
Ren Jialun sent a challenge on the island: 60L luggage is too light? Netizens are hotly discussing the "moving-style" adventure!

author:Xiao Zhou loves life


Ren Jialun's "moving" on the island: Versailles or pragmatism?

On a sunny morning, Ren stood at the door of the hotel, carrying a huge bag of luggage and a trademark smile on his face. This is not a simple trip, but a "moving-style" adventure on the island. 60L of luggage is enough to hold a few days' necessities in the eyes of ordinary people, but here in Ren Jialun, it seems to be just the starting point. He said lightly: "I feel like I've moved my home, how can this 60L luggage still feel too light!" ”

Ren Jialun sent a challenge on the island: 60L luggage is too light? Netizens are hotly discussing the "moving-style" adventure!

This remark quickly sparked heated discussions on social platforms. Some netizens ridiculed: "Ren Jialun, is this the rhythm of moving the supermarket to the island?" Did you even stuff the sofa and bed at home? Some netizens joked: "This is definitely the Versailles race, but if I have it, it's too much; What Ren Jialun didn't have, he didn't think it was enough. ”

Ren Jialun sent a challenge on the island: 60L luggage is too light? Netizens are hotly discussing the "moving-style" adventure!

However, some netizens found a reasonable explanation for Ren Jialun's "moving" on the island. They believe that as a guest of "Hi Fang Pai", Ren Jialun may have specially prepared sufficient supplies to cope with the various challenges of survival on a desert island. After all, in an unknown environment, it's always good to be a little more prepared.

Ren Jialun sent a challenge on the island: 60L luggage is too light? Netizens are hotly discussing the "moving-style" adventure!

Ren Jialun's "Versailles" luggage: is it a show-off or a utility?

As the topic continues to ferment, Ren Jialun's 60L suitcase has become the focus of heated discussions among netizens. Some people think that he is showing off his luggage and equipment, after all, in the entertainment industry, this kind of "Versailles" style remarks are not uncommon. But some people expressed their understanding and thought that Ren Jialun was just expressing his true feelings, after all, for a star like him, he really needs to bring more items when he travels.

Ren Jialun sent a challenge on the island: 60L luggage is too light? Netizens are hotly discussing the "moving-style" adventure!

It is worth mentioning that after Ren Jialun posted this Weibo, he also deliberately wrote the official Weibo of "Hi Fang Pai", and said: "I can still memorize it, and I vaguely taste the taste of Versailles!" This move made netizens laugh even more. Someone commented: "Ren Jialun, is this going to challenge the limits of the program group?" 60L suitcase is not enough? Some netizens ridiculed: "The program team should add drama to Ren Jialun!" Let him carry more luggage! ”

Ren Jialun sent a challenge on the island: 60L luggage is too light? Netizens are hotly discussing the "moving-style" adventure!

Netizens are hotly discussed: What are the mysterious items in Ren Jialun's luggage list?

As the topic continued to heat up, netizens began to speculate about what mysterious items were in Ren Jialun's suitcase. Some speculate that he brought a full set of outdoor gear, including tents, sleeping bags, stoves, etc.; There is also speculation that he brought plenty of snacks and drinks in case he needed them. Some netizens opened their brains and guessed that he brought game consoles, stereos and other entertainment equipment in order to spend a pleasant time on a desert island.

Ren Jialun sent a challenge on the island: 60L luggage is too light? Netizens are hotly discussing the "moving-style" adventure!

Of course, these are just speculations from netizens. But in any case, Ren Jialun's "moving" trip to the island has brought us endless joy and discussion. This also makes us look forward to his performance in "Hi Fang Pie" even more, to see if he can use this 60L suitcase to create a different excitement on a desert island.

Ren Jialun sent a challenge on the island: 60L luggage is too light? Netizens are hotly discussing the "moving-style" adventure!

How much luggage can determine a person's adventurous spirit?

Ren Jialun's "moving" on the island sparked heated discussions and discussions among netizens. Some people think that he is showing off his luggage and equipment; Others think that he is simply expressing his true feelings and needs. But in any case, we should respect everyone's choices and decisions.

Ren Jialun sent a challenge on the island: 60L luggage is too light? Netizens are hotly discussing the "moving-style" adventure!

In adventure and travel, the amount of luggage does not determine a person's adventurous spirit. What matters is whether we can remain calm, optimistic and courageous in the face of various challenges and difficulties in the unknown environment. Although Ren Jialun's "moving" island has caused controversy and discussion, it also shows us his love and dedication to adventure and travel. Let's look forward to his wonderful performance in "Hi Fang Pie"!

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