
The Northeast ballast porridge turned on the "group purification function", and I had to buy it just when I heard this voice!

author:Rong Baa is the happiest


"Big porridge, yellow rice, salted duck eggs." How many Northeast children are familiar and kind voices!


For the first time, when I hear a voice, I can think of the picture, and I feel that it is the kind of picture where a grandmother teaches her granddaughter to speak, and I cry while listening to the little girl laughing!




Selling a big porridge also turned on the "group purification function", just by hearing the sound, you can imagine a warm picture, this big porridge has to be bought!

The Northeast ballast porridge turned on the "group purification function", and I had to buy it just when I heard this voice!

‬嘿嘿,新嗓子就是不一样! It's so cute, as if I didn't have sorrow at that time, this big porridge is so sweet!

The Northeast ballast porridge turned on the "group purification function", and I had to buy it just when I heard this voice!


When I was a child, I was so stupid that I was looking forward to growing up! It's not good to grow up at all, so homesick!

The Northeast ballast porridge turned on the "group purification function", and I had to buy it just when I heard this voice!


‬ 看这个视频疯狂流眼泪,原来我们都那么的破碎以为自己是坚不可摧的大人了其实一件温暖的小事就能眼泪决堤,世界本污浊纯白尤珍贵。

The Northeast ballast porridge turned on the "group purification function", and I had to buy it just when I heard this voice!


Maybe a small county town is life, and a big city is just a desire, out of reach, and can't stop


The Northeast ballast porridge turned on the "group purification function", and I had to buy it just when I heard this voice!


So, this is the meaning of getting married and having children, having children is not all about passing on the family and continuing life, but also partly because babies and young children are really healing!

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