
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County

author:New Pyeongeup
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County

Listen to the lectures of famous masters, appreciate the style of the masters, and enjoy the cultural feast. On the morning of October 10th, the famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lecture and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were held in the third conference room of Yizhou Hotel in Pingyi County.

Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County

Chen Jiangong, vice chairman of the China Writers Association and a famous writer, Guo Yunde, vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and a famous writer, Pan Xianli, former deputy editor-in-chief of the Writers Publishing House, Zhang Hongxue, a first-level researcher of the Linyi City Federation of Literary and Literary Circles, Gao Kaiming, former deputy head of the inspection group of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee and a famous writer, Zhang Lan, chairman of the Linyi Writers Association and a famous writer, Zhang Yigang, member of the Standing Committee of the Pingyi County CPC Committee and director of propaganda, Li Xide, secretary of the party leading group and chairman of the Pingyi County Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and more than 70 members and literary enthusiasts of the Pingyi County Writers Association attended the literary activities.

Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County

This literary event was hosted by Zhang Yigang. Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde respectively took the four forms of popular literature, traditional literature, era literature and elegant literature as the starting point, and took the personality of literature as the starting point, and gave a unique literary lecture for the vast number of literature lovers in Pingyi County.

Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County

Starting from a bowl of Shan County sheep soup, Chairman Chen Jiangong analyzed the classic masterpieces of the East and the West in a humorous language, and pointed out that the feeling of worrying about the country in Chinese culture is incomparable to any country. From Qu Yuan, Li Du, to Zuo Lian, that deep feeling of home and country is in the same vein. A great writer will win the respect of his people from the world through his own words.

An excellent author must have the ability to recast the new world, pay attention to the main theme of the grand narrative of the great era, but also pay attention to the subtle and potential human nature, the inner spirit and individual dignity, and regain the happiness of literature and art serving the people. At the same time, Chairman Chen Jiangong also encouraged grassroots writers to pay attention to the excavation and exploration of folk culture, and to present vivid and vivid words in a way that the masses like to hear.

Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County

Chairman Guo Yunde summarized the distinct and different writing styles of writers in Shandong, Shaanxi, Hunan, Henan and Northeast China, talked about the regionality of literature, and through the analysis of the works of Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng and Hua Fengtao, extracted the group characteristics of local writers in Yimeng Mountain - the innate homeland complex and home-country feelings. Chairman Guo pointed out that literature is an irreproducible personalized labor and creation, and without individuality, there is no literature. The cultivation of cultural atmosphere is a long process, and impetuousness and quick success will destroy a nation. We must go deep into life, use vivid works to reflect this great era, and consciously shoulder the mission of literary workers in the new era.

Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County

The wonderful lectures of the two chairmen brought a rare literary feast to the literature lovers of Pingyi County. The participants said one after another that listening to the lectures of the two chairmen, such as Daigo Empowerment, deeply felt the sacredness of literature, deeply understood the responsibility and responsibility of literature, and every literary worker should use the pen in his hand to convey the nostalgia and rhyme of local literature and write a vivid and vivid story of Yimeng.

Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County
Listen to lectures by famous artists and enjoy the cultural feast Famous writers Chen Jiangong and Guo Yunde's literature lectures and Gao Kaiming, Wang Feng, and Hua Fengtao's new book seminar were successfully held in Pingyi County

Produced by Pingyi County Writers Association

October 10, 2021

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