
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan

author:Kangkang Entertainment Article


With the development of the story, Pei Wenxuan finally confessed to Li Rong, this is nothing, after all, Pei Wenxuan originally liked Li Rong, but Li Rong knew at this time that Pei Wenxuan had loved him for two lives, but Pei Wenxuan's confession did not make Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan come together immediately, after all, Li Rong loved Su Rongqing for seventeen years in the previous life, although Su Rongqing was punished by the palace, but Li Rong loved him for two lives.

"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan

But the two encountered another incident, which greatly increased the relationship between the two, and this incident was the case of the Qin family being framed. Li Chuan and Qin Zhenzhen, a pair of "threading the needle" combination, have fallen in love with each other, if it weren't for the difference in each other's identities, they would have come together a long time ago, but they didn't expect the queen to be dissatisfied, plus Li Ming's attack on the family, which made the family fight back, not only did the family make Li Ming's holy decree unable to leave the palace, but the Shangguan family and the Su family actually joined forces and prepared to beat Li Ming, and the one they chose was the Qin family.

"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan

The Qin family is a poor family, and it happens to have military merits in the northwest, so the Shangguan family and the Su family joined forces to frame the Qin family for embezzling military salaries and colluding with foreign enemies, and in the end the Qin family was almost wiped out, many people were killed, Qin Zhenzhen was able to escape and was rescued by Li Rong, but Li Rong did not tell his younger brother Qin Zhenzhen the news that he was still alive. In order to help the Qin family, Li Chuan listened to Pei Wenxuan's words and wanted to persuade Li Rong to surrender to Li Ming, set up an agency to supervise hundreds of officials, and be directly responsible to Li Ming, which is equivalent to "Jinyiwei".

"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan

And this matter is destined to offend the family and stand on the opposite side of all the families, because of this incident, Pei Wenxuan was served by the family law, and although Li Rong was domineering to protect her husband, she was also punished, although Li Ming agreed, but Li Rong couldn't help the family, after all, Li Ming, the emperor, couldn't deal with the family, let alone Li Rong, a princess, in order to deal with the family, Li Rong could only use public opinion, and even did not hesitate to let Qin Zhenzhen fake her death, so that she "faked her death", Qin Zhenzhen became a fugitive and could not appear openly, Li Rong arranged for her to fake her death and file a complaint, so as to make the matter bigger and make the family deflated, which was originally a good plan, but it was very difficult to hide this matter.

"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan

In order to deceive everyone, Li Rong naturally deceived even Li Chuan, and Li Chuan watched the tragic death of his beloved, and he was originally angry about the destruction of the Qin family, thinking that he did not have enough strength, did not be able to protect the Qin family, and did not protect Qin Zhenzhen, so Li Chuan had a desire for power for the first time, in fact, in his previous life, Li Chuan was also completely changed because Qin Zhenzhen died, but he was already the emperor at that time, so after Qin Zhenzhen's death, he not only destroyed half of the Shangguan family, but also destroyed the entire Su family. It can only be said that the family killed the Qin family, which became an opportunity for Li Chuan's heart to completely change.

"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan

In fact, it can be said that Li Rong ruined his younger brother Li Chuan, if Li Rong told the truth, Li Chuan would not have such a huge psychological change, and there would be no things like Li Chuan in the back, and even Li Chuan would not have almost rebelled later, it can be said that Li Rong let Qin Zhen fake his death and hide it from the world, but he didn't tell Li Chuan, and he harmed his younger brother. There are some similarities to the previous life, Qin Zhenzhen's fake death made Li Chuan extremely painful, and Li Chuan had a pursuit of power, so he almost destroyed himself later.

"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan

Fortunately, Li Chuan had Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's sister and brother-in-law to help, successfully saved his life, and was able to retreat with Qin Zhenzhen, Qin Zhenzhen is not suitable for entering the palace, and Li Chuan is actually not suitable to be the emperor, he is too kind and infatuated, he was forced to become a madman in the last life, many people say that he is tyrannical, but those are the crimes imposed on him by the family, Pei Wenxuan knows that Li Chuan's is not easy, but it is a pity that Pei Wenxuan died in the previous life, I am afraid that Li Chuan will also be killed by Shangguan Ya.

"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan
"Du Hua Nian" until Qin Zhenzhen faked his death, Li Rong didn't know that she destroyed Li Chuan

In this life, Li Chuan was able to retreat with his whole body, thanks to Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, and Li Rong finally became the empress, and getting rid of the family without blood can be regarded as achieving something that Li Ming and Li Chuan can't do.

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