
【CPPCC Work】 Wang Li led the team to carry out the activity of "looking back" at key proposals

author:Liupanshui CPPCC

On October 21, Wang Li, chairman of the CppcC Municipal Committee, led relevant personnel of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, CPPCC members and responsible persons of relevant units to Shuicheng District to carry out a "review" activity on the handling of Proposal No. 61 of the Fifth Session of the Eighth CPPCC Municipal Committee " On Strengthening and Innovating Rural Government Services and Building a Service-oriented Government Satisfactory to the People".

Zhao Kun, secretary general of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, attended the event.

【CPPCC Work】 Wang Li led the team to carry out the activity of "looking back" at key proposals

Wang Li and his entourage successively inspected the development of government service work at the district, town, and village levels of the Shuicheng District Government Affairs Service Center, the Yushe Town Government Service Center, and the Qingsong Village Convenience Service Station in Yushe Town, and held forums to listen to reports on the handling of proposals, and conduct in-depth consultations and exchanges on the construction of the government service system.

【CPPCC Work】 Wang Li led the team to carry out the activity of "looking back" at key proposals
【CPPCC Work】 Wang Li led the team to carry out the activity of "looking back" at key proposals

Next to the self-service Internet area of the Shuicheng District Government Affairs Service Center, a brand-new "driver self-service physical examination machine" comes into view. It is reported that the experience machine integrates video surveillance, intelligent physical examination, self-service photography, electronic payment and other modules in one, realizing a number of functions such as mass information collection, business payment, form printing and other one-stop services, saving the time and economic cost of drivers to change certificates, and fully reflecting the innovative measures of government services.

【CPPCC Work】 Wang Li led the team to carry out the activity of "looking back" at key proposals

Wang Li pointed out that CPPCC motions are an important way to perform the functions of the CPPCC, and "looking back" at the implementation of key motions is an important measure for the CPPCC to better perform its democratic supervision function and improve the quality of motion handling. Wang Li fully affirmed the achievements made in handling Proposal No. 61 of the Fifth Session of the Eighth CPPCC National Committee. He pointed out that in terms of hardware and software, the effective supervision mechanism and reform and innovation measures of the Shuicheng District Government Service Center have truly achieved pragmatism for the people, helped the people to achieve a lot of "micro-wishes" in doing things, and the service capacity and work mode not only promoted the modernization of the governance capacity of the national governance system, but also narrowed the distance between the masses and functional departments, further strengthened the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the government and the people, and fully embodied and confirmed the people-centered development thinking.

【CPPCC Work】 Wang Li led the team to carry out the activity of "looking back" at key proposals

Wang Li stressed: Doing a good job in government service is a major matter for conscientiously serving the masses and realizing the masses' "micro-wishes," and is a concrete and vivid practice of using the results of party history study and education to enhance the government's executive and credibility, and to build a service-oriented government that the people are satisfied with. All units undertaking motions should earnestly enhance their sense of responsibility, strive to promote the effective transformation of the results of handling proposals, continue to give play to the role of the "baton" of government service assessment, strengthen the use of assessment results, combine the actual conditions of work, further innovate ways and methods, always regard the people's yearning for a better life as the most important criterion for testing all work, further refine and sum up, popularize experience, and effectively promote the transformation of proposal handling work from "reply-type" to "practical effect-type". Efforts should be made to turn the voice of the committee members into a driving force for reform.

Information collection Umeng New Daily reporter Huang Neng

Director system: Liu Yunbing

Executive Producer: Yang Xiuyong

Editor-in-Charge: Meng Gu

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