
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered

author:Chaoyang group work

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This issue of "60 Seconds to Read Sun River" column arrived as promised


Xiaobian will take everyone to review it together

What are the hot topics this week?


Special inspection to build a double "firewall"

On August 17, the hidden danger investigation and inspection team of the District Emergency Management Bureau went to the Sunhe area to supervise and inspect the safety production. The inspection team randomly inspected 6 production and business units, affirmed the implementation of the main responsibility of safe production in some units, gave on-site feedback on the hidden dangers found in the inspection, and put forward rectification suggestions. The Ping An Office will dynamically supervise the hidden dangers found in this inspection and their rectification, and further consolidate the responsibility of safety supervision.

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered

Sunhe Market Institute has carried out in-depth "Ten Days of Investigation" special action. On August 15, the epidemic prevention and control inspection was carried out in crowded places such as markets, restaurants, and convenience vegetable stations in the jurisdiction, and on-site interviews were conducted with units that did not implement epidemic prevention and control measures in place, and the main responsibility for epidemic prevention and control was supervised and guided.

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered

The bottom business company checks the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control and safety production work of the merchants in groups every day, focusing on the inspection of the temperature measurement and registration work in the store of each unit, and scanning the health code in the store for verification.

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered


Study Party History and follow the Party

The party members and cadres of the three communities of Kangying Homeland organized online learning "Moving Forward Courageously and Living Up to the People - Interpretation of the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's 'July 1st' Important Speech", and further enhanced the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of party members and cadres to "keep the original intention and undertake the mission".

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered

On August 19, the Qianweigou Party Branch held a party member meeting to study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent important speech. Through study, party members have expressed that they will further strengthen their own study, carry forward the revolutionary spirit, and inherit the red gene.

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered


Skillful handmade non-inherited

On August 13, the three communities of Kangying Homestead carried out environmental protection flower pot making activities through online live teaching.

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered

On August 13, the four communities of Kangying Homestead launched an online "home expert" paper-cutting activity, with a total of 40 community residents participating.

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered

On August 17th, the three communities of Kangying Homestead launched the "Home Action" series of activities through online video teaching. In the activity, the family as a unit learned to make traditional Chinese intangible handicrafts such as monkeys and rabbits.

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered


A little bit of care, love passed on

On August 15, a resident of a community in Kangying Homestead forgot to close the trunk after parking, this scene was found by neighbor Yin Aiqing, she immediately helped the owner to close the trunk, and prompted the resident group to let the owner check whether the sunroof was closed. Such a warm neighbor, not quick to like!

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered

A community in Kangying Homestead set up the "Xixia Red Turban Volunteer Service Team" and organized a service activity for the elderly with the theme of "Love the Sunset, Care for the Elderly". The service team provides free services such as glass cleaning, sewing, prescribing medicines, and haircuts for the elderly over 75 years old in the community.

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered

On August 16th, the district warm home launched an online disability assistance activity, so that people with disabilities can learn knowledge in stories and enrich spiritual and cultural life in learning.

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered

On August 17, the Sunhe District People's Livelihood Security Office and Lide Social Workers jointly launched the activity of "Helping the Disabled to Serve the Community, Accurately Helping and Warming People's Hearts" to provide daily necessities and epidemic prevention materials for the disabled.

60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered
60 seconds to read Sun He| special inspection, learn party history, skillful production... Sun He's weekly dynamics are all mastered

Grasp the dynamics of Sun He's week

Everything in "60 Seconds to Read Sun River"

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