
Selected poems by Liu Qiang (Yunxu) for the first time in the building

author:Xiaolou listens to the rain Shixuan
Selected poems by Liu Qiang (Yunxu) for the first time in the building
Selected poems by Liu Qiang (Yunxu) for the first time in the building

1. Poetry Department

Late past Wenquan Park

Ten miles of spring breeze and evening sunshine, stepping on the green female companion to pick up Hongying.

No one will see the good flowers tomorrow, and the sleeves will be fragrant overnight.

Former Yaguchi

The lonely lamp of the hostel illuminates the night, and the silver flowers and fire trees reflect the frost and cold.

Half of life is a guest, and it is difficult to be safe everywhere.


BMW incense lane dust, meet Zhu Zi sigh lonely and poor.

After the streets are full of farmhouses, how many people are really in the farmhouse?

Wen Jie He Zhongxian sister

The faith is like meeting, and the spring is in the old tour.

The morning glow is full of birds, and the new leaves are all over the river.

The good news is close to the mountain, and the Chinese years are gone.

Autumn suburbs on the Si Si, Coats and Bin.

Autumn night feelings

A look is sad, and the sound of geese is shocked.

The new residence is drunk, and the old dreams are remnant.

You can read the stone root grass and turn it into rain.

Free flowers bloom, and the landscape is ruthless.


String songs and music are together, and now they are on each side.

The book of Guansai Hongfei has not been sent, and Jiangcheng is in the sky.

The long sky is blue over three autumn waters, and the old wood is red after several degrees of frost.

Unforgettable reading and night in the pavilion, the lights cut out the moon through the hall.

Reading the History of the Southern Song Dynasty (Part 1)

Outside the Jinling Station, the sun is twilight, and the half-tree cries with blood.

There are unique cold flowers and tears, and there are no arbors to talk about.

The Han family palace buried the spring grass, and the Hulu banner was on the old city.

Looking back on the hundred years of singing and dancing, the land of Lin'an is always not Beijing.

Two heads of Wei Yechou Cemetery

Chapter 1

The yellow-haired people in front of the martyr's mausoleum are Yu Dong pointing to the Yinghe Riverside.

In the past, the bullet rain was lost, and today the pine forest explores the old Jin.

Hunting and hunting flags to drive away evil tigers, and sparks to revitalize the people.

Chengping but there is a monument, who knows that the hero is Lao Qin?


The grass and trees in the cemetery are absolutely smoky, and they come to hang the loyal soul to the late sky.

The red rain is a new world, and the white clouds are thousands of miles of old mountains and rivers.

The wisdom of the people is like spring news, and the heroes are in their prime.

Can love the willows on the amorous river, and the mourning silk is long in front of the blue waves.

You Chun is given to teenagers

The jade is full of clear streams, and the birds are singing on the embankment.

The mist of the East Village is covered with a gauze tent, and the light clouds of Nanmo drag the paper kite.

Old wings have been in the grassland for many years, and how many sunny days have the fresh clothes?

A good spring scene urges Huafa, stationed on the side of the ancient road of Ma Chuiyang.

Izumi River Yiko

Spring visit Quanhe Si fishing people, Qiangxi is the same as the old garden spring.


Heroes can meet the Lord, and heroes will proclaim themselves gods.

Chengping wanted to ask the sages about it, and pointed out that the fishing boat was like Weibin.

Old mound pile

The grass on the old mound is like smoke, and the water is sparkling and the twilight is fresh.

Guangwu Liusaddle eventually changed generations, and the king of Chuang was stationed in Ma Weixintian.

The Central Plains was full of war, and the people in northern Anhui were strong.

There are still ginkgo trees in Hedong, which are verdant and thousands of years into the clouds.

The return visit of Yiting Xiaoshu has been sent

The wanderer of Shangzhen is home, and the teachers and friends meet in the old garden.

The lady is wonderful, and the old man is clumsy and mistaken for Fanglin.

Xu will nest three spring birds, turned into clouds and thousands of miles of birds.

Wait for the new Wu Chick Phoenix to arrive, and listen to Yaoqin in the bright moon of the building.

There is a feeling at the end of the year

People's hearts and things are not suitable, and every year is about the rise and fall of poetry.

I often think about the good scenery in the spring of the sun, and I am used to having sorrow in the long night.

Bosom friends are lonely and sweet, and relatives are hustle and bustle.

Drinking and returning to the garden to fly birds, there is no drunken east fence.

Selected poems by Liu Qiang (Yunxu) for the first time in the building

"Ten Quatrains of Southern Jiangsu Study"

Chapter 1: On the way to study

Listening to the teaching and research tuition, the smoke and rain Jiangnan was busy for six days.

The car passed through Huaixi to Wuyue, and the north of Gusu City waited for Xieyang.

Second, Menglong Village listens

The lecture is famous and the reputation of the teacher is equal to the person, and the opening of the altar is new.

The three comprehensive education reforms and integrates ideology and politics, and makes great achievements and does not educate people.

Third, visit famous schools

The apprenticeship of the art is more refined, and the skills of the scholars are gathered together.

Ingenuity in exchange for new Kwai Mao, straight to the clouds to listen to the phoenix.

Fourth, visit Shajiabang

The wind and thunder hinder the vicissitudes of life, and brave the rain to look at the old battlefield.

The heroes and martyrs do not fall into the dust, and the glow is stationed on Yangcheng Lake.

Fifth, Shantang Street

West through the gate to the Tiger Hill, the mountain pond seven miles in the middle of the painting.

The stone bridge is not crowded with people, and the street is upstairs and even on the water.

Sixth, visit the lion forest

Yifeng refers to Bai Jing to participate in Zen, and the bucket room to watch the fish is self-remarkable.

Several acres of gardens and ponds are wonderful, and the curved fence is one step at a time.

Seventh, Tongli nostalgia

Under the Sanyuan Bridge, the canal is cleared, and it goes straight to the South Street to go to the sick house.

Mo Dao Jiangdong is splendid, and his strong heart can be compared to driving a long car.

Eighth, the ancient canal boating

The canal outside Nanchang Street is clear, and the painting boat is far away on the water.

Ten miles of smoke and waves fly egrets, and the depths of the green corridor feel cool.

Its ninth, Wuxi Brigade is pregnant with Qian Mu Lao at night

Staying in Wuxi, the Jiangnan cultural context counts the money family.

The traces of the sage under the seven-room bridge, who will solve the soul into the falling flowers?

Its tenth, return

Thousands of miles south to swim back and forth, Dan's heart opened to the sun.

It can teach the prosperous world to produce good craftsmen, and live up to the decay of secondary school.

Selected poems by Liu Qiang (Yunxu) for the first time in the building

Second, the word part

Congratulations to the bridegroom

——B is not old enough to be a mang, when the college entrance examination is imminent, there are old people and words in the past to study, and they feel the pen, and they use words to replace the book, and they want to take care of the body of Zhenguan.

Are the sons peaceful? Since Renchen, he left his home and traveled for several years. Looking at the broken mountain without the word geese, empty memories of classmates laughing. The most full love string music place. Ambitious scholars, a number of graces, dare to follow Lingyunmu. The sky is big, and I want to fly.

Shaoguang threw away the flow of the year. So far, it is time to take the college entrance examination again, which can be reviewed. I remember that in the afterphoto of the building, the sound of Lang Lang's book is like a note. Thinking of going to this love dispute? It is the plum rain festival in the south of the Yangtze River, the night is cold, and the dream is around Fangyuan Road. The book is unfinished, and the sentence is heartfelt.

Eight voices in Ganzhou

Look at the waves to see off the boat, the clouds and water are long. In the past, it was like smoke, green onions, and it was injected into my heart. The world is changed like chess, and people are scattered and left. Under the most memorable green light, like-minded.

Thinking about the passage of ten years, we meet again in summer, and revisit the old place. Reciting the night language by the window, stroking the fan and talking about the spring and autumn. Pointing pointing, boundless clear scenery, to this day, speechless to the east. In the remnant sun, the prosperity is exhausted, and the tall buildings are alone.

Nian Nujiao Memory

Guandong Dongfeng snow, counting how many degrees it drifts, in the harsh winter season. I still remember the ice breaking day of Spring Lake, in exchange for Chang'an flowers. Clear water and clear waves, Fangyuan Suyue, young phoenix new voice. The lights on the first floor, how many people in the seat.

Before the banquet with wine, the evening is cool and summer, and it is prosperous and declining. Persuasion Yin Yin dreams of disciples, but only the wind is cold. The mountains are separated by clouds, the geese can't fly, and the music of the year is extinct. The sky is wide, and I am lazy to watch the shadow disappear.

Water tune song head

Late spring news in the north, when the snow melts in March. Under the fence of the east garden, the first bloom of the jade is uneven. Borrow the moonlight of the lonely mountain, leave the dark fragrance and sparse shadow, and the frost falls and the cold is faint. I love to be outside the heavy fence, and I see the ice in the secluded place.

Listen to more leaks, help the disabled dream, drag the residual thinking. The cane quinoa walked slowly, and the words of each other were delayed. Turning to the floating line, the plum fairy laughed at me, and the wrong way broke my eyebrows for a long time. Ride the wind on a different day and return to the kingfisher branch.

Partridge day and evening for a walk

is busy for the mouth, and there are few waves in the eyes. Finding a trail can accommodate me, and it doesn't cost me anything to earn a secluded habitat.

At the beginning of the light, the rain is slightly cold, why do you need afterglow and railing? There is no one in the spare time, and the autumn breeze is peaceful.

Partridge day

Guan Sai is far away and melancholy, and the ridge flower should be the spring of the old year. A garden of peach and plum towering trees, full of fragrant splendid text.

The name falls, waiting for leisure, and sits alone a few times in the middle of the night. Shang Zhen cherished his own things in vain, and mistakenly chased dreams of Pengmen.


The afterglow is on the dangerous building, and the mountain is closed for thousands of miles into late autumn. The geese cross the river pavilion to stay at the guest place, the boat, the red leaves are silently shallow flow.

Accustomed to seeing things and resting, don't reminisce about the old trip to the cool breeze. The blue bird suddenly came from outside the sky, frightened, and the eyes of the other world were astringent.

Break the winter night and send it away

The winter solstice long wind peeps into the house, and the snow pierces through the court in the morning. Shake off the fragrance into the twilight of the year, blow away the clouds and wait for the evening sunshine, and the flute of the high-rise building.

Huaishang Hanmei counted, and Chu Tianshuo was angry for three more. The wild geese pass the book to each other and ask for warmth, and the distant guests add clothes and cut the lamp, and watch the moon around the fireplace.

Partridge day

Last year, the first plum was planted in the garden, and this year's personnel are at odds with each other. For a long time, the twilight snow was forced by the cold, and the spring sun did not send warmth back.

The emptiness is gone, let it be destroyed, and the fragrance is scattered and turned into dust. Who has seen the old moon shadow? Only the lonely mountain is sad.

Linjiang Immortal

Twenty years of wind and frost are like a big dream, how much desolation is in the dream. Tianya Hotel is busy, and the dust has not been washed when he returns, and Huafa is old.

The domestic music books are often cut off, and the white geese are empty. Fan cage is a vast world, and the mountains and rivers are obstructed, and they each turn to business.

The water dragon groans

At night, the lights are dim, and the garden is silent and spring. The sound of the stinger is broken, the remnant stars are counted, and the sky is flying. The prime of life is consumed, the exchanges are scattered, and the years are empty. The spring breeze is beautiful, Lingyun Jian pen, it is difficult to endow, and the book is angry.

How many cars and dust, the road is far away, and the rice is struggling. Leaning on the railing, the hustle and bustle of the city, the moon is bright and landless. The tent door has been closed for a long time, the pine path has been opened, and the high sleep has not risen. There is a room for the bucket, a piece of ice in the heart, and it is in the clear light.

Juvenile Tour

The green poplar grass steps on the flowers, and Yao Se complains about the years. Li song song, long pavilion banquet, oblique moon dark sand.

When I returned, I knew that spring was always there, and I was there every year. Smoke willow pond platform, old and new swallows, young phoenixes and green branches.

Mental health garden party

It is rare to have an April day in the world, and the warm day is leisurely. Find a quiet place in the willow shade, walk slowly, and visit the garden in the sound of yellow warblers.

Good wishes silently rely on paper cranes, enjoy together, and crossing the river is like breaking the heavy barrier. But I asked if I remember the ruggedness? casually, this body is the most wide-hearted.

Xijiang Moon, Christmas Eve

Thousands of lights in the eternal night, and the long wind is safe. How many people understand Gong Chanjuan? Leave it clear.

Last year, the lonely lamp was darkly picked, and tonight's good letters were frequently spread. Full of good wishes, the sound of Hongfei outside the mountain is broken.

Jiang Chengzi 100-day oath to send all life

It's rare to be a teenager in life! To the river beam, the words Tao Tang. Casting swords for three autumns, try the cold mangs today. The young phoenix is shocked, the sky is big, and Ren Gaoxiang is high.

Shanglin flowers to be explored, the cold window, love the fragrance of books. Top Gun, the spirit of the morning sun. The splendid mountains and rivers rely on their wonderful hands, and in the spring breeze, they write a magnificent chapter.

Katsura Eda

The evening is cool, the rain is at the beginning of the twilight, and the sound of cold is thin. The night of the pavilion sinks like water, and there is no sleep in the guests. In the west wind of the broken geese in the Cangjiang River, pick a lonely lamp and move the world darkly. Dreams are scattered, sorrowful and prosperous, and I am now declining.

Leaning on the south window, wandering thoughts. Thinking of hard work drifting, leaving worries one after another. And stop Lingyun's spirit, right and wrong can be recognized. How many things have been contrary to one's will in ancient times, asking when will we get the will of heaven? Bow your head to the bed, the sound of sand leaking is gone, and the blue sky is like washing.

Selected poems by Liu Qiang (Yunxu) for the first time in the building

Liu Qiang was born in April 1994 in Linquan, Anhui Province. Hao Yunxu, a member of the Anhui Poetry Society. Master of History, Secondary School History Teacher. He has won the bronze medal of the "National Capital Cup", the third prize of the "Fengya Cup", the top ten works of the collection of pseudo-ancient poems for the fifth anniversary of the recitation of the classics of the National Picture and Wenjin, and the first prize of the "I Write a Poem for My Hometown" National Poetry Competition.

Editor/Zhang Xuefang Review/Meng Xiangrong Proofreader/Feng Xiao

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