
The doctor angrily reprimanded: If you drink tea like this again, your liver will be wasted! 3 ways to drink should be changed quickly! "Doctor, I just drank some tea, why is my liver bad?" Mr. Zhang's doubts echoed in the outpatient room

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

The doctor angrily reprimanded: If you drink tea like this again, your liver will be wasted!

"Doctor, I just drank some tea, why is my liver bad?" Mr. Zhang's doubts echoed in the outpatient room, and it may also be the confusion that you and I have had. In fact, tea, the health drink that has been celebrated throughout the ages, can indeed have adverse effects on the liver in some cases.

First of all, tea that is too strong can be the source of the problem. Many people like tea with a strong flavor, so it will take a long time to brew tea, or simply use too many tea leaves. However, overly strong tea contains a lot of tea polyphenols and caffeine, which is a challenge to the liver. The liver needs to break down these large amounts of compounds, and in the long run, the burden on the liver will become heavier and heavier, and gradually abnormal liver function may occur.

The next thing to mention is drinking tea on an empty stomach. When they wake up in the morning, many people are accustomed to drinking a cup of tea on an empty stomach, thinking that it can refresh their minds. However, there is no food in the stomach on an empty stomach, and the ingredients in the tea can easily irritate the gastric mucosa, causing stomach discomfort.

What's more, drinking tea on an empty stomach will allow the tannic acid in the tea to combine with iron, which not only affects the absorption of iron, but may also cause gastrointestinal discomfort. At the same time, a large amount of tea entering on an empty stomach will also increase the pressure on the liver to detoxify.

Drinking tea before bed is also a habit that is not recommended. Many people believe that drinking some tea can help with relaxation, but the caffeine in tea may interfere with normal sleep patterns. Tea at night not only affects sleep, but may also increase the workload of the liver due to prolonged circulation in the body.

Of course, drinking tea in moderation can bring many health benefits, such as improving cardiovascular and cerebrovascular function, antioxidants, etc. The key is "in moderation" and when and how to drink it.

If you like to go to the teahouse with friends or relax with a quick cup of tea between work, here are some additional tips that might help you enjoy each cup more healthily.

First of all, it is important to choose the right tea species. There are many types of teas on the market, from green tea, black tea, to oolong tea, and each tea has slightly different ingredients and effects.

Green tea is relatively low in caffeine but rich in antioxidants, making it suitable for drinking in the afternoon, which can lift the mind without putting too much burden on the body. In contrast, black tea is slightly higher in caffeine and has a richer taste, making it perhaps more suitable for drinking in the morning.

Then, about the temperature of the water in which the tea is brewed, this is also a detail that should not be overlooked. Different teas are suitable for different water temperatures, for example, green tea is best brewed at a water temperature of 70 to 85 degrees, which can avoid too much caffeine and tannin from being scalded, making the tea taste fresher and sweeter. Fermented teas like Pu-erh, on the other hand, can be brewed using hot water close to the boiling point to fully release its deep flavor.

In addition, the time to drink tea is also crucial. In addition to avoiding drinking before bed, a cup of tea after lunch can help with digestion, but remember not to drink it right away. Half an hour to an hour after eating, this time period is more appropriate, which can help you fully absorb the nutrients in the food, and also facilitate the absorption of the ingredients in the tea and reduce the irritation of the stomach.

In addition, drinking tea is also a ritual of life, and you might as well experience the process of making tea every time with your heart. Choose a quiet afternoon and prepare a set of tea sets that you love, from choosing tea, boiling water, to brewing, every step can make people slow down and feel the beauty of life. It's not just about drinking tea, it's a way to relax and enjoy life.

By adjusting these small details, you will find that tea is not only a drink, it is also a knowledge, a culture, and an attitude to life. Therefore, the next time you pick up that cup of tea, it may not only be a taste, but also an experience and enjoyment of life.

The doctor angrily reprimanded: If you drink tea like this again, your liver will be wasted! 3 ways to drink should be changed quickly! "Doctor, I just drank some tea, why is my liver bad?" Mr. Zhang's doubts echoed in the outpatient room
The doctor angrily reprimanded: If you drink tea like this again, your liver will be wasted! 3 ways to drink should be changed quickly! "Doctor, I just drank some tea, why is my liver bad?" Mr. Zhang's doubts echoed in the outpatient room
The doctor angrily reprimanded: If you drink tea like this again, your liver will be wasted! 3 ways to drink should be changed quickly! "Doctor, I just drank some tea, why is my liver bad?" Mr. Zhang's doubts echoed in the outpatient room

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