
Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

author:Freedom in the galaxy

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Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

Text: Freedom in the Galaxy

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"Fate is ill-fated, mother's love is like a rock, and it will be difficult to resist the impermanence of the world."

This sentence aptly kicked off our story today, it is about the endless grief and tenacity of a mother, and it also reveals the little-known complexity and cruelty behind the entertainment industry.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

Things elaborated

The protagonist of the story is Bai Jing, an actress who has shined on the screen, and the ordinary and great mother behind her - Gao Mingjie. Bai Jing's life is as gorgeous and short as fireworks, and her death has pushed the mother and daughter to the forefront of public opinion.

Time goes back to Bai Jing's childhood, which was a time spent in an ordinary family in a small northeastern town. Gao Mingjie, a female boiler worker in the mine, is weak in body but strong in will.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

Her husband works for the real estate team and has a decent income, but the two often quarrel over the status gap. In such an environment, Bai Jing showed her love and talent for dance, Gao Mingjie saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart, and she was determined to do everything to cultivate her daughter.

At the beginning of 2000, Gao Mingjie made a bold decision, she took Bai Jing, who was only 13 years old, to the north to pursue her dream and embarked on the road of pursuing art. Along the way, the mother and daughter lived in a small basement, Gao Mingjie made a living by working as a cleaner, and Bai Jing studied hard in school and repaid her mother's efforts with excellent grades.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

A few years later, Bai Jing was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with her outstanding appearance and talent, and became classmates with Wen Wen and Bai Baihe. In her sophomore year, she began to take on dramas, and her acting career began to show its edge. And behind this, is Gao Mingjie's endless sacrifice and support. Bai Jing's success seems to indicate that the mother and daughter are about to usher in a better life.

However, fate always seems to play tricks on people. During the rise of Bai Jing's career, she met Zhou Chenghai, a wealthy businessman who claimed to be single. Zhou Chenghai's money offensive coupled with gentleness and thoughtfulness quickly won Bai Jing's heart. But this relationship is not as glamorous as it seems, Zhou Chenghai actually has a family and conceals his true age. When Bai Jing found out the truth, she was angry and caught in a dilemma. In the end, under Zhou Chenghai's promise and assurance, she chose to forgive, and the two entered the marriage hall in 2008.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

After marriage, Bai Jing's career continued to climb, starring in many film and television works one after another, and was even nominated for the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award. But at the same time, her marriage with Zhou Chenghai was surging.

Zhou Chenghai was worried that his wife would leave him after success, and he was eager to make a lot of money to stabilize the relationship, and at this time he met Qiao Yu, who called himself the "second generation of officials". Qiao Yu defrauded a large amount of money from Zhou Chenghai on the grounds of investment projects. What's even more unexpected is that an improper relationship has developed between Bai Jing and Qiao Yu, and the two have also teamed up to plan a conspiracy against Zhou Chenghai.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

In 2012, a tragedy occurred that shocked the entertainment industry. While filing for divorce and claiming a huge amount of property, Bai Jing and Qiao Yu went to Zhou Chenghai's mother's hospital room to make a fuss, causing Zhou's mother to die of a heart attack.

After learning that he had been doubly betrayed, Zhou Chenghai broke down emotionally, and he ran to Bai Jing and Gao Mingjie's residence, stabbed Bai Jing several times to death, and then committed suicide. This tragedy shattered the two families in an instant.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

After Bai Jing passed away, Gao Mingjie's world also collapsed. She not only has to bear the great grief of losing her only daughter, but also has to face all kinds of criticism and doubts from the outside world. But the strong mother did not choose to remain silent, she firmly believed that her daughter was innocent and decided to seek justice for her daughter.

In Gao Mingjie's view, her daughter's inheritance is her only sustenance and the guarantee of her future life. As a result, she filed an estate dispute lawsuit with the court, demanding to inherit all of Bai Jing's property.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

However, this battle for the legacy is far more difficult than expected. On the one hand, Zhou Chenghai's family resolutely opposed Gao Mingjie's claim; On the other hand, the public opinion turmoil in the society about Bai Jing and Qiao Yu's fraud case has made Gao Mingjie's situation even more difficult. Not only did she have to face the complexity and cumbersomeness of the legal process, but she also had to endure the pressure of public opinion from all sides. But Gao Mingjie did not give up, she firmly believes that the truth will eventually be revealed to the world.

As time passed, Qiao Yu was sentenced to prison for fraud, and the grievances between Bai Jing and Zhou Chenghai were gradually revealed. Although the outside world has condemned Bai Jing's behavior, Gao Mingjie always firmly believes that her daughter has her own hardships and helplessness. In this long battle for inheritance, Gao Mingjie used her persistence and perseverance to win the rights and interests of her daughter.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

Now, when we look back on this past, we can't help but feel emotional. Although Bai Jing's life is short but full of twists and turns, Gao Mingjie's tenacity and selflessness as a mother are even more moving.

In this world full of uncertainties, mother's love is like a bright light to illuminate the way forward, no matter how many ups and downs it encounters, mother's love is always the most solid support. For Gao Mingjie, no matter how bumpy the road is in the future, she will continue to move forward with her love and longing for her daughter.

Who is Bai Jing

"Everyone's fate is a book, and Bai Jing's story is undoubtedly the most embarrassing chapter." This sentence is like a key that gently opens the door to Bai Jing's glamorous and tortuous life.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

In 1983, Bai Jing was born in an ordinary family in Jiaobingshan City, Liaoning Province, her father was an ordinary worker in the real estate team, and her mother Gao Mingjie was a female boiler worker in the mine. Although her family was not wealthy, Bai Jing showed a strong interest and talent in art since she was a child.

Especially in dance, whenever she dances, she is like a smart little swan, which makes people can't take their eyes off. Gao Mingjie saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart, and decided to support her daughter to pursue her dreams no matter what.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

Time flies like a white horse, and in a blink of an eye, Bai Jing is already 13 years old. This year, Gao Mingjie made a bold decision, she took Bai Jing to the north and began her dream journey. The mother and daughter are crammed into a small basement, Gao Mingjie makes a living by working as a cleaner, and Bai Jing studies hard at school.

A few years later, Bai Jing was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with her own efforts, and became classmates with the article and Bai Baihe. College life is rich and colorful, Bai Jing not only excels in academics, but also begins to shoot film and television works, and gradually emerges in the entertainment industry.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

In 2007, Bai Jing starred in the romance film "Scarlet Xiangxi", and with her role in the play, she became famous in one fell swoop and won wide attention and love from the audience.

In the following years, her acting career was in full swing, starring in many popular film and television works one after another, and was even nominated for the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award. However, just at the peak of her career, a sudden storm completely destroyed her life.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

The source of this storm is her marriage. Bai Jing met Zhou Chenghai, a wealthy businessman, during the rise of her career, and the two quickly fell in love and entered the marriage hall. However, this marriage has a hidden crisis.

Zhou Chenghai was worried that his wife would leave him after success, and he was eager to make a lot of money to stabilize the relationship, but unfortunately fell into the trap of fraud. What's even more shocking is that Bai Jing actually developed an illicit relationship with the scammer Qiao Yu and teamed up to plan a conspiracy against Zhou Chenghai.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

In the end, the conspiracy ended in tragedy. In 2012, after learning that he had been doubly betrayed, Zhou Chenghai had an emotional breakdown, and he ran to Bai Jing and Gao Mingjie's residence, stabbed Bai Jing several times to death, and then committed suicide. This tragedy not only broke up the two families in an instant, but also made the audience sigh at Bai Jing's life experience.

Bai Jing's mother Gao Mingjie: Her daughter was stabbed to death by contemplating her husband for fraud, will the inheritance finally belong to her?

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