
Cultivating Tax Talents junjie Service tax reform and development - Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the tax system has continued to promote the construction of talent projects

author:Bright Net

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the State Administration of Taxation has always adhered to political guidance, constantly innovated the talent cultivation mechanism, and created a good situation in the construction of tax talents.

Focusing on the Central Task and Planning the Layout Integrate the "rejuvenation of talents" into the overall situation of development

The talent of taxation is related to the smooth progress of tax reform and the rapid development of taxation. The taxation of talents is a concrete embodiment of the strategy of strengthening the country with qualified personnel in the field of taxation. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of the State Administration of Taxation has resolutely implemented the Party's organizational line in the new era and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on talent work, adhered to the concept of putting people first and developing people first, actively built a talent mechanism that is full of vitality, efficiency, more openness and favorable development, and vigorously cultivated tax talents with the "Talent Project Yu Junjie" system mechanism as the starting point.

Clear responsibility, adhere to political guidance. The State Administration of Taxation has specially set up a leading group for talent work headed by Comrade Wang Jun, secretary of the party committee and director of the bureau, established a new pattern of talent work under the unified leadership of the party committee, the personnel department taking the lead in grasping the general management, the functional departments performing their respective duties, and the party committees of the taxation bureaus at all levels closely cooperating.

Build mechanisms and strengthen system building. The State Administration of Taxation has successively formulated and promulgated a number of institutional provisions such as the National Tax Leading Talent Training Plan (2013-2022) and the Measures for the Management of Expatriate Personnel in the Tax System, continuously improved and improved the training system and mechanism for tax leading talents, established 6 implementation measures led by the leading talent training plan, with the improvement of 6 implementation measures for the selection, training, management and use of talents as the main body, supported by the 2 opinions on strengthening the follow-up management of leading talents and the construction of leading culture, and supplemented by several implementation plans and task lists" 1+6+2+N" new institutional system. At the same time, the development and application of the "learning to revitalize the tax" platform, improve and improve the talent source training, tracking training, the whole process of training of the working mechanism, the tax talent field with the nature of four beams and eight pillars of the main framework basically established.

Set a model and create a high-end talent team. Comprehensively build the "1115" project to improve the quality of the tax system, create a "pyramid" talent echelon with 100 tax strategic talents, 1,000 tax leading talents, 10,000 professional backbones and 50,000 post experts, focus on building a high-quality professional tax talent team, and comprehensively enhance the ability of the tax department to serve the reform and development of the party and the country.

Three-dimensional training, improve quality promote the formation of a good situation of talent generation

On September 21, 2017, the closing ceremony of the first batch of national tax leading talents training class was held in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province. Bearing the heavy responsibility of the construction of high-end tax talents, the first batch of leading talent trainees set off from here.

In September 2013, the Party Committee of the State Administration of Taxation focused on "preferential selection, refining, strict management and good use", and launched a 10-year training plan for tax leaders covering the main areas of taxation and a total of about 1,000 people, focusing on creating a new model for the construction and development of tax talents in the new era. Up to now, 765 tax leading talents have been selected and trained in six batches, including 715 people in the system and 50 people outside the system, becoming the "leading geese" of the tax talent team.

The training of tax leading talents has always adhered to high standard selection, long-term cultivation, strict management, multi-channel tempering, set up a 4-year training cycle, divided into three stages of knowledge expansion, ability improvement, and application improvement, progressive targeted training, and in batches and plans to arrange leading talents to the forefront of reform and innovation or hardship areas, and has selected 312 people to serve as the main responsible persons or team members of the city and county bureaus to exercise comprehensive coordination and leadership ability. At the same time, arrange department and bureau-level leaders to serve as leading talent mentors, perform daily supervision and management and guidance and recommendation responsibilities, and establish a close relationship of "one-on-one guidance and supervision" between mentors and trainees, so that leading talents can withstand wind and rain, see the world, strengthen their bones, temper their strong character, cultivate their spiritual temperament, and strengthen their mission.

The tax department has always taken political standards as the primary condition, and on the basis of building tax leading talents, it has put forward a plan to build a "pyramid" of tax talents, and strives to select 100 outstanding cadres who can be used as strategic talent training through 6 years to select 100 outstanding cadres who can be used as strategic talents to meet the needs of career development through 6 years.

At the same time, we will comprehensively cultivate professional backbone talents and create "backbone" experts. Through the establishment of a professional talent pool covering the general bureau, provincial bureaus and municipal bureaus, the implementation of the training plan for young talents, and the organization of "post training and professional competition" activities, we have created an atmosphere of diligence and refinement, hard work and enterprising in the tax system. Up to now, the tax system has carried out 5 types of 37 posts of military training competition, a total of 10,000 provincial bureau professional backbone and 50,000 municipal bureau post experts, most of the backbone experts from the grass-roots frontline, work and study in the frontline, optimization of services in the frontline, problem solving in the frontline, for the construction of the tax system professional talent team has played an important role.

On the basis of the "Talent Project Yu Junjie" system and mechanism of the State Administration of Taxation, local taxation departments have continuously innovated in combination with reality.

The Shanxi tax department has innovatively launched the "Spark Plan" with the training of young cadres after 80 and 90, and through the three stages of training, growth and maturity, it stimulates the growth of young cadres into talents, and continues to encourage young cadres to take on the role of officials and officials to start a business.

Dalian Municipal Taxation Bureau strives to build three talent teams of young talents, backbone experts and leading talents, forming an echelon-type talent structure, with a total of 541 talents in the three talent teams, of which 468 have obtained the qualification of "three divisions".

Pioneers of Reform and Courage to Take Responsibility Turn the advantages of qualified personnel into a driving force for high-quality development

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, taxpayers have made remarkable achievements in promoting the reform and development of taxation, which is inseparable from the key role of tax talents.

-- Fulfilling the mission in implementing the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

The VAT reform has been comprehensively promoted, large-scale tax reduction and fee reduction, and the individual income tax reform that combines comprehensive and classification... One after another, the reform tasks with tight time and heavy tasks have been successfully completed, and behind them are the sweat and wisdom of a large number of tax talents.

During the reform of the national tax and local tax collection and management system in 2018, 372 tax leaders directly participated in the reform, of which 69 tax leaders made important contributions to the formulation of the plan and the implementation of the "three determinations" of the General Administration and the Provincial Bureau, and more than 100 tax leaders played a key role in the supervision and liaison work.

In 2019, larger-scale tax cuts and fee reductions have become the top priority of tax work. The State Administration of Taxation set up the Office of the Leading Group for Tax Reduction and Fee Reduction, of which 53% were tax leading talents, and more than 20 tax leading talent trainees served as the heads of the supervision team.

-- Having the courage to take responsibility in serving the country's major strategies.

At No. 10 Longkun North Road, Haikou City, Hainan Province, in the office building of the Hainan Provincial Taxation Bureau, 20 "leading talents" of the national tax system selected by the State Administration of Taxation formed a talent group and gathered here to become a tax force serving the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.

In supporting the strategy of large-scale development of the western region, the State Administration of Taxation has deployed and implemented the work of exchanging cadres to train cadres between the tax bureaus in the eastern and central regions and the western region, and in the past three years, a total of 163 cadres with development potential have been exchanged, which has not only effectively supported the taxation cause in the western region, but also trained and tempered cadres.

——Show image style in participating in global tax governance.

In recent years, the tax department has selected 91 tax cadres to actively participate in international tax work, take the initiative to help "go global" Chinese-funded enterprises to prevent tax risks and resolve international disputes, undertake large-scale economic and trade exchange activities, and negotiate agreements with the heads of foreign tax authorities on behalf of Chinese taxation. 23 tax leaders are active in important international tax arenas such as the "Belt and Road" Tax Collection and Management Cooperation Forum. 17 tax leaders have become expert lecturers of the "Belt and Road" Taxation Academy, helping developing countries along the "Belt and Road" to improve their collection and management capabilities and participate in international tax governance, effectively demonstrating China's tax image.

Wang Jun, secretary of the party committee and director of the State Administration of Taxation, said that in the next step, the tax department should conscientiously implement the spirit of the important speech of the Central Talent Work Conference and the new ideas, new strategies, and new measures for talent work in the new era, enhance the "four consciousnesses," strengthen the "four self-confidences," achieve "two safeguards," deeply promote the implementation of the various decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on talent work in the new era, and strive to build a contingent of tax talents with a grand scale, excellent quality, continuous optimization of the structure, and increasingly prominent role. Constantly create a new situation in the work of talents in the tax system, and encourage the vast number of tax cadres to continue to write a new chapter in the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern power in the new era and new journey with a high-spirited and enterprising attitude and fruitful achievements. (Sun Shaohua)

Source: Economic Reference Network

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