
"Executive Judge": Chu Yun's subordinates are full of talents, why was it not discovered until Qi Lin appeared?

author:Wu Yue watched the drama

In the latest plot, with the help of Ouyang Lulu, Qi Lin and others quickly found new clues from the scrapped Maserati engine, and then found Qian Da, who had money dealings with Liu Zeguang, the defendant in Ren Xue's case.

At the critical moment, Tian Jia, who is inconspicuous on weekdays, showed a wave of superb boxing skills on the spot, not only bringing the wicked to justice, but also saving the lives of his colleagues, and directly stunned Qi Lin and other male colleagues.

"Executive Judge": Chu Yun's subordinates are full of talents, why was it not discovered until Qi Lin appeared?

Since Qi Lin, a catfish, came to the second court, not only has the stereotype of the heroine Chu Yun gradually changed, but the entire office has shown unprecedented enthusiasm for the officer, and the people who were originally hidden have also slowly revealed their little-known side.

First is Yan Anyang. In Li Ren's case, Qi Lin felt that the area of the No. 2 stable was boring, and he tried his best to write and paint for a long time, but he couldn't figure out why. At this moment, Yan Anyang, who was about to get off work, came over and asked him to try, Yan Anyang called up the law enforcement recorder, compared Qi Lin's height and stride, and then typed on the computer for a while, and accurately calculated the area of the horse shed that Qi Lin couldn't think about, and provided technical guidance for him to find the four horses that Li Ren was hiding, which can be said to be indispensable.

"Executive Judge": Chu Yun's subordinates are full of talents, why was it not discovered until Qi Lin appeared?

Then there is Ouyang Lulu. Whether it is visiting the racecourse at night, or accompanying Qi Lin to visit Zhang Jianguo, or helping to find the Maserati who caused Liu Zeguang's accident, Ouyang Lulu's advantages and disadvantages are obvious, she dares to take risks, has the courage to challenge, and has a wealth of life experience in the upper class circle that can come in handy, but she will also conflict with the person subject to execution because of improper methods and methods. In the process of getting along with Judge Qi, Ouyang Lulu benefited from it and contributed a lot to the collective, making her a rare and good assistant.

"Executive Judge": Chu Yun's subordinates are full of talents, why was it not discovered until Qi Lin appeared?

Finally, Tian Jia. She first made a big splash in the matter of the judge's group fight, and when she returned to the courtyard, she was arranged by Qi Lin to learn martial arts with the bailiffs.

Obviously, Chu Yun didn't know about Yan Anyang, a hidden technical talent, or Tian Jia, a hidden female bodyguard, except for Ouyang Lulu's conspicuous bag-like rich second-generation identity, Judge Chu Yun's understanding of his subordinates was a little pitiful.

Since there are many talents in the second court, why has Chu Yun never found out before?

"Executive Judge": Chu Yun's subordinates are full of talents, why was it not discovered until Qi Lin appeared?

A good leader is good at discovering talents and making proper use of them.

In the past, Chu Yun rarely had a smiling face in front of her colleagues, she held the leader's shelf and gave stiff instructions, everyone was naturally reluctant to take the initiative to approach her, without subordinates, Chu Yun would not be able to get close to everyone's hearts, of course, he couldn't find these hidden skills.

In the past, Chu Yun stared at the law, and only had norms in her heart, she went to work step by step, punched in conscientiously, and used the cold law to execute the cases that people turned over on their backs, because the way was wrong, the effect was also greatly reduced, so in the second court of enforcement under her leadership, the complaint rate would remain high.

"Executive Judge": Chu Yun's subordinates are full of talents, why was it not discovered until Qi Lin appeared?

Now, with the addition of Qi Lin, the working atmosphere of the entire Second Enforcement Court has undergone subtle changes. Colleagues are willing to get close to Judge Qi, and Judge Qi is also willing to ask everyone for advice, without the constraints of rank, communication has become easy and effective, so judging from the results, it seems that a group of talented people have suddenly appeared.

In fact, whether it was Yan Anyang or Tian Jia, they had no intention of concealing their small skills, but they had no place to use them before, and Qi Lin's arrival made all this possible.

Qi Lin is a person with strong empathy ability, he can find the good in the people around him, and quickly integrate into an unfamiliar group. Qi Lin is not like other colleagues, either rich or powerful, he is an orphan, with his true talent and learning, steadily meditated to his current position, he has no shelf, he is polite and modest to colleagues and leaders, low-key and cautious, such a person, but can find the good of the people around him as quickly as possible, and get everyone's trust.

"Executive Judge": Chu Yun's subordinates are full of talents, why was it not discovered until Qi Lin appeared?

Driven by Qi Lin, the second court of enforcement has slowly changed, and even the cold Chu Yun is no longer stubborn as before, which is a good start, and it also shows the temperature that judges should have when enforcing the law.

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