
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose

author:One Night Book


The new plot of the TV series "Executive Judge" starring Luo Jin, Yang Zishan and others can be said to be more and more exciting, with the development of the story, the matter of the Qilun Group involved behind Dong Ming's matter is getting bigger and deeper, Dong Ming was put on a position by Chen Qilun before, and originally wanted to use Fang Qiang's purchase of 10% of the shares to make a fuss, and wanted to sell the land of his fitness equipment factory at a high price of 30 million, but what he didn't expect was that Chen Qilun's people found his handle at the critical moment, forced him to quickly roll up the cover and leave.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose

And Fang Qiang didn't know that the danger was approaching him, after Dong Ming left, his lover Dai Lan's beauty salon also had accidents one after another, because the inferior cosmetics he gave Dai Lan caused many people to be disfigured, Dai Lan faced a huge amount of compensation, plus Dong Ming took away her money, her best friend and cousin Qin Hong suddenly appeared, did not pay to help her, but asked her to transfer her property, not only that, but this one took a fancy to Dong Ming's creditor's rights and wanted to get a kick from Dong Ming's creditor's rights.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose

Qin Hong is not a good person, and what she does is also for the sake of profit, even Director Ma, Director Ma can see that she has a past with her, and she only thinks of using him for her own benefit. And Fang Qiang also encountered a great danger because of this matter, and was almost killed, after all, Fang Qiang held ten percent of the shares in his hands, and it was easy to make all of Chen Qilun's layouts empty, Chen Qilun would definitely try his best to eliminate this threat, and even at all costs, otherwise the entire project would be in vain.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose

And the Executive Directorate also began to contact Dai Lan's case at this time, this person had no money to compensate because of the disfigurement of the victim and the transfer of property, and what happened after this incident undoubtedly had a very huge impact, and the people of the Executive Board naturally began to investigate Dai Lan, and found that she transferred money to another beauty salon before being executed, and even in order to investigate that the payee of this beauty salon was Dai Lan, so Qi Lin and Chu Yun pretended to be a married couple and went to the beauty salon to apply for a card, wanting to find out who the real owner of this beauty salon was. If it is confirmed that it is Dai Lan, it is natural to execute this beauty salon.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose

I have to say that the plan of these two people is good, but unfortunately Chu Yun didn't expect her rival Cui Tiancheng's daughter, but her identity was exposed, and the matter of these two pretending to be a couple to explore the beauty salon came to an end, but after this incident, the relationship between Qi Lin and Chu Yun has changed dramatically, and even Qi Lin went to participate in each other's class reunion because of this, I have to say that Qi Lin and Chu Yun do have a sense of CP between them.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose

And after this misunderstanding, the two gradually came together, although Chu Yun still has some obsession with Mu Zifeng, but it is obvious that Mu Zifeng is hugging Cui Tiancheng's thigh and not letting go, even if he is disgusted and even insulted by Cui Tiancheng and his wife He is the dog of the Cui family, he has to endure such a shame, in the face of Cui Tiancheng's daughter's brutal willfulness, this one has always tried his best to restrain and forbear, just to hold his thighs and let his career have a backer, Mu Zifeng is really ambitious.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose

It's just that Mu Zifeng still doesn't know what he missed, until Chu Yun and Qi Lin were together, and Qi Lin found out that Chu Yun's father was actually the mayor of Qinggang City, and he was surprised to find out what Mu Zifeng missed, you must know that Cui Tiancheng treated him as a dog in front of Mu Zifeng, and in front of Chen Qilun, Cui Tiancheng was submissive, but Chen Qilun's was nothing in front of Chu Yun's father, Mayor Chu, and he even had to be respectful to Shen Sifang, which shows how big the gap between them is.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose

Compared with Cui Tiancheng and his wife, Chu Yun's father is not so inflammatory, and he does not look down on Mu Zifeng who was born in a small place, if Mu Zifeng had pursued Chu Yun directly and decisively, he may have succeeded a long time ago, it can only be said that he really missed the opportunity to hug his thighs, Chu Yun's father is the real thigh, as long as he hugs this thigh, even if Chu Yun's father does not let him go through the back door, there will be many "sensible" people like Chen Qilun who will give him a chance, so as to make friends with the mayor.

Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose
Executive Judge: It wasn't until he discovered his father-in-law's identity that Qi Lin found out what Chu Yun had made Mu Zifeng lose

All in all, Mu Zifeng really missed a great opportunity, he really sacrificed his roots to please Cui Tiancheng's daughter, a rude and willful eldest lady, the final outcome can be imagined, Mu Zifeng was either suppressed for the rest of his life, or he was resentful, and finally killed Cui Tiancheng's family, and Qi Lin and Chu Yun were good, although he didn't think about hugging his thighs, but he had no intention of inserting willows into the shade, with such an invisible thigh to help, Qi Lin's future will definitely rise.

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