
"There are four things that don't move, and you have lost luck when you move", which four situations are not suitable for moving, do you know?

author:Warm the three farmers with the text

In traditional Chinese culture, moving is a big event, it may bring new opportunities and challenges, so that people rejuvenate their lives, in some specific circumstances, "the family has four do not move, move the luck scattered" It not only involves the migration of goods, but also symbolizes the change of life status and the flow of fortune, which four situations are not suitable for moving? Let's take a look, and if we know it early, we should be kind reminders?

"There are four things that don't move, and you have lost luck when you move", which four situations are not suitable for moving, do you know?

1. It is not suitable to move if there is an elder in the family who has passed away for less than one year

In China's profound cultural heritage, the respect and remembrance of the elders have long been deeply imprinted in everyone's heart. Filial piety, an ancient and noble value, is not only a verbal honorific title, but also a manifestation of action. In the family, the status of the elders is extremely high, and their death has undoubtedly brought deep grief to the family.

In this context, less than a year after the death of an elder in the family, it is often seen as a special period. During this time, family members pay special attention to maintaining respect and remembrance for their elders. Moving, as an important change in life, is often seen as disrespectful to a deceased elder, as it can mean forgetting where the elder lived during his lifetime. In addition, according to the traditional concept of feng shui, moving within a year of the death of an elder in the family may also break the original family aura and affect the fortune of the family.

During this sensitive and special time, people will choose to be patient for a while and put their plans to move aside. They will set up a mourning hall at home to enshrine the remains of the elders to express their thoughts and respect.

At the same time, they will also strive to maintain harmony and stability in the family to ensure that the aura of the family is not affected. It is only when time passes and the grief subsides that people reconsider moving and choose a more opportune time to make this important life change.

"There are four things that don't move, and you have lost luck when you move", which four situations are not suitable for moving, do you know?

2. It is not suitable to move when someone in the family is pregnant or has just given birth

If there is a pregnant woman who is about to usher in a new life in the family, or a little angel who has just been born, the home at this moment carries endless expectations and care. Pregnancy and childbirth are undoubtedly the most sacred and solemn moments in the journey of life, and every step requires great care and careful care.

At this moment, pregnant women are like a budding bud, which needs the warmth of the sun and the moisture of the breeze and drizzle. Her body is the cradle of new life, and her emotions are the first door for babies to perceive the world. Therefore, it is important for her to have a stable and quiet environment, which not only helps her body to recuperate, but also ensures her peace of mind.

And for the little angels who have just come to this world, every cry and smile they make is the most innocent response to this world. They need a familiar, warm environment to adapt to this new world. Moving, for them, is not only a change in the environment, but also a huge emotional fluctuation.

For the sake of the physical and mental health of pregnant women, and for the growth and happiness of newborns, we should choose to give them the warmest protection when they need stability and tranquility the most. When the pregnant woman's body recovers and the newborn gradually adapts, we will work together to build a new home, and at that time, every effort and waiting will turn into the sweetest fruit.

"There are four things that don't move, and you have lost luck when you move", which four situations are not suitable for moving, do you know?

3. It is not suitable to move when the family's financial fortune is prosperous

The family's financial fortune is booming, such as spring water, the momentum is fierce, at this time it is not advisable to act rashly, especially when moving, should be more cautious. In the ancient and profound Feng Shui, the rise and fall of wealth is like the rhythm of nature, intertwined with the geographical location of the residence, the aura of the environment and other factors, and is the cause and effect of each other.

When the family's wealth is prosperous, it is not only the accumulation of money, but also the subtle harmony between the layout and aura of the residence's feng shui. This harmony, like the harmony of the piano, promotes the continuous flow of wealth and fortune, bringing endless happiness to the family.

However, the act of moving, like breaking the calm surface of a lake, may cause drastic changes in the original feng shui layout and aura. This kind of change, often accompanied by unknown risks, may affect the originally prosperous financial fortune, or even lose it. Therefore, in the face of the prosperity of the family's wealth, wise people will choose to continue to live here, so that their wealth can continue and grow steadily.

They know that the accumulation of wealth is not achieved overnight, but requires the precipitation of time and the nourishment of aura. Although moving seems to only change a living environment, what is involved behind it is the change of the entire feng shui aura. In order to avoid the loss of wealth, people often choose to stay where they are and continue to protect this hard-won wealth.

"There are four things that don't move, and you have lost luck when you move", which four situations are not suitable for moving, do you know?

Fourth, it is not suitable for children in the family to move when they are facing important exams or going to school

The children in the family, as the hope and future of the family, undoubtedly tug at the heartstrings of every parent whenever they stand at a critical juncture in their lives, such as important exams or the threshold of higher education. A child's education is like a meandering river, and every choice and effort determines the future direction and destination of the river.

At such moments, a stable and tranquil learning environment, like the clear water of the river, provides a steady stream of motivation and nourishment for children. In such an environment, they can delve into their knowledge without distractions, sort out their ideas, and be fully prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.

However, the seemingly ordinary act of moving can make waves at this critical time. It can disrupt children's original learning rhythm and force them to face new environments and new adaptation processes, which can undoubtedly distract them and increase their stress. To make matters worse, this sudden change can cause psychological fluctuations in children, affecting their learning status and test performance.

"There are four things that don't move, and you have lost luck when you move", which four situations are not suitable for moving, do you know?

5. What else do I need to pay attention to when moving?

When talking about the decision to move, in addition to the four scenarios mentioned earlier, there are actually many subtle factors that cannot be ignored that are silently influencing our choices. Among them, the timing of the move is a crucial consideration. Different time periods can lead to very different moving experiences.

For example, moving on weekends or holidays, although it is convenient for personal arrangements, may encounter the problem of busy moving companies and insufficient manpower, resulting in lower moving efficiency. Moving on a weekday can avoid this problem, but it may require sacrificing your own rest time.

The change of seasons also has a subtle impact on the moving process. In the cold winter, the roads may become slippery due to icing, which increases the difficulty and safety hazards of moving items; In the hot summer, the high temperature may cause the handlers to be physically exhausted too quickly, and may even cause health problems such as heat stroke.

In addition, the change of weather has a direct impact on the smooth progress of the move. Sudden heavy rain, snowstorms and other bad weather can cause the originally planned moving plan to be postponed or changed. Not only can this disrupt an individual's schedule, but it can also lead to additional financial losses.

Before deciding to move, we need to carefully consider and integrate various factors like weaving a net to ensure that the moving process is smooth and successful. Only in this way can we start a new life with peace of mind in a new environment.

"There are four things that don't move, and you have lost luck when you move", which four situations are not suitable for moving, do you know?

In conclusion, the proverb "if you don't move, you will be lucky if you move" reminds us to carefully consider various factors when moving and avoid moving in unsuitable circumstances. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the feng shui layout and aura adjustment of the family to create a harmonious, stable and happy living environment for the family. Only then can we truly enjoy the benefits and joy of moving.

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