
In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

author:Small back basket for agricultural technology

There are two sentences in the management of fruit tree planting: the first sentence is "This year's fruit trees fall leaves early, and next year's fruit will be less and small; This year's fruit trees have good leaf preservation, and next year's fruit yield will be high", the second sentence is "not afraid of fruit trees bearing less, afraid of fruit trees falling leaves early". In the high temperature, rainy and humid season from July to August every summer, it is easy to cause a large number of leaves on fruit trees to fall early after each heavy rain.

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

Generally speaking, the protection of green leaves before the normal fall of leaves in the summer from June to July to autumn from October to November is one of the most important things in orchard management. If your fruit tree green leaves are not properly protected and there is a more serious early defoliation problem in 6/7/8/9 months (the green leaf drop rate of a single fruit tree is more than 5%, it will affect the fruit tree, and the early defoliation rate of the fruit tree is 20-30% and 70-80%), then it will cause your fruit tree to not be able to flower and bear fruit normally in the past two years, and can not successfully achieve stable production and income increase, and in severe cases, it will also lead to serious weakening of the tree, a significant increase in pests and diseases, and a serious reduction in orchard yield year after year. In more severe cases, there is also a risk of dead roots and dead trees. Because the early defoliation disease of fruit trees has too much impact on fruit trees, and the damage caused by early defoliation problems to fruit trees is comprehensive.

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

For the problem of a large number of fruit trees falling in advance, many fruit farmers have a headache: there are many reasons for the early fall of fruit tree leaves, such as the influence of high temperature and high humidity weather, pests and diseases that harm leaves, poor orchard light conditions, improper management of orchard water and fertilizer, fruit tree cycle pesticide management can not keep up, untimely pesticide before and after rain or improper selection and use of drugs in the rainy season, fruit trees that year are too fruitful, the nutritional burden of the tree body is too heavy, the early protection and leaf protection management is not in place (that is, no defoliation is not sprayed), the overall tree is too weak and too poor, the impact of extreme bad weather, etc. If the above aspects of fruit tree leaf management are not done well, then any of them will cause a more serious early defoliation problem of fruit trees from June to September, that is, fruit trees begin to lose a large number of leaves from the tree before the normal defoliation period.

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

In today's article, the agricultural technology basket will first tell you about the serious adverse consequences of fruit trees after the early defoliation occurs from June to September (focus on July to August)? As for why fruit trees fall early leaves, why orchards frequently apply pesticides to protect leaves but can't keep green leaves, and how to prevent and skillfully treat early leaf loss of fruit trees, the agricultural technology basket will continue to tell you later.

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

1. Premature defoliation of fruit trees will lead to slow growth of young fruits and small fruit growth

Fruit growers who know a little about the law of fruit expansion and germination should know that if a young fruit on the tree wants to expand quickly and smoothly into a more ideal large fruit, it must have a sufficient number of green leaves that can synthesize organic nutrients through photosynthesis. Generally speaking, a small variety and early-maturing variety need about 20-30 green leaves to grow into a large fruit, a medium-sized variety and medium-ripening variety need about 40-50 green leaves to grow into a large fruit, a large variety and late-maturing variety need about 50-60 green leaves to grow a large fruit, and a fruit like a very large fruit needs more green leaves to grow fruit (for example, the fruit size of a grapefruit is about 150-200 green leaves).

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

If the fruit tree has a more serious early defoliation, the green leaves on the tree are dropped a lot during the period from June to September, so that the number of green leaves on the tree that can provide organic nutrients for the rapid expansion and development of young fruits will be seriously insufficient, so that the young fruits will be unable to expand the fruit (slow fruit expansion) and difficult to expand (small size) because of "not eating" or "not enough to eat", so that the fruit tree will be full of small fruits and reduce production.

Second, the premature defoliation of fruit trees will aggravate the orchard fruit drop and the fruit cannot be retained on the tree

We all know that fruit trees generally have 3 physiological fruit drop periods, which are the early fruit drop after fruit setting (about 1-2 weeks after flowering), the nutritional critical period around June (about 3-4 weeks after flowering), and the early ripening fruit drop before maturity (about 3-4 weeks before maturity), and these 3 stages of fruit trees will drop some young fruits more or less naturally.

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

However, if the fruit trees in your orchard have an early defoliation problem and drop a lot of green leaves prematurely, then the fruit trees will drop a large number of young fruits immediately after dropping green leaves, and the above three fruit trees will have a more serious problem of large number of fruit falling during the physiological fruit drop period. This is because when the fruit tree drops a large number of green leaves too early, the growth equilibrium between the number of leaves on the fruit tree and the number of young fruits (leaf-fruit ratio) will be broken, that is to say, the green leaves on the fruit tree that produce nutrients through photosynthesis are greatly reduced, and there is no longer the ability to feed so many fruits on the tree. It will take the initiative to shed a large number of young fruits to meet the needs of self-survival, so that the tree body can maintain the growth balance between leaves and fruits as much as possible. Therefore, the early defoliation of fruit trees will aggravate the orchard fruit drop, and a large number of young fruits will fall, and the greater the number of early leaf fall of fruit trees, the greater the number of young fruits that fall from the tree in advance.

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

3. Premature defoliation of fruit trees will affect the flowering quality of fruit trees in the current year, which is not conducive to flowering and fruiting next year

It's also very simple. Generally, the leaves are fat and sufficient, the photosynthesis ability of the fruit tree is strong, the tree body accumulates a large number of reserve nutrients, the branches stop early and grow early and the branches are strong, this fruit tree is strong and nutritious, not only to meet the nutritional needs of the young fruit expansion and development, but also to ensure that the flower bud differentiation on the tree has sufficient nutrient supply, this fruit tree generally has more flower bud differentiation, good quality of flower bud differentiation, this year and next year can successfully achieve high yield.

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

If the fruit tree has an early defoliation problem, the leaves on the tree fall prematurely in June, July, August and September, in this case, not only the overall tree strength of the fruit tree will become weaker, but also the nutrients of the fruit tree through the synthesis of leaves will be greatly reduced, and the fruit tree at this time will not only continue to be enlarged and develop by the young fruit to consume a large amount of nutrients, but also be consumed by the flower buds in the differentiation period, which will lead to the fruit tree "not enough to eat at both ends, not to eat well" - The lack of nutrient supply of young fruits on the tree expands slowly and does not become a large fruit, the flower buds on the tree lack of nutrient supply and poor differentiation quality, small number of differentiation and the transformation of flower buds on the tree into leaf buds, so such fruit trees will have a series of orchard yield reduction problems (such as flowers without fruits, no flowers and no fruits, fruit size years, etc.) next year.

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

Fourth, premature defoliation of fruit trees will lead to poor growth of underground roots and abnormal growth of aboveground branches

From the impact of premature defoliation of fruit trees on the underground root system, I believe that everyone must have heard the saying "leaves grow by roots, and roots rely on leaves". The truth of this sentence is actually very simple, the underground root system of the fruit tree absorbs water and fertilizer from the soil to provide material guarantee for the photosynthesis of the leaves, and the organic nutrients produced by the aboveground leaves of the fruit tree in turn flow downward to feed the growth and development of the root system, and the problems in any of the two aspects will affect each other. When a large number of aboveground leaves of fruit trees fall, the aboveground parts can no longer provide organic nutrients for the normal growth and development of the root system, which will cause the root system of the fruit tree to no longer continue to grow and the tree will deteriorate, and the root system of the fruit tree will die or even die in large quantities.

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

From the impact of early defoliation of fruit trees on the growth of above-ground branches, because the growth and development of fruit tree branches, the formation of flower buds on fruiting branches, flowering and fruiting, etc., are guaranteed by the synthesis of leaf photosynthesis to supply nutrients, once the fruit tree has the problem of early defoliation from June to September, and the number of leaves on the tree is insufficient, then the problem of tree reserve accumulation is too small, and the healthy growth and development of branches will inevitably be hindered, which will lead to the formation of fruit trees (especially in the next year) The spring is slightly shorter and less. Autumn is slightly long and weak and the leaves are thin, the new is slightly serious and prematurely stopped growing bad branches and bad tree momentum, and generally spring is slightly longer and more, autumn is slightly shorter and the leaves are fat, the branches are appropriate early stop and mature good branches are the best flowering and fruiting branches, therefore, all fruit trees in summer and autumn premature defoliation problems will directly lead to low germination rate, short and few new leaves, slow and small new leaf growth, small and poor flowering and fruit setting in the next year because of insufficient nutrient accumulation and reserves.

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

Fifth, the premature defoliation of fruit trees will lead to weakening of tree strength, poor resistance, and fruit trees are prone to more serious diseases

The sufficient number of leaves and the sufficient amount of organic nutrients produced by photosynthesis of green leaves are the source of the accumulation of reserve nutrients in the tree, and it is also the fundamental guarantee for cultivating the moderate and robust tree potential. If the fruit tree has the problem of a large number of early defoliation, then the early branch and leaf growth and flowering and fruiting of the fruit tree will consume a large amount of nutrients of the tree, and there is no sufficient amount of green leaves on the tree to photosynthesize for the fruit tree to continue to synthesize and accumulate organic nutrients to ensure that the fruit tree will inevitably appear in summer and autumn prematurely defoliated from strong to weak, drought resistance, waterlogging resistance, cold resistance, frost resistance and disease and pest resistance ability greatly deteriorated, in this case, the weak fruit tree will inevitably provide for the infection and spread of various pathogens and pests." God-given opportunity", which leads to very serious disease problems such as rot, dry rot, and ring disease in fruit trees (especially in the next year).

In July and August in summer, fruit trees lose a lot of leaves? I am not afraid that the fruit tree will bear less fruit, but I am afraid that the fruit tree will lose its leaves early!

The above are the serious negative effects that fruit trees can have when they lose their leaves in the early stages of defoliation (June to September). For fruit trees, when the summer is high and rainy and humid in July and August, protecting the green leaves on the tree is equivalent to "saving life" for the fruit tree

It is the high incidence of defoliation disease in the early stage of fruit trees, and it may be too late!

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