
Party and mass micro station, childlike concert... This is how they celebrate the birthday → of the party

author:Shanghai Hongkou

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit the red gene, and gather the strength to forge ahead, the residential areas of Guangzhong Road Street have carried out various forms and rich activities to guide and inspire party members and the masses to celebrate July 1st and recall their original intentions.

The party and mass micro station was unveiled, and party members revisited the "red memory"

On the morning of July 1, the Party and Mass Micro Station in the residential area of Xintongxin Road was officially unveiled. The party and mass micro-station is located in the Longtai apartment community, which was originally the office space of the business committee and the property, and has been transformed into a party building service position of "party building leading, gathering resources, and benefiting the people". The station is equipped with functional areas such as style display, book and newspaper reading, and party member activity room, providing convenient party building services for party members and the masses in the jurisdiction.

Party and mass micro station, childlike concert... This is how they celebrate the birthday → of the party

△ Party and mass micro station unveiled

The decoration and furnishings in the station are full of the characteristics of the new Tongxin Road residential area, showing the community governance concept and achievements of the residential area under the leadership of the party building in the past two years.

Party and mass micro station, childlike concert... This is how they celebrate the birthday → of the party

△ After entering the door, the wall decoration on the left side shows the new concentric governance concept

Party and mass micro station, childlike concert... This is how they celebrate the birthday → of the party

△ Grace display area

In the brand-new party and mass micro station, party members and resident representatives in residential areas gathered together to hold celebrations. Five veteran party members were awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" and shared their feelings. Coincidentally, Zhao Caiying, a veteran party member who won the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and the May Day Movement also had an unforgettable memory. In the three-year writing process, Zhao Caiying had a deep understanding of the deeds of these tram workers who were not afraid of difficulties and sacrifices, "For me, I will always play my role well under the leadership of the general party branch and among the party members." ”

Party and mass micro station, childlike concert... This is how they celebrate the birthday → of the party

△ 5 veteran party members were awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

Party and mass micro station, childlike concert... This is how they celebrate the birthday → of the party

△ Each party member will receive a beautiful political birthday commemorative card

The event also presented awards to the "most beautiful party member", "the most beautiful team" and "best backing". The three awards were given to representatives of party members who have made continuous contributions to the residential area, a volunteer team that has selflessly contributed to the harmony of the community, and a caring family that has unconditionally supported their families to participate in the work of the Owners' Committee.

Childlike heart to the party, singing gifts

A few days ago, a special concert titled "Children's Heart to the Party, Building a Dream for the Future" was staged in the atrium of Honghui Xinli Shopping Mall. In addition to the resident art team, there are also a group of versatile cute babies, who celebrate the party's birthday in various forms such as singing and dancing, musical instrument performance, etc.

Party and mass micro station, childlike concert... This is how they celebrate the birthday → of the party

△ Cast and crew

The little singers wore small red dresses inlaid with yellow stars, from "Song of the Chinese Youth Pioneers", "Motherland, Motherland, We Love You" to "Little Children's Big Dreams", expressing their love for the motherland and the vitality of Chinese teenagers with their immature voices. "We are the successors of communism and inherit the glorious tradition of our revolutionary ancestors......" accompanied by the children's singing, and many audience members hummed softly. Aunt Zhang Yixin, who is over 70 years old and has been a party member for more than 20 years, applauded from time to time, she said: "The theme of today's event is particularly good, 'childlike heart to the party'. The "Song of the Chinese Youth Pioneers" sung by the children was also sung by me when I was a child. Our Communist Party has gone through 103 years, and we hope that the children will love the party and pass on the party's cause from generation to generation. ”

Party and mass micro station, childlike concert... This is how they celebrate the birthday → of the party

△ Moe Chorus

The "Singing and Smiling" chorus, the Hulusi team and enthusiastic residents brought "Return from Target Shooting" and the Red Song Ensemble also won warm applause. When these popular red classic songs sounded, the audience seemed to return to the era full of gunsmoke and blood, recalling those difficult and unforgettable years. Many passers-by who visited the mall were also attracted by the event, stopping to take pictures and watch.

Party and mass micro station, childlike concert... This is how they celebrate the birthday → of the party

△ "Singing and Smiling" Choir

In addition to theatrical performances, the general party branch of Tiantongan Road residential area also set up a commemorative medal awarding link of "50 years of glory in the party". Five veteran party members were awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and the audience extended high respect and warm applause to the veteran party members.

Party and mass micro station, childlike concert... This is how they celebrate the birthday → of the party

△ Awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

The concert ended successfully with the singing of "My Motherland and Me" by all the performers. Through the cultural exchange of "big hands holding small hands" and the four generations of the old, middle and young people in the same house, this activity not only showed the deep feelings of the people in the residential area for the party, but also enhanced the exchanges and communication between different age groups and strengthened the cohesion between residents.

Party and mass micro station, childlike concert... This is how they celebrate the birthday → of the party

Reporter: Ge Minmin

Image: Ge Minmin, Guangzhong Road street

Source: Shanghai Hongkou

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