
No wonder Wu Song is so afraid of Song Jiang, you can understand it if you see through Song Jiang and Hu Sanniang

author:Erdong Literature and History

Everyone has heard of Wu Song's deeds, Jingyanggang fought the tiger, killed Ximen Qing angrily, drunkenly beat Jiang Menshen, and splashed blood on Mandarin Duck Tower, every story is enough to make a wonderful movie, Wu Erye is really "like a demon lord in the sky, it is really a Tai Sui god in the world", and he is not afraid of the existence of heaven and earth.

But if you really think so, you are wrong, because judging from the plot setting of the original work of "Water Margin", Wu Song, who seems to be fearless, will always become very tame in front of Song Jiang, why is this?

1. The second master of Wu who is not afraid of tigers

If you want to say that the battle in the book that best reflects Wu Song's brave side, it has to be the section where Jingyanggang fights the tiger.

Wu Song is "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and he prefers to go to the tiger mountains", but he is not only that, he even knows that there are tigers in the mountains, and he has to get drunk so much that he goes up the mountain.

No wonder Wu Song is so afraid of Song Jiang, you can understand it if you see through Song Jiang and Hu Sanniang

(Wu Song stills)

Wu Song is eighteen bowls of wine, what is the concept? Even if the ancient brewing process is far inferior to the modern one, and the degree of the wine is not high, even if it is just beer, drink it in eighteen bowls, not to mention drunk or not, at least the feeling of satiety is inevitably uncomfortable, let alone fighting with others, even if you walk faster, you will feel unbearable abdominal pain.

And that had no effect on Wu Song, when the tiger appeared, he was indeed frightened, but he knew in his heart that if he wanted to defeat the tiger, he couldn't show his cowardice, and only by being more fierce than the tiger could he clean up this big worm.

The book only said: "Wu Song was so shocked by that he broke out in a cold sweat." It's too late, it's too soon. When Wu Song saw the big insect pounce, he only flashed and flashed behind the big insect. It was the most difficult to see people behind the big insect, so he put his front paws on the ground, lifted his waist, and lifted it up...... That big insect ate Wu Song, but he had no strength. Wu Song grabbed the top flower skin tightly with his left hand, stole out his right hand, raised a fist the size of a hammer, and did his best to fight. After fifty or seventy punches, blood burst out of the big worm's eyes, mouth, nose, and ears. ”

From being frightened to calmly coping, Wu Song only took a few seconds to calm down, where had the tiger seen such an opponent, only under Wu Song's stormy attack, he was reduced to a brocade bag, and there was no movement.

Since then, Wu Song has had the title of "Tiger Fighting Hero", no matter where he goes, people have to praise him, which shows that "fighting tigers" is difficult for human beings to do in the hearts of ordinary people.

In this case, why is Wu Song afraid of Song Jiang?

Second, the little brother in front of Song Jiang

You may disagree with saying that Wu Song is afraid of Song Jiang, but this is the case in the original book.

When the two of them met for the first time in Chai Jin's village, Wu Song couldn't hold back his temper for a while, but because Song Jiang stomped on his shovel handle, he stood up and threatened to beat Song Jiang.

No wonder Wu Song is so afraid of Song Jiang, you can understand it if you see through Song Jiang and Hu Sanniang

(Wu Song, Song Jiang stills)

But when Chai Jin said that the person in front of him was Song Jiang, Wu Song suddenly lost his temper, and only made amends again and again, and the original book said: "The villain has eyes and does not know Mount Tai, and he desecrates his brother for a while, hoping to beg for forgiveness!" ”

Of course, at this time, Wu Song admired Song Jiang, it must be because Chai Jin mentioned that Song Jiang was loyal and righteous, and he was willing to help the heroes of the green forest.

At this time, Wu Song was not afraid of Song Jiang.

But in the follow-up plot, Wu Song even made trouble to the point that he might fight with Song Jiang, but in the end he turned off the fire.

For example, during the Great Gathering, when Lehe sang the words "The King of Heaven wants to recruit An", Wu Song couldn't listen to it.

The original book said: "Le He sang this word, and was singing 'Wangtian King sent an edict to recruit peace early', only to see Wu Song shouting: 'I will recruit an today, and I will also recruit an tomorrow, which chills the hearts of the brothers!'" The black whirlwind opened his eyes and shouted, "Zhao'an, Zhao'an!" Recruit even the birds! With one kick, kick the table up and smash it. Song Jiang shouted: 'How dare this black guy be so rude! Push me left and right, and report it! And they all knelt down and said, 'This man is drunk and mad.' Brother forgiveness! ’”

No wonder Wu Song is so afraid of Song Jiang, you can understand it if you see through Song Jiang and Hu Sanniang

(Hu Sanniang stills)

Li Kui was taken down directly, and Song Jiang didn't do anything directly to Wu Song, but with Wu Song's temper, how could he bear it? But he didn't dare to be mad at this time, Song Jiang just appeased, and the matter passed, Wu Song said that he was unwilling to accept Zhao'an, but he did not leave Liangshan with Lu Zhishen, only continued to stay by Song Jiang's side, being his little brother, and still made a lot of contributions in the follow-up expedition.

In fact, in the green forest, disagreement is a very terrifying thing, once it makes trouble, most of them are going to see blood, Lin Chonghuo and Wang Lun were like this, but at this time Wu Song did not have the courage to fire and Song Jiang.

Why is that?

In fact, it can be seen from the experience of Song Jiang and Hu Sanniang.

3. Hu Sanniang's experience

Hu Sanniang is the most brilliant of the three female generals in Liangshan, but the process of her going to Liangshan is not as natural as Gu's sister-in-law and Sun Erniang, and the second daughter can be said to be a ruthless person, don't think that only Sun Erniang is like this, Gu Sister-in-law has not killed the female relatives of Zhujiazhuang.

No wonder Wu Song is so afraid of Song Jiang, you can understand it if you see through Song Jiang and Hu Sanniang

(Hu Sanniang, Wang Ying stills)

And Hu Sanniang, when Liangshan San beat Zhujiazhuang, Li Kui killed Hu Sanniang's family, and Li Kui is Song Jiang's person, this grudge should naturally be counted on Song Jiang's head, in normal logic, Hu Sanniang let alone defect to Liangshan, even if he was arrested and humiliated, he should fight with Liangshan's gang to the end.

However, after Song Jiang took her down and sent her to Song Taigong to be placed under house arrest for a while, Hu Sanniang seemed to be a different person.

When she appeared again, it was time for Song Jiang to marry her, and you should look at her performance at this time: "Song Jiang went to invite Song Taigong to come and lead a young man to the feast. Song Jiang personally accompanied him and said: "My brother Wang Ying, although he has martial arts, is not as good as his virtuous sister. It was I who promised him a family affair, but I never got it. Today, my sister has recognized my father. All the leaders are matchmakers, and today is an auspicious day, and Xianmei and Wang Ying are married. Yizhang Qing saw that Song Jiang was deeply righteous and couldn't push it. The two of them had to thank them. ”

Thank you? What does Hu Sanniang want to thank him? Why does this woman seem to have been brainwashed?

No wonder Wu Song is so afraid of Song Jiang, you can understand it if you see through Song Jiang and Hu Sanniang

(Song Jiang stills)

Wu Song on the side will inevitably wonder, but in fact, after reading the forty-second chapter of the original work, you won't be wondering, Song Jiang got the "Book of Heaven" of the Nine Heavens Xuannu, which has long recorded which heroes can go to Liangshan, for example, the Xuannu said that she would hand over the "Book of Heaven" to the "Tianji Star" to watch, so Song Jiang gave it to Wu Yong, but at this time, there was no big gathering, and the stone was not unearthed, how did Song Jiang know that Wu Yong was the "Tianji Star"? It is precisely because the "Heavenly Machine" is in the "Book of Heaven".

If Song Jiang wants to persuade Hu Sanniang, he only needs to tell her the "future" he knows, just like when Qin Ming went up the mountain, he sighed and "matched the stars" with all the heroes, the heroes of the green forest in the book seemed to have some kind of induction, and Hu Sanniang couldn't help but believe it.

Even the enemy can be persuaded by Song Jiang, how can Wu Song not be afraid of this big brother? His willingness to be Song Jiang's younger brother is completely reasonable.

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