
Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!


Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's love doubts: Is this love, or is it a marketing?


The agency is silent, and the romance is confusing

Recently, there has been a blockbuster news in the Korean entertainment industry, Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won, the male and female gods, seem to be quietly in love. As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

However, when South Korean media called to inquire about the brokerage companies of both parties, both parties chose to remain silent. Everyone said that this non-response attitude only aroused suspicion. Many fans left messages on the Internet and joked: "Silence is golden, it seems that this time it is true!" Some netizens said: "Not responding is the best response, people in love are like this, low-key happiness." ”

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

So, are these seemingly heaven-made couples together? First of all, let's talk about the background of their acquaintance. Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won are both top stars in the Korean entertainment industry, with both appearance and strength, and there are many cooperations. Especially the tacit understanding performance of the two in a recent TV series, which made the audience call "CP is bursting". Although the agency did not respond, the chemistry between the two in front of the screen could not deceive anyone.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

Kim so-hyun deleted ins in seconds, and netizens frantically interpreted it

When the news first came out, an Instagram post by Kim so-hyun instantly detonated the Internet. However, this post was deleted by himself in a short period of time, which instantly aroused great interest and speculation among netizens. Someone said: "This is the place where there is no silver three hundred taels, and the more you delete it, the more problematic it becomes." Someone else joked: "Xiuman deleted it too quickly, and my hand speed was not as fast as his." ”

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

So, what exactly did Kim so-hyun post? It is rumored to be a picture related to Kim Ji Won, which makes everyone's speculation reach a climax. Fans have said that Xiuman deleted it to protect the relationship, which is really well-intentioned. Some die-hard fans also collectively voiced in his message area: "We support you, don't be afraid!" This move made the suspicion of this relationship even more intense.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

The crew's love rumors, fans can't stop eating sugar

Some fans speculated that this relationship may have sprouted during the recent crew shooting. Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's tacit cooperation in the TV series, coupled with the frequent interaction between the two behind the scenes, all kinds of signs can't help but remind people of the possibility of "fake drama really done". A fan wrote on social media: "This pair of CPs is so good, it's just a match made in heaven!" ”

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

Not only that, but there are also several intimate photos of the two when they were filmed in Germany. Although there is no conclusive evidence for these photos, many fans have begun to weave all kinds of sweet stories in their minds. Some netizens ridiculed: "German filming is fake, but falling in love is real!" Someone else said, "If they were really together, I would have set off fireworks at home to celebrate!" ”

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

Netizens commented on the frequent laughter, and the popularity of the relationship continued unabated

The comments of netizens are also varied, which makes people laugh. Some netizens said: "If these two people are really together, I will go to the temple to make a vow." Some people also joked: "Xiuman, stop deleting ins, our hearts can't stand it." Some netizens even launched the topic of "supporting Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won together" to get more people to join the discussion.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

As the discussion continues to heat up, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to the movements of the star. Although the two agencies have remained silent, the enthusiasm of the fans has not diminished in the slightest. After all, romance in the entertainment industry has always been a hot topic after dinner. And this time, Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won have undoubtedly pushed this topic to new heights.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

Subtle marketing methods, it is difficult to distinguish between real and fake romances

In the entertainment industry, celebrity romances are sometimes not just a personal matter, but may also involve complex marketing strategies. Many netizens speculated that this romance rumor may be a well-planned marketing campaign. A netizen said: "If you don't respond at this time, it may be to maintain the heat and keep everyone paying attention." Another person said: "It doesn't matter if the relationship is true or not, the important thing is that it is topical." ”

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

Regardless, rumors of Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance have managed to attract a lot of attention. Many people began to look back on the past cooperation between the two, looking for clues, trying to find evidence of their love. A fan left a message in the comment area: "Looking back at their cooperation, there are really many details that make people doubtful! ”

The truth of the relationship is a mystery, and fans continue to bless them

Although there is no conclusive evidence that Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won are in love, this does not prevent fans from sending their blessings. Some fans said: "Whether it's true or not, we want them to be happy." Some people also left a message: "Love in the entertainment industry is too difficult, I wish them to be able to go to the end." ”

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

At the same time, more fans are starting to pay attention to their future movements and look forward to more sweet interactions. A netizen joked: "If we are really together, Xiuman should stop deleting ins, we want to see sweet photos!" Someone else said: "The two people are really a good match, I hope they can bring us more surprises." ”

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

Controversial ending: When will the truth about the romance be revealed?

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship rumors are undoubtedly a hot topic in the entertainment industry recently. Whether this relationship is real or a well-planned marketing campaign, the silence of the two brokerage companies and Kim so-hyun's second-deleted ins make this relationship confusing. Various speculations and comments from netizens not only increased the heat of the topic, but also made the relationship between the male and female gods more mysterious.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

In this era of information explosion, the truth may be revealed at some inadvertent moment. But no matter what the outcome is, Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won have become the focus of everyone's after-dinner discussion. I hope that this star, whether as a couple or as a friend, can continue to bring us more wonderful works and happy moments in the days to come. As for the truth of the relationship, we can only wait for time to be revealed. Do you think they're really together? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship is confusing, and the brokerage company does not respond, but it becomes darker and darker!

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