
The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

author:Look at the past and think about the future


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The TV series called "The Long Season" was like a sudden storm that swept the entire audiovisual world and stirred up monstrous waves.

The success of this drama is not only because of its gripping plot, but also because of the wonderful performances of a group of actors, among which Fan Wei's outstanding performance is particularly eye-catching, and his acting skills have won rave reviews.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

Back then, Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan went hand in hand and dedicated countless happy moments to the audience, and those popular screen moments are still evocative.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

However, the general trend of the world must be divided for a long time, Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan finally chose to go their separate ways, and this decision opened up a new artistic world for Fan Wei.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

He is no longer limited to the role of "Green Leaf", but shines in the film industry, although there are occasional misses, but life can not be as good as it should be, not to mention that the road to art is full of challenges and variables.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

Speaking of Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan's parting of ways, it actually stemmed from an unintentional dialogue, which pushed Fan Wei to the forefront for a while.

To this day, there are still many people who don't know much about the truth of their breakup and mistakenly believe that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the two.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

However, this is not the case, and their separation is more due to the respective pursuits of the two artists after the peak of their careers.

Fortunately, Fan Wei's acting career did not stagnate because of this, but became more and more out of control.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

In 2017, he won the actor crown with "A Problem That Is Not a Problem", and not long ago, he won the "Temple of Heaven Award" for Best Actor, all of which proved his excellent acting skills and enduring artistic charm.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

Fan Wei's artistic journey began in the hot land of Northeast China.

Like Zhao Benshan, Pan Changjiang and others, he has a soft spot for the kind of performance style that is close to life.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

At the age of 15, under the recommendation of his family, he worshiped under the master of cross talk Chen Lianzhong, which established his solid position in the art world in the future.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

Fan Wei's talent in the field of cross talk has not only won many provincial and national awards, but also won the favor of China Central People's Radio.

Although he chose to move from the cross talk stage to the broader film world in the end, Zhao Benshan's great help undoubtedly left a deep mark on him in the hearts of audiences across the country.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

In 1995, Fan Wei made his debut at the Spring Festival Gala, and co-starred with Zhao Benshan in "Uncle Niu Tigan", which made him famous.

Since then, he has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala, and this stage has witnessed the blossoming of his comedic talent.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

Works such as "Heart Disease" and "Selling Abduction" not only made the audience laugh, but also carved indelible memories in their hearts.

However, not long ago, Fan Wei announced his farewell to the Spring Festival Gala, a decision that attracted widespread attention from the outside world.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

Although some people expressed concern about his prospects after leaving Zhao Benshan, Fan Wei proved his strength with one masterpiece after another.

"Ears are Blessed", "There Are No Thieves in the World" and the recent collaboration with Zhou Dongyu "Article 20" all showed his superb acting skills and further consolidated his leading position in the domestic film industry.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

However, even the best in the film industry, Fan Wei also suffered a Waterloo in the latest Magnolia Awards.

This selection has attracted much attention from the beginning, and the competition for Best Actor is unprecedentedly fierce.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

Facing the strong challenge of veteran actor Hu Ge and new star Wang Yang, Fan Wei's pressure can be imagined.

Although his performance in "The Long Season" attracted much attention, Hu Ge finally won the championship with "Flowers", which made Fan Wei's fans feel disappointed.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

Although some people speculated that Hu Ge's victory might be related to geographical advantages, most people believe that Hu Ge deserves his name, from "Langya Bang" to "Flowers", his acting skills have always been praised.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

For Fan Wei, this defeat is regrettable, but he has never questioned the fairness of his colleagues in the industry or the competition.

The humility in his personality makes him more willing to seek improvement through self-reflection and relentless efforts.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

In Fan Wei's acting career, this defeat may have been just a small setback.

In the future, the audience still expects him to have more breakthroughs and innovations in performance, and hopes that he can win wider recognition and more honors.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

After all, the road to art is never easy, and Fan Wei's experience also tells us that continuous efforts and continuous self-improvement are the only way to success.

The 61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore, and you should admit that you are not as good as others

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