
Next week's horoscope for the stars is about June 30 - July 6, 2024 12 horoscopes

author:Angel Horoscope

Next week's horoscope for the stars is about June 30 - July 6, 2024 12 horoscopes

Next week's horoscope for the stars is about June 30 - July 6, 2024 12 horoscopes

白羊每周 周日 June 30, 2024

You are creative and confident, and you are rarely afraid to fight others. You may also be in a highly competitive situation at the start of the week. The art is to make sure you have the tools and support you need to win. Marathon runners usually save their best for last. Calm down. If you're in any kind of race or competition, don't push yourself too hard at the start of the week, knowing that the universe will give you a final energy boost when Mercury enters your house of risk and speculation in your solar chart in the middle of the week. It's likely to be applause from those who support you. Indeed, by Friday you may be exhausted. You may also feel excited; Realize that not only have you done your best, but your support team also knows that you have true leadership qualities.

金牛每周周日 June 30, 2024

It's always important to build up strength. However, you may not have authorized wisely. There may be weaknesses in the chain of command. There may be too much talk, too much protection of interests and not enough focus on long-term goals. In the middle of the week, Mercury reaches the bottom of your solar chart, and the mood will change. I hope you don't "go into the china shop" and self-destruct at that time. It's only been a few months since Pluto began to slowly move the career point of your solar chart, and you may only now begin to come to terms with the fact that a different approach is needed. Sticking to the past won't work. If you want to show that you're fully committed to working differently during Friday's New Moon, it may be crucial to be clear that you know you need a team focused on new technologies.

Gemini Sunday, June 30, 2024

With Saturn at the apex of your solar chart at the beginning of the week, and so is Neptune, there's a good chance you're feeling like you're stuck in a quagmire. You may feel like your voice is being heard. That is sure to change on Wednesday when your ruling planet, Mercury, changes signs as the Moon enters Gemini. At that point, you'll be able to express your opinion. Admittedly, at first you may point out the mistakes of the marketing campaign, but will not come up with a solution. Still, your voice will carry a lot of weight. On Friday's New Moon, it's entirely possible that you'll convince a team to adopt an eradication-style pruning that will lay a solid foundation early next week and kick off the revised campaign.

Cancer Weekly Sunday, June 30, 2024

Before Mercury leaves your sign in the middle of the week, you may get several important perspectives. Both Saturn and Neptune are stationed in another water sign, and they play a role in the experience-related areas of your chart, and you can clearly illustrate how events that have occurred since the solar eclipse last October have affected you. This event, combined with the recent April solar eclipse, heralds a new chapter in your work life. Family and nesting are always important for people of your zodiac sign. After accepting the fact that you are now also in a new phase in this regard, and before your sign's New Moon on Friday, you may need to be clear about your thoughts on your legacy and how best to wrap the past into a springboard for future success.

Leo Weekly Horoscope for Sunday, June 30, 2024

When the planets stand still – like Saturn this weekend and Neptune at the beginning of the week – represent a moment of pause. It's a time for reflection, and with Saturn's involvement this time, you can think about your career plans. Do you have a career plan? Can you imagine yourself in a year? Before Mercury reaches your sign in the middle of the week, it should be seen as wise to take time out. You may need to reflect. You may also want to know how others perceive you. Is it time to revisit your resume? With the winds of change blowing, you may be dissatisfied with your industry (no matter what it is!). You don't know where you're headed, so maybe you need to focus on what you can recover from past contacts and where you need to improve. Before Friday's New Moon, it's wise to have even the most basic plans in place.

Virgo Every Sunday on June 30, 2024

Saturn enters your opposite house this weekend, and Neptune enters your opposite house early this week. It's understandable if you feel like you're stuck in a quagmire. You may not know exactly how things will turn out until the weekend. There's a lot to deal with before that. With Mercury moving into Leo from Cancer this week, there may be more talk than action, and you should perhaps take a deep breath. Suffice it to say, it's time to stop being anxious and instead focus on the plan you want to implement after the New Moon on Friday. You'll most likely need a new support team. You probably know by now what you need and who you can work with. Negotiations are likely to begin at the end of this week.

Libra 每周日 June 30, 2024

There is still another eclipse in your zodiac sign this year, and then you will be relieved from this dynamic for almost a decade. The eclipse brings a new chapter, and you may already be aware of the new career adventures you face. With both Saturn and Neptune in the "work" zone of your Sun chart, you may feel like you've done your best, but also know there's still a lot to do. You may need space to organize your thoughts. From this Wednesday onwards, there may be a drive to connect, spread and, yes, an increase in engagement with social media and/or advertising. Friday's New Moon (the annual New Moon at the apex of your solar chart) may make for an interesting proposition. It's true that it might come in the form of bordering gossip on the weekend, but you might get the sense that a hopeful working alliance will be formed.

Scorpio Sunday, June 30, 2024

With both Saturn and Neptune residencies in the areas of your solar chart regarding risk assessment and R&D, it may take some time to gather your thoughts. By Wednesday, when Mercury reaches the apex of the same chart, you may need to confirm your interest – whether it's for a new place or a new system. Obviously, a lot depends on your personal chart, but it's likely that there is a group that wants your input and is eager for you to join their team. On Friday's New Moon, they may pull out all the stops. Keep in mind that Jupiter is currently transiting Gemini. Think of Twitter that hit steroids. Before the new moon, there may be a lot of nagging, but it may not be clear which items should be prioritized. This is probably one of the reasons why you (someone who has the ability to take the project from start to finish) are under so much pressure to increase engagement.

Sagittarius Sunday, June 30, 2024

Jupiter is moving rapidly through your opposite house. This is your ruling planet and usually brings excitement. However, the movement of Saturn and Neptune is almost imperceptible at the base of your Sun chart, and while ideas may pop up quickly, how to bring those ideas to life and ensure others are focused on the finish line can be a challenge – especially on Mondays and Tuesdays. In the middle of the week, Mercury enters another fire sign, and you may feel a surge of energy. In fact, you can inspire others to take action so that after Friday's New Moon, they will soon understand the exact steps needed to ensure the long-term success of the project.

Capricorn Sunday, June 30, 2024

Your ruling planet, Saturn, is motionless on weekends. The same goes for Neptune's turn at the beginning of the week. The end result can be that a lot of people feel like they're stuck in quicksand. They may not know which way to go. By Friday's New Moon, things could be very different. The difficulty may lie in the inexperience of many people. It's one thing to be passionate, it's another to move forward cautiously. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, you may need to step aside and let others adjust to the changed dynamics. After Friday's New Moon, you can switch to the role of a supporter and help others do their best – and in the process, show your leadership skills.

Aquarius Sunday, June 30, 2024

Saturn, one of your ruling planets, remains motionless on weekends. You can think of this as a comma or pause moment in your life story. At the beginning of the week, Neptune also began to move. The end result is that many people will feel as if they are stuck in quicksand, waiting for an important decision that will come on Friday's new moon. Interestingly, Mercury enters your opposite house sign in the middle of the week. Only then will you be able to get an idea of the direction that others wish to take. Admittedly, you probably know that since both Saturn and Neptune are retrograde, rethinking or clarifying positions will be necessary. One of your strengths is that you can motivate your team. In this case, you may need to let others know that what seems like a failure or challenge is actually just another adventure.

Pisces is every Sunday on June 30, 2024

Last weekend, Saturn entered your sign. Before its apparent retrograde motion at the end of next month, Saturn's movement is now almost imperceptible. Then, at the beginning of the week, Neptune is also orbiting in your sign (also in your sign), but very close to the so-called world axis. If you haven't already done so, it's time to think about your long-term plans. You may have expertise, i.e., life experience, that you can put to good use. Yes, there can be emotional entanglements, both personally and professionally. Yes, you may get stuck in a quagmire at first and not be able to move forward. Maybe you're waiting for someone else to make a decision (they may make a decision after Mercury changes signs in the middle of the week). After Friday's New Moon, you may be able to speed up your plans. You are a zodiac sign known for being visionary. Jupiter is now moving at the bottom of your solar chart, and maybe it's time to bring clarity to your thoughts (write a book?).


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