
The man kindly stayed with the old man, but the old man said: Don't live in this house, move quickly


In our northeast, there is a small town, and there is a buddy named Li Tiezhu in the town. Tie Zhu, this person, that is called a real, soft heart like tofu, a radius of dozens of miles, anyone who mentions him has to give a thumbs up. The inn opened by his family, although the door is not big, is clean inside and out, and business is also booming.

That evening, the sun had set, and the afterglow had dyed the town golden, as if it had been draped in a veil of gold. Tie Zhu had been busy for a day, and was about to close the door, when he saw an old man, walking tremblingly with a crutch. This old man, looking at that appearance, is seventy or eighty to say the least, his clothes are tattered, and the folds on his face are like ravines, and he knows at a glance that he has traveled a long way, and he is tired enough.

The old man walked to the door of the inn, looked up at the iron pillar, and his voice was as small as a mosquito: "Young man, can you let me stay overnight?" I can't walk anymore because of my old bones. Tie Zhu saw this situation, hurriedly stepped forward to support the old man, and said, "Old man, come in quickly, although our inn is small, it is still no problem to shelter from the wind and rain, you can live in peace." As he spoke, he carried the old man into the inn.

The man kindly stayed with the old man, but the old man said: Don't live in this house, move quickly

Tie Zhu arranged a good room for the old man, and personally brought hot water to let the old man wash his face. After the old man had washed up, his spirits were much better, and he sat on the edge of the bed and said to Tiezhu, "Young man, you are really a kind person. Along the way, I met a lot of cold-eyed bystanders, and you were willing to take me in this old bone. Tie Zhu happily replied: "Old man, when you go out, everyone has difficulties, you can live with peace of mind, and you can live as long as you want." ”

When the old man heard this, a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes, and he was silent for a while, and then suddenly said, "Young man, I have something in my heart, I don't know whether to say it or not." Tie Zhu was stunned: "Old man, what do you have to say, just say, I'll listen." The old man sighed and said slowly: "I see that your inn looks good on the surface, but in fact, the yin qi is too heavy, and it is not suitable to stay for a long time." If you can trust me, move quickly. ”

When Tie Zhu heard this, his heart "chuckled". He has lived in the inn for so many years, and he has never felt that there is anything wrong, why did the old man say this as soon as he came? As soon as he opened his mouth to ask, he saw that the old man had closed his eyes, and he seemed to be tired and wanted to rest. Tie Zhu didn't want to ask any more questions, so he left the room lightly.

The man kindly stayed with the old man, but the old man said: Don't live in this house, move quickly

Back in the antechamber, Tie Zhu sat at the table, his heart fluttering. Who the hell is this old man? Why do you say such things? Could it be that our inn really has some secrets? The more Tie Zhu thought about it, the more unsure he felt, and decided to ask the old people in the town if they knew the ins and outs of the inn. So, he ran to several houses overnight, and the answer he got was the same - this inn was handed down by the Iron Pillar Ancestor, and it had been several generations, and he had never heard of any problems. The frustration in Tie Zhu's heart was like drinking a sip of unsweetened bitter coffee, but he always felt that the old guy's words were not without a shadow. He pondered, stared at it for a few more days, and if there was really anything he couldn't deal with, he would follow what the old guy said, roll up and leave. That's it, a few days passed, and the inn was calm, and there was no trouble. The stone in Tie Zhu's heart also slowly fell to the ground, and he began to wonder if he was thinking too much.

But on that night when the thunder male and electric mother were furious, something happened. Iron Pillar was sleeping like a dead pig when suddenly, a knock on the door, as if urging him, dragged him out of his dream. He got up in a daze, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw a guest who was as wet as a chicken in soup, his face was as white as paper, and he was so frightened that he seemed to have lost his soul, and said breathlessly: "Hurry up...... Help me! I...... Holy! As soon as Tie Zhu heard this, all the sleepiness flew away. He hurriedly let the guest into the house and asked what was going on.

The guest shuddered and poured out everything about his experience that night—he had stayed at the guest house at night, and when he woke up in the middle of the night, he saw a white shadow floating out of the window. He was curious, and when he opened the window, he saw that a ghost with a ghost-like face was in the courtyard, staring straight at him. He was so frightened that his soul was about to fly, and he even ran to the ground to find the iron pillar for help. When Tie Zhu heard this, his heart was furious, and after a few words of comfort, he decided to go to the yard to take a look.

The man kindly stayed with the old man, but the old man said: Don't live in this house, move quickly

He picked up a stick and crept out into the courtyard. But as soon as he opened the door, there was nothing in the courtyard except the sound of wind and rain. Tie Zhu was stunned there, muttering in his heart: "Could it really be that I have lost my eyes?" Or is there something unclean in this inn? Just as he was thinking, he suddenly remembered the old man's words - is this inn really unlivable? The more Tie Zhu thought about it, the more panicked he became, and decided to listen to the old guy and move.

He went back to the house to pack his things, and his heart felt like he was playing a drum. He grew up in this inn since he was a child, and he has never encountered anything strange, but the events of the past few days have made him have to believe that there is indeed a bit of evil in this inn. As he cleaned up, he recalled the old guy's words, and his heart was full of thoughts. At this moment, a cold wind blew, and the iron pillar struck a spirit. When I looked up, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the thunder was rumbling, as if it was about to tear the night apart. His heart tightened, and he quickly sped up the speed of cleaning up.

Just then, he suddenly found a yellowed piece of paper, tucked between a broken book. Curious, he took it out and looked at it, and there were a few lines of illegible handwriting written on it. He took a closer look, and saw that it read: "Under the inn, there is a ghost buried, and every thunder and rain night, it is allowed to come out and wander." ”

The man kindly stayed with the old man, but the old man said: Don't live in this house, move quickly

Tie Zhu's heart is called a mess, like boiled porridge. He grew up in this inn since he was a child, and he has never encountered any strange things, but the events of the past few days have made him have to believe that there is indeed something wrong in this inn. As he cleaned up, he thought about the old fellow's words, and his heart beat a drum. At this moment, a cold wind blew, and the iron pillar shivered. He looked up and saw that the rain outside the window was getting heavier and heavier, and the lightning and thunder were roaring, as if they were going to tear the night apart. His heart tightened, and he quickly sped up the speed of cleaning up. Just then, he suddenly found the yellowed piece of paper, tucked between an old book. He took it out curiously and took a look, only to see that it read: "Under the inn, there is a ghost buried, and every thunderstorm night, you can get out." ”

Find out what happens next, and listen to the next breakdown. Tie Zhu packed his luggage, but his heart was up and down. He grew up in this inn since he was a child, and he has never encountered anything strange, but the events of the past few days have made him have to believe that there is indeed a bit of evil in this inn. As he cleaned up, he reminisced about the old fellow's words, and his heart beat a drum. At this moment, a cold wind blew, and the iron pillar shivered. He looked up and saw that the rain outside the window was getting heavier and heavier, and the lightning and thunder were roaring, as if they were going to tear the night apart. His heart tightened, and he quickly sped up the speed of cleaning up. Just then, he suddenly found the yellowed piece of paper, tucked between an old book. He took it out curiously and took a look, only to see that it read: "Under the inn, there is a ghost buried, and every thunderstorm night, you can get out." After Tie Zhu finished reading, he instantly felt a cold sweat. It dawned on him that this inn was indeed hiding a secret that no one knew. He quickly took the note into his arms, determined to leave the strange place immediately. Just as he made his decision, a hurried knock on the door broke the silence of the night again. Tie Zhu's heart tightened, could it be that creepy visitor again? But he plucked up the courage and opened the door. Standing outside the door was a tall man, with an anxious face who offered to help Tiezhu move. Tie Zhu recognized it at a glance that this was the famous Wang Dali in the town, and the tension in his heart suddenly dissipated. He quickly told Wang Dali the ins and outs of the matter, and after hearing this, the latter immediately expressed his willingness to lend a hand. Wang Dali said as he began to help Tie Zhu pack his luggage. The two of them were busy until it was getting dark, and then they loaded all the belongings into the wagon.

Tie Zhu looked back at the inn that had accompanied him for many years, and a trace of reluctance swelled in his heart. He took a deep breath, expressed his gratitude to Wang Dali, and proposed to set off immediately. Wang nodded in agreement, and then drove the carriage and left the town with the iron pillar. After a bumpy ride, they finally arrived in a brand new town in the early evening. Tie Zhu looked at this strange place, and his heart was full of longing for the future. He decided to start a new life here and open a new inn.

The man kindly stayed with the old man, but the old man said: Don't live in this house, move quickly

With years of experience, Tiezhu quickly got the new inn in order. The dishes of the new inn have a unique taste and attentive service, and it quickly attracts many customers. As the business prospered, so did Tiezhu's life. However, the good times did not last long, and just as the business of Iron Pillar's inn was booming, a mysterious old man appeared in front of him again. This old man is the same person who reminded Tie Zhu to move in the old inn before. When Tie Zhu saw the old man, he couldn't help but be surprised, and he immediately invited the old man into the store and asked him what he meant.

The old man smiled and told Tie Zhu an exciting piece of good news. Tie Zhu was stunned for a moment, and eagerly asked what the good news was. The old man smiled and told him that the old inn had been purified, and that the restless souls had found a resting place. After hearing this, Tie Zhu was very excited in his heart, and hurriedly asked how he could do this. The old man gently pointed to the iron pillar's chest and told him that as long as he kept a kind heart and treated everyone sincerely, those souls would naturally not bother him again. Moreover, his new inn will be even more prosperous because of it. After hearing this, Tie Zhu's heart suddenly brightened, and he expressed his deep gratitude to the old man, and promised to do what the old man instructed. The old man nodded slightly, then turned around and left the inn. Tie Zhu stood at the doorway, his eyes unblinking, looking at the old man's back and slowly moving away. The heart is warm, full of gratitude and respect, and full of confidence in the future. Since then, Tiezhu has kept the new inn prosperous and prosperous, and he has not forgotten to go back to the old inn from time to time to worship those unjust souls. His sincerity and kindness not only touched the souls of injustice, but also won the respect and trust of his neighbors. This incident spread in the town and became a good story. Everyone said that Tie Zhu was a good person with good rewards, and his good deeds not only saved himself, but also those unjust souls. The mysterious old man has also become a legend in people's mouths, and his wisdom and kindness are remembered by everyone. In this way, Tie Zhu lived a happy life in the town, and his inn became a beautiful scenery in people's hearts. And the old inn that once frightened Tiezhu's heart gradually faded out of people's sight as time passed. But the story of the iron pillar has been engraved in people's hearts forever and has become an eternal legend.

It is said that Tie Zhu listened to the words of the mysterious old man, and his heart was as warm as drinking hot soup. He understood that this was not just a simple suggestion, but also an expectation and blessing from the old man to him. Since then, Tie Zhu has worked harder, not only running the new inn thriving, but also often participating in charity activities in the town, using his good deeds to warm more people. As time passed, the reputation of the Iron Pillar became louder and louder in the town. When it comes to him, people give him a thumbs up, saying that he is a good man with affection and righteousness. Tie Zhu has never forgotten the mysterious old man, and he often prays silently in his heart, hoping that the old man can live a long and healthy life, peace and happiness.

The man kindly stayed with the old man, but the old man said: Don't live in this house, move quickly

At the door of the inn, the Taoist priest closed his eyes, chattered in his mouth, and began to do more than that. Tie Zhu stood beside him, muttering silently in his heart, hoping that those unjust souls could rest in peace. After a long time, the Taoist priest's eyes opened and said to Tiezhu: "Okay, those unjust souls have been exceeded, and they won't bother you anymore." When the iron pillar heard this, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. He said gratefully to the Taoist priest: "Daoist, your hand is too godly, and I am grateful to the iron pillar." The Taoist priest waved his hand and said, "Don't thank me, it's your kindness that has touched the sky." Remember, you have to be kind in your heart and honest with people at all times. In this way, you will be able to find true happiness. Tie Zhu listened, and there was a recognition in his heart. He thanked the Taoist priest again and sent him away.

Since then, Tiezhu has strengthened his beliefs. He keeps the inn well, and often participates in public welfare things in the town, using his actions to help others. The old inn, with the passage of time, slowly faded out of people's sight and became a forgotten corner. But in Tiezhu's heart, the inn was of great significance. It has witnessed his growth and change, and has given him a deeper understanding of the true meaning of life. He often thought of the words of the mysterious old man and the Taoist priest, and took them as his motto in life.

Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Tie Zhu became a gray-haired old man, but his heart was still so young and energetic. He still adheres to his beliefs and pursuits, and warms the world with his good deeds. Under his influence, a kind atmosphere was also formed in the town. Everyone helps each other, cares for each other, and creates a harmonious and beautiful living environment together. The story of the iron pillar has also become a good story passed on by people.

The man kindly stayed with the old man, but the old man said: Don't live in this house, move quickly

When Tie Zhu was leaving, he lay on the bed and looked back on his life. His heart was full of satisfaction and happiness because he knew that he had done his best. He closed his eyes, smiled and left the world. The old inn, with the departure of the iron pillar, also completely disappeared from people's sight. But the story of the iron pillar has forever remained in people's hearts and has become an eternal legend. Whenever people mention him, they will think of that good man with good intentions and sincerity - Iron Pillar. 23456789

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