
Jacky Cheung laid off 60 workers in 5 years and took stock of 8 star employers with poor relationships with domestic helpers

author:Round belly

Nowadays, many people are busy at work, and many families rely on nannies to handle trivial affairs at home! However, it is not easy to meet a responsible domestic helper, and it is even more difficult for employers to encounter a domestic helper with unclean hands and feet and problematic integrity. It turns out that many celebrities have also encountered headaches "sisters", and even many people have confronted Bo Gongtang with domestic helpers?

Jacky Cheung laid off 60 workers in 5 years and took stock of 8 star employers with poor relationships with domestic helpers

Sheng PinRu, Cai Yifeng

Earlier, atv's executive director Sheng Pinru's wife Cai Yifeng (Michelle) was named the "most uncomfortable employer" by the outside world, related to the collective resignation of 6 nanny sisters and 1 driver in her family within a month, she also sued the nanny at home for stealing the ring last year, but the nanny was later convicted of not being convicted.

Jacky Cheung laid off 60 workers in 5 years and took stock of 8 star employers with poor relationships with domestic helpers

Cai Yifeng pointed out that the nanny at home not only suspected of feeding less spoiled milk and feeding uncut food, but also caused her pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses to have indigestion, pulling and vomiting!

Jacky Cheung laid off 60 workers in 5 years and took stock of 8 star employers with poor relationships with domestic helpers

In addition, the nannies deliberately called the police when they resigned, which made her feel that the hiring company deliberately instigated the nanny to do things, intending to destroy her employer's record, and it was related to her once suing the intermediary company because of the maid problem!

Jacky Cheung, Luo Meiwei

Jacky Cheung, the god of song who has been married for 25 years, and his beloved wife Luo Meiwei have always been the gods and immortals in everyone's eyes! However, it turns out that Luo Meiwei's cleaning habits are very serious, not only carrying disinfection spray with her all the time, but also never using outside public objects, and disinfecting household items every day, so it is said that their Filipino maids spend 18 hours a day cleaning and disinfection!

Jacky Cheung laid off 60 workers in 5 years and took stock of 8 star employers with poor relationships with domestic helpers

It is rumored that Jacky Cheung once replaced 21 Filipino maids in 3 years, and almost every one of them was unhappy! Jacky Cheung's former Filipino maid Catacutan even claimed that he was the 60th Filipino maid who was fired by the hostess Luo Meiwei, which is really exaggerated!

The Philippine consul general in Hong Kong has blacklisted Jacky Cheung's family because of this, and even has the title of "annihilator" in the nanny industry!


Cecilia Cheung's maid also turned out to be a previous conviction for theft! The source of the matter is that when the maid left about full, Cecilia ordered her assistant to randomly check the maid's luggage, how to find that there were many jewelry and brand-name clothing belonging to Cecilia in the luggage, adding up to a total value of more than 560,000 Hong Kong dollars!

Jacky Cheung laid off 60 workers in 5 years and took stock of 8 star employers with poor relationships with domestic helpers

In the end, the maid was convicted of theft and was eventually sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Xie Anqi

Xie Anqi once found that 6,000 yuan of cash was missing in her wallet, and later the maid in the family played missing, so that Kay could only call the police for help! The maid later pleaded guilty and was eventually sentenced to 6 weeks in prison.

Jacky Cheung laid off 60 workers in 5 years and took stock of 8 star employers with poor relationships with domestic helpers

Li Zixin

In 2012, Purer's sister (Li Zixin), who has always been healthy, was interviewed at home, and netizens found that the maid's bed was placed in a small bathroom, or even above the toilet!

Jacky Cheung laid off 60 workers in 5 years and took stock of 8 star employers with poor relationships with domestic helpers

After the incident caused controversy, Li Zixin tried to deceive netizens with lies, not only ordered the domestic helper to take pictures on his bed and pretended to be a worker's room, but later was exposed to be his own bedroom, and was criticized for being mean and not honest!

Shi Nian Ci

In 2015, Janice, a maid who followed the entertainer Shi Nianci, jumped from her residence, and it was alleged that Shi Nianci had exposed that the maid had stolen more than 600,000 yuan of jewelry and belongings and would pawn it all, but did not intend to report it to the police. On that day, Shi Nianci planned to go to the pawnshop with the maid to redeem his belongings, but the maid was afraid of sin and lost her life.

Jacky Cheung laid off 60 workers in 5 years and took stock of 8 star employers with poor relationships with domestic helpers

Sun Huixue

Sun Huixue (Ah Xue) was chased by a finance company for no reason in 2019, and even received threatening letters! It turned out that the maid in the family had absconded after borrowing money from the finance company, and Ah Xue said that the maid borrowed her salary before disappearing, which made her quite annoyed.

Jacky Cheung laid off 60 workers in 5 years and took stock of 8 star employers with poor relationships with domestic helpers

Ye Cuicui

After Ye Cuicui got married, she hired two Filipino maids to help take care of the children, but unfortunately, the first time the maid was recruited! She pointed out that the two Filipino maids were originally sisters and had no work experience! After going to work, he even stated that he would not work, and asked Cuicui to compensate for a month of manual termination, which seemed to have been prepared.

Jacky Cheung laid off 60 workers in 5 years and took stock of 8 star employers with poor relationships with domestic helpers

Have you had any unpleasant experiences with the babysitter?

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