
Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

author:Flying Fish Reading Club
Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

Standing on the bustling railway station square, Uncle Chen squinted slightly, trying to recall the grand occasion twenty years ago. At that time, the shouts of street vendors came and went, and there were long queues in front of restaurants, and the air was filled with the smell of fireworks and money.

Now, he looked around and couldn't help but sigh deeply. The depressed shops and deserted streets seem to have been forgotten by time.

However, the number of railway passengers has increased instead of falling, so why has the former commercial hotspot become unattended today? Uncle Chen frowned, thinking about this confusing phenomenon.

Who ruined the train station's business? As his gaze wandered around, a game of deception and trust seemed to be quietly unfolding in this once prosperous land.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

Boss Wang caressed the mottled walls of the shop, as if touching that glorious time. His eyes flashed with nostalgia, the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose, and memories came flooding back.

"At that time," said Boss Wang with a smile, "as long as you set up a stall near the train station and sell some gadgets, you can make a lot of money at the end of the day." His voice was full of pride, "I remember one time, an uncle who was catching a train bought a bunch of small commodities casually, didn't even ask the price, and just paid for it and left."

People at that time were really not sensitive to prices.

Zhang's mother, who was not far away, heard Boss Wang's words and couldn't help but join in the memories. "Not really! My little restaurant is full every day. Her eyes lit up with excitement, "Not to mention the meal, even the third watch in the middle of the night, and some people come to eat supper."

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

In their words, it seems that they can still see the prosperous scene around the train station back then. The stalls are full of goods, the restaurants are bustling with diners, and the streets are in a hurry.

At that time, most of the customers were out-of-towners who were in a hurry, and they didn't care much about the price. As long as the demand can be met, the difference of a few dollars is not a problem at all.

Boss Wang continued: "At that time, no matter what you sell, as long as you put it here, you will definitely be able to sell it." The train station is like a cornucopia, with people coming and going, and business is very good.

He shook his head and looked proud, "I remember one time, I bought a batch of inferior umbrellas, and I was afraid that I would not be able to sell them." I didn't expect to catch up with the rainy day, and I sold out all in one afternoon, making a lot of money.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

Not to be outdone, Zhang's mother added: "Yes, the customers at that time were really easy to serve. The food in my restaurant, to be honest, is just like that. But the guests are never picky, as long as they can fill their stomachs.

Sometimes I can't get busy, and the food is served a little slowly, and no one complains. Everyone is in a hurry, and they leave after eating, and the turnover is particularly fast.

Listening to their descriptions, it seems that you can see the bustling scene around the train station back then. The streets are crowded with people, the shouts of small traders and vendors, and the smell of aromas and laughter in the restaurants.

At that time, the railway station was like a bustling commercial center, attracting countless merchants and customers.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

"Now that I think about it, those days were wonderful." Boss Wang sighed, his eyes showing a little melancholy, "It's a pity that the good times didn't last long."

Beneath the bustling surface, there is an undercurrent in the commercial area around the train station. It's an elaborate trap waiting to be taken by unsuspecting travelers.

Xiao Li still vividly remembers the experience when he went out alone for the first time. It was a sweltering summer, and he walked into the Guangzhou railway station sweating with heavy luggage on his back.

Thirsty, he decided to buy a pack of cigarettes to refresh himself before waiting for the bus.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

"I bought a pack of cigarettes at a newsstand outside the train station," Li recalled, his brow furrowed slightly, "and I didn't think much about it at the time, so I paid directly." Who knew that as soon as it was opened, it was dumbfounded.

He smiled wryly and shook his head, "That's smoke, it's just a bundle of dead branches!" I couldn't even use the most basic tobacco, so I stuffed something I don't know what to do.

Xiao Li's experience is not unique. The prices of goods around the railway station are generally higher than the market price, and counterfeit and shoddy products are emerging in an endless stream. Ms. Zhang was once deceived and spent dozens of yuan to buy a power bank.

"When I opened it, there was only a box of sand and a normal battery.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

In addition to counterfeit and shoddy goods, some merchants even set up "porcelain" traps. They set up the environment of the store, lure customers into accidentally knocking over or damaging items, and then ask for hefty compensation.

Lao Wang once witnessed such a scene: "A young man accidentally knocked down the vase in the store, and the shopkeeper asked him to pay 5,000 yuan without saying a word.

These bad behaviors, like time bombs, are buried under the bustling surface of the business district of the railway station. At that time, most of the travelers, either because they were in a hurry or because they were unfamiliar with the place, chose to swallow their anger and consider themselves unlucky.

Boss Wang recalled that period, and his face showed a little guilt: "To be honest, in order to make money at that time, we also did some disgraceful things. Although I haven't done anything too much, I have raised prices and cut corners.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

Now that I think about it, I'm ashamed.

This short-sighted behavior not only harms the interests of customers, but also lays the foundation for future decline. As time went on, more and more travelers became wary of the businesses around the train station, and word of mouth gradually collapsed the business reputation of the area.

"Now that I think about it, we were so stupid," Zhang's mother sighed, "for the sake of the immediate small profits, we ruined our long-term reputation." If someone had reminded us at that time, maybe the situation would not have been the same now.

Looking back now, these former merchants can't help but feel a lot of emotion. They have witnessed the whole process of the railway station business district from prosperity to decline, and they also deeply understand the importance of honest management.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

However, this lesson came too late, and the business environment around the train station was already irreversible.

In the face of such rampant fraud, why do most travelers choose to remain silent? This question bothers many people, including former victim Xiao Zhang.

"At that time, I had just been out of society not long ago," Xiao Zhang recalled, his eyes revealing helplessness, "On my first business trip, I had a meal at a restaurant at the train station, and when I checked out, I found that the price was twice as high as I thought.

He smiled wryly and shook his head, "I wanted to reason with the boss at the time, but when I looked at my watch, there were only twenty minutes left before the departure time."

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

Time constraints are the main reason why many travelers choose to swallow their breath. Arguing with someone for a few dozen dollars may miss the train and cause even more losses. In addition, the unfamiliar environment is also prohibitive.

"In a strange place, you don't know who to ask for help," Xiao Zhang explained, "and mobile phones were not widely used at that time, and it was not convenient to call the police." "

Aunt Li also had a similar experience: "Once I bought a fake power bank, and after I found it, I wanted to go to the merchant to theorize. But think about yourself alone in the field, what if the other party is a scoundrel? In the end, I can only consider myself unlucky.

This sense of helplessness, combined with the fear of the unknown, makes many travelers choose to remain silent. They treat these unpleasant experiences as a "necessary price" for traveling, and they do it perfunctorily.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

Lao Wang sighed: "In the final analysis, we outsiders are soft persimmons. The merchants knew that we were in a hurry and were not familiar with the local situation, so they dared to be unscrupulous.

However, it is this silence that has made some unscrupulous businesses more rampant and further deteriorated the business environment around the train station. Over time, the train station has become a "minefield" in the hearts of passengers, and if they can, they won't go.

"Now that I think about it, maybe it would have been better if we had come together and stood up bravely at that time." Xiao Zhang sighed, "But at that time, everyone only cared about themselves and didn't think so much.

This helpless silence eventually became one of the driving forces behind the commercial decline of the railway station.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

At a time when the business environment of railway stations is deteriorating, technological advancements and changes in transportation are quietly changing the rules of the game.

Xiao Li took out his smartphone and skillfully swiped the screen. "It's so much easier to go out now," he said, "and it's all here to book tickets, book hotels, check directions."

No more wandering around the train station.

Indeed, with the proliferation of smartphones and the rise of various apps, travelers can be well prepared in advance. The improvement of the subway and bus network has also made people no longer confined to the vicinity of the train station.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

Zhang's mother nodded and agreed: "I used to be afraid that I wouldn't be able to catch the train and didn't dare to go far, but now it's okay, the subway is direct, and you can go wherever you want." She added with a smile, "My son went on a business trip last time, and he took the subway directly to the train station, and he didn't even go out of the station, so he went straight to the station."

The rise of food delivery platforms has given travelers more choices. Uncle Wang sighed: "Today's young people can order takeout without leaving home.

Aunt Li also agreed: "That's right, the last time I took the train, I ordered a boxed lunch with my mobile phone in the waiting room. It's cheap and reassuring, so why not? "

These changes have undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the businesses around the train station. Those merchants who still cling to old habits are soon ruthlessly eliminated by the tide of the times.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

Xiao Zhang sighed: "Technology is really amazing, it has completely changed the way we travel. Today's train station is more like a rapid transit station than a 'small business center' as it used to be.

In the face of this change, some forward-thinking businesses have begun to transform. They realized that only by adapting to the needs of the new era can they survive in the fierce competition.

Standing on the depressed commercial street of the railway station, Boss Wang looked at his store that was about to close with a complicated expression. The surrounding empty streets and closed shop fronts silently tell the story of the city's former prosperity.

"Actually, when you think about it, this kind of result is not surprising," he said with a wry smile, "I only cared about making quick money at the beginning, and I didn't think about the long term." Fortunately, as soon as everyone heard that it was a store near the train station, they thought we were liars.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

Indeed, years of bad behavior have brought the overall reputation of the businesses around the train station to rock bottom. Even if there are businesses that operate with integrity, they cannot escape the general suspicion of customers.

Zhang's mother stood at the door of her long-defunct small restaurant and said with emotion: "Young people nowadays are so good that they would rather walk a few more steps to other places than spend money at the train station."

We destroyed this golden sign with our own hands.

Uncle Li also joined the discussion: "In the final analysis, we businesses are responsible. For the sake of temporary interests, the long-term credibility has been lost. It's even more difficult to redeem it now.

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

This lack of trust became the last straw that crushed the business of the railway station. Those once high-spirited merchants now have to face the bleak reality of the door.

However, there is also a turning point in the crisis. Xiao Zhang has recently noticed that some emerging businesses have begun to focus on integrity and strive to reshape the image of the railway station business district.

"While there's still a long way to go, at least some people are starting to try to change it," he said optimistically.

Boss Wang nodded thoughtfully: "Maybe our generation is hopeless, but if the next generation can learn a lesson, maybe we can see the train station regain its former prosperity."

Why is the business around the train station not working now, and who ruined the business of the train station?

Although there is a long way to go, the spark of hope has been sown. Perhaps in the near future, we will see a new look at the railway station business district, which will be as prosperous as it once was, but this time, it will be built on the basis of integrity and mutual benefit.

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