
"Purify the Humanity" Chapter 102: Partition

author:Dust in the dust

"Second, Emperor Wu does not accept the sanctions, and those countries will immediately use force to occupy Kauai. My guess is that they won't give Emperor Wu any respite, and there is a good chance that they will simply wipe Kauai off the map. As a result, Emperor Wu lost all his wealth and let everyone die with him. Kauai is too small, and it will be blown up in half a day at most. Before Yan Huang could react, the state of Wu had already been destroyed. The rest is to rip off, anyway, the country is gone, and everyone is dead, it's just a little money for Yan Huang. ”

  "The third is the most terrible one. Now that Emperor Wu most likely knew that these countries were plotting to divide up his wealth, he might not move there and continue to stay in Yanhuang. These countries will not wait patiently like this forever, either to give up this plunder, or to impose tough sanctions on the Sanssouci and forcefully divide the assets of the Sanssouci Group. If you do this, it is equivalent to going to the territory of Yanhuang to make a move against Emperor Wu, it depends on what attitude Yanhuang has at that time, if Yanhuang is tough and confrontational, it is not impossible to unite the eight countries to deal with Yanhuang again. Once war is declared on Yanhuang, it means the outbreak of World War III. ”

  "It sounds unlikely, actually, I think the third is the most likely. You might as well think about it, why would our country agree to Emperor Wu to buy an island for independence on Kauai, isn't this looking at a piece of cake in his hand and letting it go in vain? According to the information I have learned, Emperor Wu signed an agreement with Shangtou, including some time ago, Emperor Wu publicly issued a statement mentioning that Wu will always be a vassal state of Yanhuang. All this is very clear, the independence of Wu will undoubtedly provide Yan Huang with a military base in the Pacific Ocean. According to the development trend of Yan and Huang, within a few years, Yan and Huang will certainly surpass the United States and become the real world boss. ”

  "If there were more bases like Kauai in Yanhuang around the world, it would be more convenient to deploy military resources. Don't talk about anything else, but this is the only one, so that the United States can't eat well and sleep well. Selling the island is just for money, they have been making a comprehensive layout from the beginning, in addition to taking the island back reasonably, and then carving up the wealth of the worry-free group. If you can join other countries to declare war on Yanhuang by the way, it will kill three birds with one stone. For other countries, their purpose is relatively pure, perhaps for wealth and technology alone. So these things, no matter which kind of development they go to, for Yan Huang, I am an unforgivable person. My son is in China, and it is definitely difficult for him to settle down. It may be relatively safe to go to another country. ”

  "The core problem is that if this conspiracy fails, or if it doesn't take action, they will definitely clean up our people, and then my son will be easier to control when he is abroad. So now, whether at home or abroad, what awaits us is the fate of being arbitrarily slaughtered. ”

  Ran Yaokun persuaded him: "According to your analysis just now, if you turn yourself in, even if you are sentenced to life imprisonment for betrayal, at least Ziyue is innocent, and when you seek a request for protection from Ziyue, at least Ziyue will be safe." If you can provide valuable information, you will be punished for your crimes, and you will be punished than if you continue like this. ”

  Wang Kaiwen suddenly collapsed, hugged Ran Yaokun tightly, and cried silently: "Yaokun, you are now my most trusted brother, no matter what happens to me in the end, your nephew, if you can help, I beg you to pull him." Brother for so many years, I haven't begged anyone, Ziyue is the last belief I lived. ”

  After speaking, he knelt down on his knees, and Ran Yaokun hurriedly helped him up.

  Wu You stayed in Shenchuan for another five days, cautiously trying to contact Ran Youyou, and just like a few days ago, Ran Youyou still didn't respond to him.

  Just like that, inexplicably, the two "broke up".

  Wu You didn't even know the reason for the breakup, he wanted to go to Ran Youyou's house and ask her why she did this to him? I still held back, perhaps, she had an unexplainable reason.

  Today, he is going to go on another trip to eat history and take a look, and from then on, he will not come to this place in Shenchuan.

  Wang Xirong drove the car towards Xinxincheng, Wu Jian sat next to Wu You, along the way, Wu You's eyes were dull, he kept looking out of the window, silent.

  When he arrived at the underground garage, Wu You was a little hesitant, he wanted to take a last look at history, thinking that he might see Ran Youyou there, but he was afraid of seeing Ran Youyou.

  Wu Jian probably understood Wu You's mood, and after getting out of the car, he stood next to the car and waited silently for Wu You to come down.

  When Wu You walked to the commercial street on the first floor of the history, he saw from a distance that Ran Youyou was in the store, not only was she there, but Mo Chuyan was also there.

  At this time, Ran Youyou's hand was holding Mo Chuyan's hand, and the two were chatting very intimately, in the eyes of outsiders, the two were a pair of intimate lovers.

  Wu You's heart was blocked in a panic, and a mixed emotion rushed straight to his heart, and at that moment, his mind was blank, like drunkenness, which made him almost unstable on his feet.

  He didn't know if it was anger or sadness, he breathed heavily, trying to contain his emotions.

  When Wu Jian saw this scene, he was even more excited than Wu You, and wanted to go up to teach Mo Chuyan a lesson, but was stopped by Wu You.

  Wu Jian said hatefully: "Ran Youyou is too much, I deliberately ignore you these days, just to be with this guy." Even if she doesn't like you anymore, you can't play with people like this. ”

  Wu You said sadly: "Youyou didn't publicly say that it was my girlfriend, naturally, I have no reason or qualification to let her find a boyfriend now." It's just that she shouldn't have done this to me. Why don't you tell me explicitly? Are you afraid that I will be sad? By doing so, she only made me sadder. ”

  "Love is like a bird and a peach blossom, it is beautiful, lovely, seductive and breathtaking, but it is always in full bloom when the bird spreads its wings and dances. This is the reality of life. ”

  Someone suddenly said such a paragraph behind him, Wu You looked back, it was Wang Ziyue, and there were two more black-clothed people beside him, who should be the bodyguards for safety after being stabbed by Wen Runyu's knife last time.

  "Why are you here?" Wu You asked, looking at Wang Ziyue's situation, it seems that the injury is not serious.

  Wang Ziyue walked up to Wu You and put his arm around Wu You's shoulder: "Ran Youyou is a little goblin, she deceived the relationship between the two of us. You see that now I am with this Mo Chuyan again, which point of this Mo Chuyan is comparable to you and me. ”

  Wu You angrily pushed Wang Ziyue's hand away: "You won't be going to entangle Youyou again, right?" Now that she's with Mo Chuyan, you still don't have a chance. Also, weren't you dumped by that girl last time? ”

  Wang Ziyue smiled: "How could I be dumped, but you were dumped." Any idea what it means to dump? ”

  As he spoke, he made a flicking motion.

  The angry Wu You wanted to beat him, but Wang Ziyue hurriedly begged for mercy: "Just kidding, what's the anger." You're just too boring, remember one thing, men aren't bad women, women don't love, you're still not bad enough. ”

  Wu You replied unceremoniously: "Then may I ask, is your kidney better?" ”

  Wang Ziyue was rarely choked by Wu You, and he didn't get angry, and continued to smile and said: "Let me ask you an important question, you had such a close relationship with Youyou before, did you have a substantive relationship?" Speaking from the heart, I'd rather her have a relationship with you, and it's better than having a relationship with Mo Chuyan, at least I think you're not bad, although it's a little silly. ”

  Wu You huffed and didn't want to pay attention to him.

  "One flower, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi. The two hearts are happy with each other, and they hate each other on one side. Once you fall into thought, it is difficult to return to calm your mind and body. Drifting dust and clouds. Seeing how you look at it, brother, I'll send you another poem. Brother wrote, remember my brother's words, and be a free and easy person. If you love, you will be crazy, and if you don't, you will be simpler. In a few years, you'll find that none of this is a big deal. ”

  Wang Ziyue continued to comfort Wu You with his own feelings.

  "Why do you feel so much? You're only twenty years old, and I wonder if you're reincarnated with the emotional memories of your previous life. ”

  After all, Wu You began to sincerely admire Wang Ziyue's little talent.

  Wang Ziyue said: "I also made a poem, see if you can guess what it means, remember, men are either talented, or very humorous, occupy the same, women will admire you in their hearts, since ancient times, women's appearance, men's talent, natural match, Lang Cai and women's appearance is what it says." Girls like talented men, of course, if you take both, women love you even more. For example, like me, plus I am rich and handsome, I sometimes struggle with myself that I am too good. I really don't understand, why do I make me so handsome, so rich, and I have a literary style, a key person and humor, too many advantages and a body, in this way, how can other men live? ”

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