by the "People's Daily", which immediately caused the Deyun Club.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

In 2018, Li Yinfei partnered with Ye Peng to participate in the variety show "Cross Talk Has a Newcomer", but they were repeatedly criticized by judge Guo Degang because of their poor performance.

Guo Degang not only directly commented on Li Yinfei's performance as "very unsuccessful", but also hated that iron could not become steel, and pointed out that it was "a useless thing".

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

In his words, he also revealed that it was because of his slurred speech that this former student of Deyun Club was expelled from the club.

As an authority in the cross talk industry, it is impossible for Guo Degang not to know that his evaluation directly affects Li Yinfei's future.

In particular, the problem of unclear speech not only embarrassed Li Yinfei on the spot, but also became a nightmare for Li Yinfei's career development.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Guo Degang used to be cynical with "high emotional intelligence", and it is rare to criticize so directly.

Many netizens speculated that he felt the pressure of competition between the two cross talk clubs, and was jealous of this rising star who didn't take himself seriously, but now he has sprung up.

However, behind the surface, there is actually another reason hidden.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

went to Cao Yunjin's live broadcast room to talk about cross talk

Many people think that Guo Degang has a dislike for Li Yinfei, and because Cao Yunjin and Li Yinfei are close.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

As we all know, Cao Yunjin will withdraw from Deyun Club, and the key point is that there is a conflict of interest with his old club.

After leaving the big platform of Deyun Club, Cao Yunjin found a new channel for live cross talk.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Speaking cross talk in the live broadcast room not only provided him with a platform to display his cross talk talents, but also became his way to make a living.

Nowadays, Cao Yunjin's cross talk live broadcast room is very popular, and every live broadcast will attract many fans to listen to him and learn to sing.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

After Li Yinfei started the online live broadcast, he not only made his live broadcast room alive;

He was also invited by Cao Yunjin many times to be a guest in the live broadcast room.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Because of this, he was classified as the "Avengers" by Deyun Club fans and became the sworn enemy of Deyun Club.

In fact, Li Yinfei maintained a good relationship with the brothers and sisters of Deyun Club in the past.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Just like he clarified in the live broadcast room, he didn't think so much about being a guest in Cao Yunjin's live broadcast room, just because he liked cross talk.

"Everyone is a brother who has known each other for many years, and it has nothing to do with the grievances in the cross talk circle."

He laughed at himself again and said that Guo Degang didn't invite him, and if Mr. Guo spoke, he would be happy to talk about cross talk.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Since Cao Yunjin invited him, he had no reason to refuse.

In terms of the current scale and influence of Deyun Club, there is no doubt that it is firmly the king of domestic cross talk groups.

The existence of monopoly is an absolute business opportunity for personal interests, but it is not necessarily a good thing for the development of the industry.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

Other small groups, such as the Big Comedy Crosstalk Club, cannot be compared, but they give full play to their own characteristics and bloom in order to make the industry as vigorous as spring.

As Li Yinfei said, folk artists are easy to lose inspiration if they don't move around often, and the vitality of art will not last long.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around


can smile in front of the national audience and accept the evaluation of "mouth is not good", and laugh at himself for his "big mouth".

Silently improved the level of traditional cross talk creation and adaptation, and finally won the Quyi Peony Award.

Li Yinfei used his strength to tear off the label given to him by others.

As for whether people want to agree with him as a friend, it's someone else's business.

Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

(Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.) If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact. )

The content of this article is from the information source: People's Daily Online, Yangtze Evening News, Big Funny Crosstalk Li Yinfei Douyin homepage
Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around
Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around
Ma Ji's disciple Sun Li Yinfei said live broadcast: I added Guo Degang three times, but I didn't pass it, how can I move around

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