
Niu Junjie of "Breakout", the most depressed general manager of the whole drama, whose flag is he?

author:I am Gardenia

#TV Series Breakout Essay #As soon as the TV series "Breakout" was broadcast, Niu Junjie, the general manager of Jingzhou Energy played by Geng Le, quickly caught the attention of many viewers. At first glance, Niu Junjie, sniffing in and out, seems to be a bad person. After watching three episodes, I understood that this person known as the Bull Devil King was actually a person who thought about the people, dared to tell the truth, and did practical things. It is inevitable that I will have a good feeling for this character with a large contrast in image and a distinct personality.

Niu Junjie of "Breakout", the most depressed general manager of the whole drama, whose flag is he?

In addition to good feelings, he could not help but sympathize with Niu Junjie. Because he was too depressed, the two water leakage accidents in the Jinglong Mine were his general manager rushing to the front line, three changes in the middle of the night, and did not dare to close his eyes; Jingzhou Energy was so poor that he could not afford to pay the workers, and he also tried his best to find a way to make money; Jingzhou Energy was a bunch of rotten problems, which became the most difficult bone to gnaw in Jingzhou Zhongfu, and he was also a back pot man.

He is not the leader of Jingzhou Energy, and the chairman of Jingzhou Energy is Pi Dan. This Pi Dan is a truly non-official and ignorant chairman, but who makes the old lady of the family the master of Lin Manjiang, the big boss of Zhongfu Group, and Shi Hongxing, vice chairman of Jingzhou Zhongfu. Therefore, Niu Junjie can only be a back pot man and an officer, and he can only be stubborn.

Niu Junjie of "Breakout", the most depressed general manager of the whole drama, whose flag is he?

In the fourth episode of "Breakout", Qi Ben'an and Shi Hongxing discuss the question of where Pi Dan and Niu Junjie should go in Jingzhou Energy, and when it comes to Niu Junjie, these few words of the two are very interesting.

Qi asked Shi, "At that time, who made Niu Junjie the general manager of Jingzhou Energy?" Violation of recusal requirements. ”

Shi said, "Isn't that what no one wants to do?" Lin Dong asked him to make the transition first. I didn't agree with Lin Dong's arrangement at the beginning, but there was no other way. ”

Shi Hongxing also asked Qi Ben'an to take Niu Junjie down directly, and not to open up to him because he was her husband, so as to look like a righteous and extinct relative.

In the end, the two talked and reached a consensus that Pi Dan must step down, and Niu Junjie, a practical person, must still keep supporting Jingzhou Energy.

Seeing this, "Breakout" threw out a big question: Shi Hongxing and Niu Junjie are husband and wife, the couple is in an important position, who put Niu Junjie in this position? Is it Lin Manjiang or Shi Hongxing? What is the intention?

In the fifth episode of "Breakout", Qi Ben'an threw this question to Niu Junjie, who said that he was also depressed, and when the coal market was good, there was nothing for him. The market is not good, transfer him to act as the general manager, the name of good steel is used on the blade, he is also bitter in his heart. Obviously, Niu Junjie could not solve Qi Ben'an's doubts.

Yeah, who put Niu Junjie in this position? The honorable violation of the regulations of the post was still at the time when Jingzhou Energy was in decline.

Niu Junjie of "Breakout", the most depressed general manager of the whole drama, whose flag is he?

I carefully pondered Shi Hongxing's words, she meant that Lin Manjiang put Niu Junjie in the position of general manager, and she left herself clean. If it is really Lin Manjiang, then his intentions may be twofold:

First, he knew that Niu Junjie was a man of the bureaucracy, and putting him in this position was to let him save Jingzhou Energy. But why didn't Pi dan directly replace it, and the person who was the zhongfu officer was not only Niu Junjie, there was no need to violate the company's regulations and punch himself in the face. So that doesn't seem to make sense.

Second, he knew that Niu Junjie was both an officer and dared to tell the truth, and he was not the same person as Wang Ping'an. He was sent to this position to go undercover and monitor the flow of Shi Hongxing. But this does not make sense, from Niu Junjie's answer to Qi Ben'an's words, it can be known that this point does not work, and Niu and Shi Hongxing are husband and wife.

Therefore, Niu Junjie's appointment as the general manager of Jingzhou Energy, there is a good chance that I guess it is behind Shi Hongxing. Why?

Niu Junjie of "Breakout", the most depressed general manager of the whole drama, whose flag is he?

From the fact that she falsely accused Lin Manjiang of Qi Ben'an's request to work in the VIP room of the Jingzhou Hotel, it can be seen that Shi Hongxing often has no truth in his mouth. Moreover, Shi Hongxing is very ambitious!

When she learned that Zippen had come to be her immediate superior, she was not happy. For such a normal thing as the transfer of state-owned enterprise posts, Lin Manjiang had to do work for her, say good things, support Qi Ben'an, and don't be weird.

Because Qi Ben'an's arrival moved her cake, this is the original words that Shi Hongxing personally said to her master. Before Qi Ben'an came, Shi Hongxing was the boss of Jingzhou Zhongfu without a name! When she was the boss, who was the general manager of Jingzhou Energy, it was not her Shi Hongxing who had the final say.

Putting his husband in this position, Pidan is a puppet chairman. Niu Junjie is a good one, he is not the actual boss of Jingzhou Energy, then a large part of Jingzhou Zhongfu is not Shi Hongxing's family.

In the first episode, Shi Hongxing said that she had guaranteed 220 million yuan to Niu Junjie, which shows that she was very supportive of Niu Junjie's work at the beginning. Such a large amount shows that Shi Hongxing is trying his best to help Niu Junjie to do a good job in Jingzhou Energy. But although Niu Junjie is an official, Jingzhou Energy is still going downhill, and it has completely become a big problem in Jingzhou Zhongfu.

Shi Hongxing is so unkind to her husband, which may be a big reason why Niu Junjie is not angry. She said she wanted to give up, but she didn't necessarily think so. In the sixth episode, the two agreed to divorce, niu Junjie waited for her at the Civil Affairs Bureau, but Shi Hongxing borrowed work to break the contract. A woman like her is most likely to have a different heart.

As for her saying again and again in front of Lin Manjiang and Qi Ben'an, take Niu Junjie away, don't care that it is her husband.

This may be that Shi Hongxing wants to protect himself.

Niu Junjie of "Breakout", the most depressed general manager of the whole drama, whose flag is he?

Watch the play to talk about ideas, readers who do not agree should not spray me. After watching the sixth episode, I feel that the couple of Shi Hongxing and Niu Junjie is getting more and more interesting, especially Shi Hongxing has many doubts, and his body is full of stories, and it seems that a lot of stories are going to happen.

Who arranged Niu Junjie? Whose flag is he? To know the answer, only continue to chase the drama!

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