
61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! That's it! You should admit that you are not as good as others

author:Love Sand Entertainment
61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! That's it! You should admit that you are not as good as others

"The Long Season", a drama series that has no warm-up but is born out of nowhere, will be launched in April 2023, and has become a hit drama of the year with its wonderful performance, and the starring Fan Wei has once again attracted the attention and appreciation of the audience.

Fan Wei is not only an actor, he is also a performance artist. He is deeply rooted in the masses through sketches and TV dramas. From the timid medicine box to the big-headed Van der Biao, each role is a masterpiece of his performing arts. Whenever Fan Wei plays a role, he always creates buzzwords that sometimes make it difficult to tell whether it is the wisdom of the screenwriter or Fan Wei's personal inspiration.

On the Internet, there are various evaluations of Fan Wei. Some people believe that Fan Wei is worthy of being a performance artist, he not only has first-class acting skills, but also can bring the character to life in front of the audience through every subtle action and line. A netizen wrote: "Fan Wei's part of the medicine box is simply a genius! He played a timid pharmacist to the fullest, which made people laugh. ”

Others pay more attention to the catchphrases and classic lines created by Fan Wei. A fan posted on social media: "Watching Fan Wei's drama, there are too many laughs, and I can hear new stalks every time." He played Fan Debiao, the title of 'big head' is really to the point! ”

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! That's it! You should admit that you are not as good as others

However, not everyone was completely satisfied with Fan Wei's performance. Some commentators pointed out that Fan Wei may sometimes seem stiff and lack some coherence in his transition between characters. A netizen commented: "Fan Wei's performance level is impeccable, but sometimes I feel that he is a little eager to switch between different roles, so it is better to dig deep into the inner changes of each character." ”

In any case, Fan Wei's position in the film and television industry has been deeply entrenched. His acting style is eclectic, from comedy to drama, from humor to soulfulness, he can interpret it with ease. The creativity and acting skills behind each of his roles are the irreplaceable image he has established in the hearts of the audience.

In the eyes of his fans, Fan Wei is not only their laughing point, but also a source of emotional resonance. A loyal fan concluded: "Fan Wei is not only an actor, but also an artist. Every time he appears on the stage or screen, he shows us the magic of acting, and the attitude of acting with heart is the most charming thing about him. ”

Fan Wei's collaboration with Zhao Benshan is an integral part of his acting career. This pair of "golden partners" once joined hands on the Spring Festival Gala and brought countless laughs to the audience. However, for a variety of reasons, they ended up choosing their respective paths.

In 2017, "A Problem That Is Not a Problem" made Fan Wei win the actor crown, and then won the "Temple of Heaven Award" for Best Actor again, showing excellent acting strength.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! That's it! You should admit that you are not as good as others

Fan Wei, who was born in Northeast China, apprenticed to cross talk actor Chen Lianzhong at the age of 15, and frequently won awards in provincial and national competitions with his solid acting skills.

In 1995, Fan Wei appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and his cooperation with Zhao Benshan "Uncle Niu Tigan" was an instant hit, and since then he has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala, bringing classic works such as "Heart Disease" and "Selling Abduction".

Fan Wei announced that he would no longer attend the Spring Festival Gala and would instead devote himself to TV series and movies. Works such as "Ears Are Blessed" and "No Thieves in the World" show his solid acting skills and extensive acting ability.

Recently, he participated in the release of the new film "Article 20", which performed well and gradually became a leading figure in the mainland film industry.

In the recent Magnolia Awards, Fan Wei competed fiercely with Hu Ge, Ding Yongdai, Wang Yang, etc., and finally Hu Ge won the award, which sparked widespread discussion and heated discussions.

Despite the loss, Fan Wei showed humility and calmness, and continued to strive to bring more excellent works to the audience, which won the support and expectations of fans.

Fan Wei's cooperation with Zhao Benshan can be said to be an indispensable part of his acting career. This pair of "golden partners" have worked together on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times, bringing countless laughter and classic comedy works to the audience. Their tacit cooperation and humorous performances are deeply loved by the audience, and many people still remember the classic sketches that the two collaborated on.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! That's it! You should admit that you are not as good as others

In these works, Fan Wei usually plays a simple, honest and funny character, while Zhao Benshan is the smart, cunning and eloquent big brother. Their conversations are often full of humor and wisdom that are unique to Tohoku, and they always make people laugh in just a few minutes. For example, in the sketch "Selling Abduction", the honest and honest man played by Fan Wei was "fooled" by Zhao Benshan's shrewdness and treachery, and the funny plot made people laugh. The audience said: "Watching the sketches of these two people, I really enjoyed it all year." This kind of humor is not only a symbol of Northeast culture, but also an important symbol of Chinese comedy.

However, for a variety of reasons, the golden duo ended up choosing their own paths. Fan Wei gradually turned to the field of movies and TV dramas in his acting career, showing more acting skills and diversity, while Zhao Benshan continued to work in sketches and variety shows. Netizens sighed a lot about this, and some said: "Without Fan Wei, Zhao Benshan's sketches are a little less flavorful; Without Zhao Benshan, Fan Wei's performance also lacked a little spark. This perception reflects the audience's nostalgia for the two men's collaboration and their expectation of independent development.

On social media, some netizens lamented: "Although Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan are separated, the laughter and emotion they once brought to us will never disappear." This kind of comment not only shows nostalgia for the period when the two worked together, but also shows the audience's expectations for their future development. Some people even launched a topic discussion on the Internet "Looking forward to Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan's cooperation again", and many people said: "If I have the opportunity, I hope to see them on stage together again, even if it is just a short sketch, it will be touching." ”

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! That's it! You should admit that you are not as good as others

Another netizen put forward a different point of view: "Maybe the separation of Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan is a good thing for their respective developments." Zhao Benshan continues to shine in the comedy world, while Fan Wei shows more multifaceted characters in film and television dramas, and the two are wonderful and brilliant in their own lives. This view is shared by many people, who believe that their separation is not an end, but a new beginning, allowing them to continue to create brilliance in different fields.

In general, the cooperation between Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan is not only a brilliant piece in the history of Chinese comedy, but also an unforgettable memory in the hearts of countless audiences. Although they ultimately chose their own development paths, their collaboration is undoubtedly an indelible part of the Chinese comedy scene. Whether it is a collaboration in the past or an independent development now, they are continuing to bring laughter and emotion to the audience in their own way. The audience also hopes that one day in the future, they can see the reunion of the golden pair again, and jointly dedicate more wonderful works to everyone.

After the Magnolia Award "returned empty-handed", the audience was full of understanding and support for his views, and believed that Fan Wei would go further and further on the road in the future and become a more dazzling superstar in the film and television industry.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! That's it! You should admit that you are not as good as others

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