
An ancient prescription discharges the cold and dampness, and the person is refreshed, and the rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy are getting better quickly

author:Liu Xiaoying, Director of Pediatrics

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine,

For children, excessive moisture in the body often leads to a variety of health problems, among which rhinitis and adenoidal hypertrophy are common symptoms.

An ancient prescription discharges the cold and dampness, and the person is refreshed, and the rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy are getting better quickly

Rhinitis: that is, an inflammatory disease of the nasal cavity, which can be induced by a variety of factors, and excessive humidity is one of the factors that cannot be ignored.

Adenoid hypertrophy: Its direct cause is mostly related to infection, allergies and other factors, but excessive moisture may also affect the body's immune function, indirectly promoting adenoid hypertrophy due to repeated stimulation. Moisture retention in the body not only affects the flow of qi and blood, but also may reduce the body's resistance, making children more susceptible to the invasion of external pathogens, thereby inducing or aggravating the symptoms of adenoid hypertrophy.

The child, Xiaorui, 7 years old, suffered from rhinitis for a long time, accompanied by nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing and other symptoms, and found that the adenoids were hypertrophied, which affected breathing at night and led to a decrease in sleep quality.

In August last year, his parents took him to the TCM outpatient clinic, and after the four TCM consultations,

Distinguish between cold and damp and damp heat:

Cold and dampness: It is mostly caused by cold diet, damp living environment or external cold and dampness, which is manifested as heavy limbs, cold limbs, light mouth and no thirst, white and greasy tongue, etc.

Damp heat: It is often caused by a fatty and sweet diet, alcoholism or feeling the evil of dampness and heat, and the symptoms include bitter mouth, dry mouth, yellow urine, constipation, greasy skin, yellow tongue coating, etc.

The complication of Xiao Rui's situation lies in the fact that he has both cold and dampness caused by a damp living environment or careless diet, and damp heat caused by a hot constitution or uncontrolled diet, which is intertwined, making the condition lingering and difficult to heal.

In view of Xiaorui's condition, traditional Chinese medicine adopts the treatment principle of "clearing heat and dampness, warming yang and dissolving dampness".

An ancient prescription discharges the cold and dampness, and the person is refreshed, and the rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy are getting better quickly

Sanren Soup: It is composed of almonds, white kernels, coix seeds, talc, tongcao, bamboo leaves, banxia and magnolia, which has the effect of promoting qi and clearing dampness and heat, and is suitable for the evidence of damp heat connotation.

Huoxiang Zhengqi Dispersion: Contains Huoxiang, Perilla Leaf, Angelica Angelica, Platycodon, Tangerine Peel, Magnolia Officinalis, Big-bellied Bark, Banxia, Atractylodes, Poria Cocos, Licorice, etc., which can relieve dampness, regulate qi and neutralize, and have a good effect on cold and dampness and obstruction of the spleen and stomach.

Addition and subtraction: According to the specific situation of Xiaorui, skullcap and coptis can be added in an appropriate amount to strengthen the power of clearing heat; If the nasal congestion is severe, you can add Xinyi and Cangzi to open the nose; For those who have adenoid hypertrophy and affect breathing, they can add Zhejiang fritillary and prunella vulgaris to dissolve phlegm and disperse knots.

During this period, it is necessary to pay attention to lifestyle adjustments:

Diet: Avoid cold, greasy, and spicy foods, and eat more damp foods such as barley, red beans, and winter melon.

Living environment: Keep the room dry and ventilated, and avoid humid environment.

Moderate exercise: Encourage children to engage in outdoor activities to promote blood circulation and accelerate the discharge of moisture.

Emotional regulation: keep a happy mood, avoid mood fluctuations affecting the function of the spleen and stomach, and aggravate dampness.

An ancient prescription discharges the cold and dampness, and the person is refreshed, and the rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy are getting better quickly

Through the above comprehensive conditioning, Xiaorui's rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy symptoms have been significantly improved after three months, and his sleep quality has also been significantly improved. This once again confirms the unique advantages and remarkable efficacy of TCM in regulating dampness-related diseases.

I hope you will forward it more so that more parents can see it! Together, we protect children's health!!

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