
The three Nordic countries will establish military transport corridors, involving Sweden, Norway and Finland

author:The most Swedish


The three Nordic countries will establish military transport corridors, involving Sweden, Norway and Finland

The Norwegian prime minister said the three Nordic countries had agreed to create an Arctic "military transport corridor" to send military personnel and equipment to Finland amid tensions between Finland and neighboring Russia.

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre hailed it as an "important milestone" and the latest security move by Finland and Sweden following their recent accession to NATO.

Russia has strengthened its military presence in the Arctic, and Finland and Sweden have joined the alliance, citing Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine as a strengthened regional security motive.

The three Nordic countries will establish military transport corridors, involving Sweden, Norway and Finland

In a statement issued after a meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and Finnish President Alexander Stubb, Støre said: "Today, we agreed to establish a military transport corridor through northern Norway, northern Sweden and northern Finland. ”

"This will help ensure that military personnel and supplies can be quickly transported from Norwegian ports to Finland via Sweden," he added. ”

The three Nordic countries will establish military transport corridors, involving Sweden, Norway and Finland

"Now that we are all members of NATO, we can defend together in a completely new way. Maintaining a reliable defense in the north is critical to our security. This means that, if the situation warrants, we must lay the groundwork for a rapid reinforcement of troops to the north. This will require close civil and military cooperation," Mr. Stoller said.

The defense ministers of the three countries will lead the practical actions in cooperation with civilian forces. Together, they will identify potential bottlenecks, update the necessary regulatory and legislative frameworks as needed, and invest in the necessary infrastructure to ensure fast and efficient military mobility.

The three Nordic countries will establish military transport corridors, involving Sweden, Norway and Finland

With Finland and Sweden joining NATO, Norway's ability to receive Allied reinforcements has become even more important. Norway plays a key role in the defense of Sweden and Finland, and the three countries will play an even more important role in the defense of the Baltic and Baltic states.

"Previously, we took into account the north-south direction when planning the transportation of military personnel and equipment. Now, we're also going to think more about the east-west direction. The national infrastructure must meet the needs of NATO to move troops across national borders," Stöhler said.

Norway, Sweden and Finland will work more closely together to facilitate allied deterrence and defense operations in the northern regions of the three countries.

"A regional defense plan for the region is currently being developed. We are implementing the necessary measures to put these plans into practice, "said Defense Minister Björn Arald Gramm.

Following the invasion of Ukraine, Finland and Sweden applied to join the military alliance, ending decades of military non-alignment, with Finland becoming a member in April 2023 and Sweden in March this year.

The harsh Arctic region has become increasingly geopolitically important in recent years, as the melting of snow and ice due to global warming looks set to open up important shipping routes and resources.

The three Nordic countries will establish military transport corridors, involving Sweden, Norway and Finland

In March, NATO also held military exercises in the region as part of a four-month exercise called "Steadfast Defenders," the largest exercise by a U.S.-led military alliance since the Cold War.

The three Nordic countries will establish military transport corridors, involving Sweden, Norway and Finland

Under President Vladimir Putin, Russia has strengthened its capabilities in the Arctic, home to the powerful Northern Fleet, the largest of the Russian Navy, which includes numerous submarines equipped with nuclear warheads.

In a statement, the Norwegian government said that the defense ministers of Sweden and Norway will lead the construction of the corridor.

"Together, they will identify bottlenecks, update necessary regulations and legislation, and invest in the necessary infrastructure to ensure fast and effective military mobility," the statement said. ”

The three Nordic countries will establish military transport corridors, involving Sweden, Norway and Finland

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