
"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew


Chu Yun is the president of the enforcement division in the TV series "Executive Judge".

On this day they needed to execute a case involving the family of a judge of the Criminal Division of the same court.

After being reminded by her colleagues, she disagreed and went to the store as usual to enforce it.

At this time, Chu Yun didn't expect that in such an ordinary case, he would be specially "greeted" by the leader, and he would be reprimanded by his colleagues for being unkind.

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

Chu Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin

Not long after Chu Yun brought Qi Runyu back to the Executive Board, he received a call from Dean Ma:

"I inform you now that Qi Lin has asked me for instructions in accordance with the organizational procedures, and he wants to visit his aunt, and I called you just to let you receive Qi Lin and hear what he wants, and I definitely don't want to interfere with the work of your Executive Board."
"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

In conclusion, Dean Ma said: "I definitely do not mean to interfere in the work of your Executive Board."

At the beginning, he said: "I now inform you that Qi Lin has asked me for instructions in accordance with the organizational procedures and wants to visit his aunt." ”

If Dean Ma didn't mean to interfere with Chu Yun's execution of the case, why did he use the word "notice".

Notices are applicable to the issuance and transmission of matters that require lower-level organs to be implemented and relevant units to be known or enforced, and to approve and forward official documents.
"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

Dean Ma's call was to ask Chu Yun to arrange for Qi Lin to visit his aunt as soon as possible.

Chu Yun is a person who attaches great importance to rules and regulations, and he was very angry after hearing Dean Ma's notice.

Before the phone hung up, the party Qi Lin came.

Chu Yun told him:

"You've influenced our work."
"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

Qi Lin didn't care, and took out the leader to press Chu Yun and said:

"That's the case, what about me, I have reported to President Zhao of our criminal court, I have also reported to President Ma in charge of the criminal court of our court, before I came, I also asked Director Zhou of your Executive Bureau, they all agreed that I came to see you, you are the presiding judge, if you agree, I want to take a look at my aunt, I am not coming to you as a judge, I am coming to you as a nephew."

In this situation, no matter who it is, it is impossible to believe Qi Lin's last words.

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

Qi Lin's words seemed to be defending himself, but every word was telling Chu Yun:

All the leaders agreed that I would go to see my aunt, Chu Yun, why didn't you agree.

Chu Yun became a court president at a young age, naturally he was not a showman, and he immediately understood Qi Lin's hints.

But she was very disgusted that people used human relationships for personal gain, so she angrily reprimanded Qi Lin and said:

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew
"You and I are wearing judges' uniforms, you said that you didn't come to me as a judge, you are really funny, for this matter, you found President Zhao, found Director Zhou, just now Dean Ma also made a special call to me, what are you doing, don't you just want to dredge up the relationship and use the leader to pressure me, when you are doing these things, what is your identity, you tell me, are you the identity of a nephew or the identity of a judge."

Chu Yun's words unveiled Qi Lin's hypocritical mask sentence by sentence.

And Qi Lin was not to be outdone when he heard Chu Yun's rebuke, and directly retorted:

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew
"I'm not talking to you, if you don't agree, I won't force it, you don't have to talk to me about yin and yang. Besides, I don't mean to meddle in your Executive Board case, let me tell you, I'm not here to go through the back door today, nor am I here to dredge up interpersonal relationships, I just want to meet my aunt, if you can't even understand this bit of common sense, you're too unkind. ”

Qi Lin's words are really a dog jumping off the wall in a hurry.

When he couldn't go through the back door, he directly attacked Chu Yun personally.

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

Qi Lin's work was not in line with the process.

After he learned from his uncle that his aunt was taken away by the Executive Directorate, he did not apply to see Qi Runyu according to the process, but directly went to his leader, Dean Ma, and said:

"I know as a judge I shouldn't be looking into this, but as a child, I'm really worried about her physical health, and I'd like to ask you if I can go and see her."

We put aside Judge Qi Lin's identity and see Qi Lin as an ordinary person like us.

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

Our aunt or even our parents were arrested by the executive board of the court, and we applied for visitation, did we apply to the president of the court?

Radically impossible.

It must be that you first go to the place where your family is detained and ask about the situation and then make an application.

And why did Qi Lin find the president, director, and president of the court to ask for instructions to visit his aunt as soon as the incident happened, not by virtue of the convenience of his status as a judge.

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

So Qi Lin said that he didn't go through the back door, but what kind of thing he could do was not something he did through the back door.

After being exposed by Chu Yun, he also scolded Chu Yun for being unkind.

In fact, this is the reason why Qi Lin first asked the leader for instructions.

If Chu Yun actively arranged for him to meet Qi Runyu, there would be nothing, if Chu Yun refused, first, he didn't take the leader seriously, and second, she was not close to people.

In this way, Chu Yun had to arrange for him to see Qi Runyu as soon as possible.

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

Chu Yun was not a person who deliberately embarrassed her colleagues, as long as Qi Lin applied to see Qi Runyu according to the procedure, she would not disagree.

Qi Lin seems to be upright, but when his relatives encounter something, Qi Lin is not exempt from vulgarity.

Qi Runyu is proud to have a nephew who is a judge

After Qi Lin went to the detention room to see his aunt Qi Runyu, Qi Runyu's arrogance suddenly disappeared, and he said to Qi Lin to show weakness:

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew
"Your aunt doesn't have much ability, and the proudest thing in this life is to train you to be a judge."

Seeing Qi Runyu's cautious appearance, he couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

She refused to vacate the room at the door of the hotel, and her ability to pick up a broom to confront the judge was not small.

As soon as he saw Qi Lin, he couldn't bear it.

Qi Lin was an orphan, and it was Qi Runyu who brought him home and raised him like his own son.

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

His son Fang Qiang is a dou who can't be supported, and Qi Runyu is indeed very proud that he has cultivated such a judge as Qi Lin.

But she didn't give Qi Lin any face.

Although Chu Yun and Qi Lin are not in the same court, they are colleagues in the same court after all.

From Chu Yun and them, guarding so many customers in the store, Qi Runyu kept mentioning that Qi Lin wanted to go through the back door through Qi Lin and prevent Chu Yun from sealing her shop.

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

After being caught in the Executive Board, he did not stop and deliberately tore up the transcript.

When Qi Runyu did this, it was not her face that she lost, but the face of her proudest nephew, Qi Lin.

For her, Qi Lin also found the big and small leaders of the court to say hello.

With her making a fuss, the entire court will know how difficult and unreasonable Qi Lin and his aunt are, and even their views on Qi Lin will change.

"Executive Judge" saw clearly that Yun angrily reprimanded Qi Lin, and only then did he understand how ridiculous it was for Qi Runyu to proudly raise a good nephew

How could such an unreasonable person cultivate a knowledgeable person like Qi Lin.

Qi Lin's excellence is Qi Runyu's cultivation or his own competition.

Since Qi Runyu can cultivate such an excellent person as Qi Lin, how can he cultivate a person like Fang Qiang. #执行法官 ##头条创作挑战赛#

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