
Du Hua Nian: Why did Li Chuan castrate Su Rongqing? Understand the relationship between Su Ronghua and Shangguan Ya! I know why

author:Aijie said sports
Du Hua Nian: Why did Li Chuan castrate Su Rongqing? Understand the relationship between Su Ronghua and Shangguan Ya! I know why

In the TV series "Spending the Year of China", the fates of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong are entangled like fate. They experience emotional complexities and power struggles, revealing a fascinating and challenging world.

Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong were originally the kind of couple who were born together, but no one expected fate to play tricks on people like this. They died tragically in the tragedy of White Horse Lane in their previous life, but in this life they are reborn and vow to change everything.

Pei Wenxuan is an infatuated species, and he fell in love with Li Rong at first sight, but their love was pulled by scheming and calculation. Netizens all feel that this pair of children has a hard life, and they are obviously a pair of good people, but they are exhausted by the calculations of those bad people. Some netizens joked that it seems that true love can't compete with politics, and this kind of couple is always tossed to death by politics.

Du Hua Nian: Why did Li Chuan castrate Su Rongqing? Understand the relationship between Su Ronghua and Shangguan Ya! I know why

Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong did not give up, they decided to join forces to deal with those who harmed them. There are comments that this is a couple with guts who dare to face challenges and intrigues and deserve our respect. Pei Wenxuan was brilliant and used historical experience and Tuoba Yan's resourcefulness to not only break the limits of power, but also demonstrate remarkable power. Netizens praised them one after another, praising them for being fearless of hardships and dangers, and having a kind of determination to break the boat.

However, they are faced not only with a struggle for power, but also with those hypocritical friends. Some people commented that these so-called friendships are nothing more than an exchange of interests, and who can treat them sincerely? Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong know this very well, they have seen through people's hearts, learned to be vigilant, and only trust those who are truly trustworthy.

Du Hua Nian: Why did Li Chuan castrate Su Rongqing? Understand the relationship between Su Ronghua and Shangguan Ya! I know why

Faced with a power struggle, Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong had to deal with Emperor Li Ming. Li Ming is not a true ally, but uses them to achieve his own ends. In this complex game of power schemes, Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong felt a little pressure, because they knew that Li Ming was not working out of sincere cooperation, but was using their abilities and influence to strengthen their position.

For Pei Wenxuan, this kind of power struggle is no longer what he likes, and he is more willing to use his wisdom and courage to pursue true justice. Whenever he communicated with Li Ming, he was secretly vigilant in his heart, trying to capture the true motives that Li Ming might be hiding. He knew that dealing with the Emperor, especially such a man of supremacy, meant that they had to be careful not to get caught up in the calculations of others.

Li Rong stood beside Pei Wenxuan more firmly, and she had already understood Li Ming's thoughts clearly. When confronted by the emperor, she learns to hide her emotions and use calmness and composure to face his seemingly friendly but secretly mysterious conversations. She understands that every word of Li Ming could be the beginning of a political maelstrom, and she and Pei Wenxuan must be fully prepared and ready to deal with possible accidents.

Du Hua Nian: Why did Li Chuan castrate Su Rongqing? Understand the relationship between Su Ronghua and Shangguan Ya! I know why

The complexity of this power play stresses them out as they not only have to deal with external threats, but also deal with internal contradictions and emotional entanglements. The combined power of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong became their only belief, and they were determined to break the shackles of these power games through their own efforts and wisdom, so that true justice and human values could be revealed. Pei Wenxuan played Zhang Linghe, Zhang Linghe's superb acting skills gradually showed him, so that he won more and more praise on the road of actor. Although he was originally a science and engineering student, dealing with numbers and machines for many years, his scientific temperament - frank, straightforward and logically rigorous expression - deeply attracted the attention of the audience.

Zhang Linghe is able to interpret the role vividly in each work, and his performance is not only the use of technology, but also a deep understanding and expression of the character's inner world. Through delicate emotions and precise expressions, he can vividly show the complexity of the characters and the inner conflicts of the characters, which makes people can't help but be moved.

Du Hua Nian: Why did Li Chuan castrate Su Rongqing? Understand the relationship between Su Ronghua and Shangguan Ya! I know why

Netizens are full of praise and recognition for Zhang Linghe's acting skills. Some viewers praised him as "a drama wizard with a science and engineering background, and his acting skills are really amazing!" Another person sighed: "Every time he performs, people can feel the truth and depth of the role, which is simply the vitality of the drama!" ”

Zhang Linghe's acting skills are not only superb in technique, but also an in-depth excavation and true presentation of the character's spiritual world. He is able to grasp the emotional delicacy and psychological transformation of the characters through performance, so that each character can resonate and emotionally connect with the audience. His scientific temperament is vividly expressed in his performances, allowing people to see the freshness and unique charm that is different from traditional actors.

Du Hua Nian: Why did Li Chuan castrate Su Rongqing? Understand the relationship between Su Ronghua and Shangguan Ya! I know why

Therefore, Zhang Linghe is not only an outstanding actor, but also presents a new style of acting for the audience through his unique science and engineering temperament and superb performance skills. Each of his performances proves to the audience that theatre and technology are not naturally opposed, but can be combined in him to create a more vivid and rich performance charm.

The turning point of the story lies in Su Rongqing's betrayal. His appearance revealed the secrets and conspiracies of his previous life, and became a thorn in the hearts of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong. Su Rongqing used to be their enemy, but now he has reappeared, retaliating with poison and calculations, which has plunged them into a deeper crisis.

As a far-reaching family, the Su family supports Li Xin to become the crown prince, but behind it is a complex family interest and emotional entanglement. The relationship between Shangguan Ya and Su Ronghua adds to the drama of the story, making each character struggle in the whirlpool of power and emotion.

Du Hua Nian: Why did Li Chuan castrate Su Rongqing? Understand the relationship between Su Ronghua and Shangguan Ya! I know why

Li Chuan's revenge on the Su family is undoubtedly one of the climaxes of the whole story. His actions are extreme and resolute, and the castration of Su Rongqing shows his cruel side, but also shows his strong desire for power and deep hatred of betrayal.

Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong did not forget their original intentions after being reborn, and continued to confront the enemy, trying to prevent Li Chuan from becoming emperor. Their struggle was not only for themselves, but also to prevent the Su family from suffering another catastrophe, showing their firmness and courage.

"The Year of China" is not only an epic TV series about intrigue and revenge, but also a profound exploration of human nature, emotions and fate. The choices and actions of each character show their inner contradictions and struggles, making this series full of dramatic tension and emotional resonance that the audience has been waiting for for a long time.

Du Hua Nian: Why did Li Chuan castrate Su Rongqing? Understand the relationship between Su Ronghua and Shangguan Ya! I know why

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