
Jiangxi is picturesque and the world is fragrant with gancai--Zhu Hong investigates Qinlu Jiangxi cuisine at Beijing Daxing International Airport

author:Nanchang Radio and Television Station
Jiangxi is picturesque and the world is fragrant with gancai--Zhu Hong investigates Qinlu Jiangxi cuisine at Beijing Daxing International Airport

On August 5th, Zhu Hong, former member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and vice governor of Jiangxi Province, investigated the theme restaurant of Gan cuisine at Beijing Daxing International Airport - Qinlu Jiangxi Cuisine. Wu Wenkai, a first-level inspector of the provincial office in Beijing, accompanied the investigation.

During the investigation, Zhu Hong carefully inspected the shop decoration, menu design and operation status of the front hall, and went deep into the back kitchen to learn more about the production process of dishes, when he learned that the chef team could use different fire control techniques such as roasting, stewing, stewing and steaming to make three cups of Ningdu chicken, Wuyuan powder steamed meat, Ganjiang fine brine pork hand, Jiangxi mixed powder, Lichuan taro and crock pot soup and other classic Gan cuisine specialties, he fully affirmed the achievements of the Gan cuisine theme restaurant and put forward specific requirements for the next step.

Jiangxi is picturesque and the world is fragrant with gancai--Zhu Hong investigates Qinlu Jiangxi cuisine at Beijing Daxing International Airport

He pointed out that actively promoting Gancai to "enter Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen" and implementing the "four advances" project of Gancai -- promoting Gancai famous products into star hotels, scenic spots, airports, and high-speed rail stations are important measures and specific requirements for Jiangxi Province's three-year action plan to build Gancai brands. Beijing Daxing International Airport, as the new gate of China, is the world's largest international aviation hub, and the representative brand of Gancai promotion - Qinlu Jiangxi Cuisine as a Jiangxi catering enterprise entered Beijing Daxing International Airport for the first time, which is of great significance for further building the Gancai brand and enhancing the radiation and influence of Gancai.

Qinlu Jiangxi Cuisine Gancai Theme Restaurant is located in the core island of the two-story mixed flow area of Beijing Daxing International Airport, with the characteristics of good location and large passenger flow, and has good development prospects. He hoped that in the future, the Gancai theme restaurant will work hard from the following four aspects, take the lead in fighting the battle of "Gancai into Beijing", and sing the brand of "Jiangxi Scenery Is Unique".

Jiangxi is picturesque and the world is fragrant with gancai--Zhu Hong investigates Qinlu Jiangxi cuisine at Beijing Daxing International Airport

First, we must pay attention to building a brand. As the first key project outside the province of Jiangxi Tourism Group Qinlu brand out of Jiangxi and a new force for the promotion of Gan cuisine, the restaurant team should establish a good brand awareness, to "take the satisfaction of tourists as the basis and be proud of creating value" as the original intention, inherit the brand connotation of seeing the "Qin" heart, and kiss the "Lu" family, and strive to polish and create a good selection of local specialties and catering services in Jiangxi, so that guests can taste the delicious dishes of qin people's spleen and stomach in their sojourn life, and feel the Jiangxi style of Wuhua Tianbao and Renjie Diling.

Second, we must pay attention to giving play to our advantages. As a distinctive force in Chinese food culture, Gan cuisine has the characteristics of fresh and wide ingredients, unique taste, moderate saltiness and spicyness, and healthy ingredients, which are deeply loved by tourists. The restaurant team should fully understand and give full play to the advantages of "fresh, bright, fragrant and spicy" of Gan cuisine, and find ways to turn the advantages into a winning trend, constantly highlight the brand effect of "Ganpo Genuine Products", and spread the reputation of "Jiangxi Is Picturesque, Gancai Fragrant World".

Jiangxi is picturesque and the world is fragrant with gancai--Zhu Hong investigates Qinlu Jiangxi cuisine at Beijing Daxing International Airport

Third, we must innovate and develop ideas. Gancai theme restaurant is not only an important position for publicizing and promoting Gancai, but also an important window to display the image of Jiangxi, spread Jiangxi's humanities, and publicize Jiangxi's development. The restaurant team should not only highlight the main business of Gancai, combine in-store dining and takeaway delivery, and expand the business volume in multiple ways; but also continuously enrich the content of the business display, gradually add cultural and creative, native products with Jiangxi characteristics, and use the store display screen to publicize Jiangxi's brilliant history and culture, beautiful landscape scenery and brilliant development achievements.

Fourth, we must strengthen confidence in development. At present, the national new crown pneumonia epidemic has shown a new situation of multi-point occurrence and local outbreak, which will inevitably have a greater impact on the entire tourism and catering industry, and the theme restaurant of Qinlu Jiangxi cuisine and Gancai is also deeply felt. After the storm is a rainbow, the restaurant team should strengthen the confidence of development, have the courage to overcome difficulties, practice internal skills, further clarify the goal, invigorate the spirit, and be prepared for new and greater development.

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