
After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

author:Carp leaps over the dragon gate

Hey, have you ever heard of the name Ma Ji? It's not that horseback riding season, but a big guy who plays cross talk perfectly. This guy is amazing, he is Hou Baolin's apprentice, and he is the first ruthless character to put cross talk on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. His apprentice Feng Gong muttered all day long: My master is like the sun, we can't catch up if we want to. Tsk, where is this horse season sacred, so that the apprentice is so touted?

Speaking of which, this Ma Ji is also a halfway monk. Can you believe it? He has four masters! Four! Is this to gather all five masters to summon the Divine Dragon? But then again, this guy came from behind and became the number one person in the cross talk world. After he died in 2006, it spread in the circle: after Ma Ji, there is no master in the cross talk world. This is to beat other cross talk actors to death!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

However, Ma Ji is also a regret maker. His partner Zhao Yan broke a big news at the memorial service: Ma Ji left too suddenly, leaving three unfulfilled wishes. This is good, not only Ma Ji's regret, but also the regret of our melon-eating masses. Seriously, people who have heard of these three regrets can't help but sigh: the honor of this horse season is more than enough to be a master!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

It is said that on December 20, 2006, the Beijing 999 Emergency Center received a report that the famous cross talk actor Ma Ji had a heart attack at his home in the fifth district of Tiantongyuan. As soon as this news came out, the cross talk world was fried. Originally, they wanted to hold a special performance for Ma Ji for the 50th anniversary of his career, but before this time could be set up, they left first. This is good, not only Ma Ji's regret, but also a pain in the hearts of countless Chinese people.

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Do you know? The fate of Ma Ji and cross talk is like a script arranged in advance by God. In 1934, a merchant family in Beijing ushered in a new life, which is our protagonist Ma Ji. When he was a child, the child carried a basket of ice cores to sell on the street every day after school. Imagine the voice of the hawker shuttling through the old hutongs, and years later, his voice reverberates in the long river of China's time. This script is even more bloody than what Aunt Qiong Yao wrote!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Ma Ji has a primary school class president, who is not only his good buddy, but also a relative of the cross talk family. Can you believe this fate? Ma Ji often followed the squad leader to the Qiming Tea House next to Xidan Shopping Mall, selling ice cores and listening to cross talk for free. This kid is really good at picking up cheap, killing two birds with one stone! In this way, cross talk took root in his life and became an indispensable part of him.

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

When he was a child, Ma Ji went to buy sesame sauce, and on the way home, he began to imitate the cries of famous cross talk artists. This acting skill is also amazing, and passers-by are deceived by him to stop and watch. Once, passing by the temple, an old man heard it and boasted, "Okay, boy." As a result, this kid was excited and put all the sesame sauce on the ground. He was trained to go home and be bloody, but it was enough to prove his artistic talent. This is to aspire to be an actor from a young age!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Later, there was an accident in Ma Ji's family, and his father left. Thirteen-year-old Ma Ji had to work as an apprentice at the Hongde Weaving Factory in Shanghai. Nominally an apprentice, in fact, he pours tea and water for the master. He spent three years in this bitter life, and as a result, the weaving factory closed down. This luck, there is no one. However, this kid was not idle, and with his amazing talent for languages, he learned to speak fluent Shanghainese. Is this to open up a new world of Shanghainese in the cross talk industry?

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

After returning to Beijing, Ma Ji re-enrolled in Pui Tak Middle School for junior high school. After graduating, he became a book seller at Xinhua Bookstore, and continued to listen to cross talk in his spare time. In 1955, Beijing held an amateur art troupe of workers, and invited two masters, Liu Baorui and Guo Quanbao, to teach in person. Ma Ji finally waited for the opportunity to get started, and he was very happy.

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Hard work pays off! At the beginning of 1956, Ma Ji's cross talk "Looking for a Partner" won the first prize in Beijing in one fell swoop. This kid was so powerful when he first debuted, and he was favored by the four cross talk masters. This is to be a blockbuster and directly become a god!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

However, the good times were short-lived. The arrival of the special period has brought a huge impact to the horse season. This is actually a conflict between the new intellectuals like Ma Ji and the traditional artists of the old era like Hou Baolin. As a result, some people sowed discord and turned the master and apprentice against each other. In those days, it was common for fathers and sons to turn against each other and husbands and wives to fight each other, not to mention the master-apprentice relationship. This drama is even more bloody than the current palace fighting drama!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

That history has long been turned over. Maybe in another world, Ma Ji and Hou Baolin have long shook hands and made peace, and continue to study how to make the audience laugh. But then again, that distorted era made Ma Ji think deeply. When the special period is over, this cross talk master is like a hanging, and he can create what the stage needs.

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Ma Ji in the 80s and 90s was simply a mountain in the cross talk world, and no one wanted to cover his light. This high-yielding cross talk producer has created more than 300 cross talks, and has created a prosperous era in the cross talk industry with his pen and mouth. This achievement, what should not be a master? Who would dare to say that they are not convinced? Come, stand up and let's talk!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Ma Ji, the big man in the cross talk industry, is not only a creative master, but also a famous teacher. The apprentices he has cultivated can be said to have contracted half of the cross talk world. Jiang Kun, Feng Gong, Liu Wei, Zhao Yan, which is not a well-known name? This is simply the opening of a phase declaration star factory!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Teacher Ma Ji said to the apprentices: You can't sit in the house and weave things, you really have nowhere to experience life, just move a small horse to sit on the road and watch it for a long time, if you are afraid that people will recognize you and wear a pair of sunglasses. This is like asking apprentices to become urban beauticians. But then again, Ma Ji himself does what he says.

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

One day, editor Shen Pengnian wanted to make a joke with Ma Ji and gently patted him on the back. It doesn't matter if you take this shot, your hands are full of blood! It turned out that Ma Ji was too engrossed in writing the manuscript, and he didn't even realize that the mosquitoes on his back had been used as a buffet. This concentration is simply writing the word dedication in the blood!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

When Ma Ji wrote "Praise of Mountaineering Heroes", he ate, lived and worked together with model worker Zhang Fugui, and even figured out the shoe size of others. Is this going to be a cross talk or an undercover agent? However, it is this attitude of going deep into life that makes Ma Ji's works always hit people's hearts.

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Speaking of Ma Ji's achievements, it is not just as simple as a cross talk actor. This master is also a reformer! He has long seen a major problem in the inheritance of cross talk art - the lack of a formal education system. What do you think, most of the cross talk artists in the past have not even completed basic education, and they can't even think of going to college.

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Teacher Ma Ji is not willing to just watch the art of cross talk go downhill. Although he is old, he still runs around and wants to start a cross talk academy. He also discussed with Luo Yang, Xu Xiaozhong and others to set up the China Quyi Academy. It's a pity that the old man died before he saw the establishment of the academy. This has become the second biggest regret of his life, and it also makes us melon-eating people sigh: Why is no one helping to realize this old man's wish?

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Ma Ji is not just amusing people on stage, he also brought cross talk into the living rooms of thousands of households. In the 1980s, this teacher put cross talk on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Can you believe it? He is not only the host of the first Spring Festival Gala, but also performed several classic cross talk programs in a row. This is simply a joke contracted by the people of the whole country with cross talk!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Speaking of Ma Ji's personality, it is really generous. At the celebration of his old age, he invited many colleagues and friends. During the banquet, he bluntly said that the unhappiness of the past had gone with the wind, and bowed deeply, asking everyone to forgive him for his mistakes back then. This scene moved everyone present. You see, this is the true style of a master!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Teacher Ma Ji also has a pair of discerning eyes. When Deyun Club was just starting, many cross talk peers regarded it as a threat. But Mr. Ma Ji chose to support Guo Degang and his Deyun Club, and personally inscribed for Deyun Club. This vision is even more accurate than Warren Buffett!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

In October 2006, Mr. Ma Ji participated in the supervision of the CCTV cross talk competition. During the competition, he saw a pair of graduate students from Tsinghua University participating in the competition, and he was so happy that he even wanted to accept them as apprentices. This old man, who is still worried about the future of cross talk at this age, is really touching!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

It's a pity that Mr. Ma Ji still has a wish that has not been fulfilled. He wants to compile a set of audio-visual cross talk teaching materials, so that the artistic tradition of cross talk can be passed on in a standardized manner. This became his third regret. Alas, it would be nice if someone could help him fulfill this dream!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Netizens laughed and commented on life: Teacher Ma Ji is a mountain in the cross talk world, and his achievements are unparalleled. He is not only an excellent cross talk actor, but also a visionary educator. It's a pity that his three regrets have not been realized, which is also a loss for the entire cross talk industry.

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Another netizen looks at the world rationally and has a different view: Ma Ji is certainly talented, but it is a bit too much to deify him. Crosstalk is an art that keeps pace with the times and should not be bound by the influence of a certain person. We should respect our predecessors, but we should also encourage newcomers to innovate and promote the development of cross talk art.

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

Both of these points of view make sense, don't you think? How big is Mr. Ma Ji's contribution? What impact do his three regrets have on today's cross talk industry? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area. Don't forget to like and follow, and we'll see you next time!

After Ma Ji's death, there were still three regrets, Feng Gong lamented that there was no one to inherit the master: he couldn't catch up if he wanted to

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