
Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

author:Xiaodong Food Square

There are endless supermarkets on the market, but in recent years, with the poor physical business, more and more supermarkets have begun to play a price advantage. When it comes to supermarkets, many people's first reaction may be the recent hot Fat Donglai, as the ceiling of the supermarket industry, I have to say that its strength is very resistant.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

Not only because of Fat Donglai's sincerity to treat customers, but also because of its sales model, which is worth learning from many supermarkets. Fat Donglai is on the side of the people's heart, although he is not going to fight a price war, but his price can be said to be the lowest. However, when it comes to "Minxin Supermarket", we have to say another. That's Yonghui Supermarket.

When Fat Donglai had not yet appeared, it can be said that Yonghui Supermarket was the ideal supermarket in people's hearts back then. However, it is such a popular supermarket, but it has an unknown history. Speaking of Yonghui Supermarket, it is necessary to mention its founder Zhang Xuansong. His reputation is not as great as Yu Donglai's, but his deeds are not at all.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

He was 27 years old at the time, and he was in high spirits. Thinking about the tide of the times, Zhang Xuansong took the two million he earned and was ready to do business, who can say for sure what is going on in the business field, he was originally inexperienced, and he put all his already into it overnight, and even put his idea on the Yonghui supermarket that was beginning to take shape.

Looking at Zhang Xuansong, who was desperately repaying the money, his relatives had no choice but to take out their savings to save Yonghui Supermarket.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

Speaking of Zhang Xuansong's road to getting rich, she is actually a special one. Unlike some successful people who started from their parents, Zhang Xuansong at that time could only be said to be self-made.

Zhang Xuansong, who was born in an ordinary family, did not go to college, and his family could not provide him with good help, everything he wanted could only be earned with his own hands. However, Zhang Xuansong has the brains and courage that others don't have, when he didn't graduate from high school, he thought that he was going to do business in the future, a teenager, his mind was not to study but to earn money, which made people feel a little unprofessional.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

At that time, these ideas were ridiculed as pipe dreams, but Zhang Xuansong didn't think so, he felt that he was not the material for learning, and he could only find another way. coincided with the upsurge of reform and opening up at that time, Zhang Xuansong, who smelled business opportunities from it, resolutely gave up his studies and began to realize his business dream.

However, this is easier said than done. He was only 19 years old at the time, and he didn't even have the most basic start-up capital, so how could he achieve a great career. Reality crushes dreams, and all Zhang Xuansong can do is to work.

After saving some money by working part-time, Zhang Xuansong started his own business plan. The first thing he did was the beer agent industry, which was simple, but it was not easy for Zhang Xuansong, who had no connections and no resources at that time.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

But Zhang Xuansong has some brains and wit that others don't have, and he takes a fancy to the form that is not available in the market, that is, door-to-door delivery. Relying on this idea, Zhang Xuansong quickly won a place in the wholesale beer market. The success of this idea also made Zhang Xuansong's entrepreneurial idea more vigorous, and he was not satisfied with the status quo, and he set his sights on another path.

At that time, unlike today's shopping convenience, people had to go to the grocery store to buy things, and many things were not complete. If you need something, you have to go to a far away county to buy it, and it is impossible for ordinary people to go to the county seat every day. Zhang Xuansong, who grasped this point, began to establish his own plan, and the first thing he had to do was to grasp the needs of the masses based on the will of the people.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

With five years of experience working in beer, Zhang Xuansong saw first-hand what people needed, and the concept of supermarkets was not new to people at the time. So in December 1955, Zhang Xuansong founded the first Yonghui supermarket.

Although there is a lot of competition in the market, this has to mention Zhang Xuansong's strength. His supermarket is different from other supermarkets, in the competition on the same stage, he must always have his own advantages to defeat others, and parity is Zhang Xuansong's secret weapon.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

At that time, the rich people could be said to be very few, and the people who were most in demand were the common people, and it was completely impossible for them to get rich by price at that time, so Zhang Xuansong chose the direction of Yonghui Supermarket to be parity.

Although the profit is not much, Yonghui Supermarket, which wins by quantity, quickly stands out among other supermarkets. Of course, everyone likes a good supermarket with a good reputation. In this way, the success of Yonghui Supermarket made Zhang Xuansong make a lot of money.

However, the sky is unpredictable. Just when everyone thought that Zhang Xuansong's entrepreneurial road was over, this person made a moth again. He actually invested all the 2 million he earned, and didn't give himself a way back.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

As a result of nine out of ten bets, Zhang Xuansong lost himself all of a sudden. Even the supermarket he worked so hard to set up had to be mortgaged. In the interview, Zhang Xuansong talked about this and thanked his relatives and friends who helped him at that time, without them, today's Yonghui supermarket may no longer exist.

For people who don't have capital, it's great to start from scratch, but the price of failure is painful. This lesson also made Zhang Xuansong re-examine himself, and since then, he has become much more cautious every time he makes decisions.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

It is precisely because of this caution that in a short period of time, Zhang Xuansong opened his supermarket to many places. This kid from an ordinary family watched his efforts succeed.

However, the changes of the times are always wrapped in sand waves, Zhang Xuansong wants to get other people who want to get it, the price war is launched in the major supermarkets, not more than others' some enough capital, Zhang Xuansong knows that the price war is not a way to go on for a long time, so he can only find another way.

Relying on his own unique vision, Zhang Xuansong found a gap in the market. Why do you only sell food in the supermarket? In this way, Zhang Xuansong began to introduce a variety of fruits and vegetables to enrich his product variety. In March 2001, the first Yonghui supermarket was officially opened.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

This reform was also successful, and under the propaganda of the people, Yonghui Supermarket once again became a boom.

In August 2015, Liu Qiangdong chose to invest in Yonghui Supermarket after a field visit. This investment has made the development of Yonghui Supermarket more rapid. In Liu Qiangdong's view, the project of Yonghui Supermarket cannot afford to lose money.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

First of all, Zhang Xuansong is a person, he has some unique business acumen and vision, and his starting point is for the masses. Captured the hearts of the masses, are you still afraid that you won't be able to make money? And for Jingdong at that time, the number of stores in Yonghui Supermarket also met the needs of Jingdong Supermarket, which was officially where Liu Qiangdong could really use Yonghui Supermarket.

The combination of Yonghui and can quickly unite the surrounding masses, and use his comprehensiveness to make develop rapidly.

Liu Qiangdong's landlord: 27-year-old lost 2 million! Now he makes more than 30 billion a year by opening a supermarket

In fact, the cooperation between the two is not the most curious, the most attractive is a mansion in Australia that Zhang Xuansong bought at that time. Later, someone discovered that this mansion was Liu Qiangdong's day of childbirth, and Zhang Tianze was living. It is also very rare for the original partner to become a landlord at this time. Although Liu Qiangdong couldn't buy the house because of Jingdong, he could only buy it with the help of Zhang Xuansong and rent it himself. This has also become the topic of Zhang Xuansong from the outside world and Liu Qiangdong's landlord.

Today's Yonghui supermarket is still very popular with people, and the hairy boy successfully achieved his entrepreneurial dream by relying on his own ability. We have to admire his courage and talent.

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