
A generation of tyrants Chen Youyi

author:Yo yo deer sing SNih

As one of the leaders of the peasant army at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Chen Youyu's strength was far above Zhu Yuanzhang's, so why did he lose to Zhu Yuanzhang?

Historically, there are many opinions on the reasons for Chen Youyi's failure, but I think that Chen Youyu's failure was already doomed from killing these three people.

A generation of tyrants Chen Youyi

Chen Youyu was born as a fisherman and was the lowest level fisherman. In the Yuan Dynasty, fishermen like this generally did not go ashore, ate and lived on the boat, and over time, they all had a heavy fishy smell.

Most villagers don't deal with them because the smell is too heavy. Chen Youyu has been subjected to discrimination, scolding, and ridicule from others since he was a child, and the actions and eyes of others who hide when they see him have made him feel a great sense of inferiority.

He wanted to change his destiny, desperately studying, hoping to have an official and a half-job, and others would no longer look down on him.

Finally, he found a clerical job in the local county, and he was also a person who ate imperial food. But he found that even with a good job, people who looked down on him still looked down on him, and there were still people pointing fingers behind his back.

The inferiority of the heart, the contempt and finger-pointing of others, made Chen Youyu extremely eager for power and status, and he believed that as long as he stood at the highest place, no one dared to look down on him.

— Kill The Benefactor Ni Wenjun

When Xu Shouhui's peasant rebel army passed by the door of his home, Chen Youyu resolutely joined the rebel army, turned the gun and hit his old owner, Dayuan.

Chen Youyu defected to Xu Shouhui, and he was received by the lieutenant Ni Wenjun. Ni Wenjun saw that Chen Youyu had read books, had culture, and had done paperwork for the Yuan Dynasty, and he appreciated him very much, and did not let him become a big soldier, but started an old line of documents.

After that, Chen Youyu also showed his talent, and his status rose all the way. All have a lot to do with Ni Wenjun's appreciation, it can be said that Ni Wenjun is Chen Youyu's Bole and also his mentor.

As Xu Shouhui's rebel army grew, Xu Shouhui, who was not willing to be a bandit leader, established the Kingdom of Heaven and declared himself emperor, and Ni Wenjun was made chancellor.

After a long time, Ni Wenjun was a little restless, he thought that Xu Shouhui had no ability except for good looks, why could he be an emperor? And I am erudite and versatile, both literary and martial, why should I be willing to live under others?

As soon as such a thought appeared, it was like a spark that could not be pinched. Ni Wenjun wanted to kill Xu Shouhui instead, perhaps because Ni Wenjun did not do a good job of secrecy work, or perhaps he did not make a good plan, resulting in the matter being exposed.

When Ni Wenjun heard that the matter was exposed, he hurriedly fled to Huangzhou, which was Chen Youyi's territory. He consciously pulled Chen Youyu into the ranks of his own people, and he was the kind of die-hard loyalist.

In the face of Ni Wenjun's arrival, Chen Youyu just began to warmly entertain, eat and drink well, Ni Wenjun also felt that he did not look at the wrong person.

At the wine table, Ni Wenjun and Chen Youyu and Discuss their own plans, pulling Chen Youyu together to overthrow Xu Shouhui. However, the most important thing in the world that cannot be looked at directly is the human heart.

Ni Wenjun did not want to be subordinate to others, Chen Youyu did not want to, he only wanted power and status, Ni Wenjun was his own obstacle. Moreover, now Ni Wenjun is a chaotic thief who everyone shouts and beats, and when he comes to him, doesn't he pull him into the water? At that time, Chen Youyu had already made a decision: to use Ni Wenjun's head to pave the way for himself.

A day later, Chen Youyu carried Ni Wenjun's head to see Xu Shouhui, and Ni Wenjun's subordinates were also annexed by Chen Youyu. This scene is not very familiar, just like Lü Bu took the head of his righteous father Ding Yuan to defect to Dong Zhuo, just to get a red rabbit horse, how similar.

It can be seen from this that what loyalty and filial piety and benevolence do not exist here in Chen Youyu. "Unscrupulous" and "non-toxic and no husband" are his motto.

Second, kill the general Zhao Pusheng

With Ni Wenjun's men and horses, Chen Youyu's power gradually grew. Coupled with his knowledge of people and strong organizational skills, it is rare that he is still a talent for using soldiers.

The rapid rise of Chen Youyu made him the hottest star in Tianquan, even surpassing the original Ni Wenjun.

Before Ni Wenjun said that Xu Shouhui had no ability except for good looks. So how did Xu Shouhui become the supreme leader of Heavenly Perfection?

Mainly, he had four generals under him: Ni Wenjun, Fu Youde, Zhao Pusheng, and Ding Pulang. Ni Wenjun is dead, and now there are still three generals left, and Zhao Pusheng is the bravest one.

A generation of tyrants Chen Youyi

Zhao Pusheng was not only brave in battle, but also quite strategic. Xu Da and Chang Yuchun did not get any benefits in his hands, and his prestige in the army was extremely high.

After Chen Youyu's power expanded, his ambitions slowly became apparent. He didn't want to be a general, he wanted to be an emperor. Xu Shouhui was indeed a good person, but he had no talent, but he sat in that highest position, and like Ni Wenjun, Chen Youyi was unwilling.

But Chen Youyu is different from Ni Wenjun, he has more brains and more means. He knew that if he wanted to kill Xu Shouhui, he would first get rid of the three generals below him, and Zhao Pusheng would bear the brunt of it.

At that time, there were rumors that Zhao Pusheng and Zhu Yuanzhang had contacts, and there were also rumors that Zhao Pusheng was dissatisfied with Chen Youyu or something. Chen Youyu then sent emissaries to Zhao Pusheng's army to check on the situation.

Zhao Pusheng did not know that Chen Youyu was suspicious of himself, he also thought that because of his outstanding merits, Chen Youyu sent someone to reward himself. But when the Messenger came, there was no praise, not a word of praise.

Zhao Pusheng was a little uncomfortable in his heart, when he was eating with the messenger, Zhao Pusheng drank a few glasses of wine, and as soon as the wine came up, he poured out all the beans like beans for Chen Youyu's dissatisfaction, and at this time, Zhao Pusheng did not know that his complaints had become the fuse for him to embark on the road of no return.

The emissary went back and reported what Zhao Pusheng said on the wine table to Chen Youyu, who was furious and decided to get rid of Zhao Pusheng.

Chen Youyu led his army to Anqing on the grounds that the two sides would meet and jointly attack Zhu Yuanzhang. When Zhao Pusheng heard the news that Chen Youyu was coming, he thought that his own complaint had played a role, and happily slaughtered cattle and cooked sheep, preparing to entertain Chen Youyu.

As soon as Chen Youyu's warship landed, Zhao Pusheng hurried to meet him, but was killed by the ambushed soldiers. Chen Youyu also concocted the annexation of Zhao Pusheng's subordinates, and from then on, Chen Youyu was a real monopoly of power at the end of the day, and no one could beat him.

After killing Zhao Pusheng, Chen Youyu ostensibly increased his strength. In fact, he also lost the hearts of the military. Zhao Pusheng's prestige in the army was very high, and Chen Youyu easily killed a fierce general, which also laid the groundwork for his later failure.

Three Kill your boss, Xu Shouhui

After Zhao Pusheng was killed, Fu Youde and Ding Pusheng saw that the situation was not right, and quickly ran away and defected to Zhu Yuanzhang.

At this time, Xu Shouhui was the commander of the light rod, and It was not too easy for Chen Youyu to get him.

At that time, Chen Youyu occupied Longxing, and Xu Shouhui thought that the name of the place was very good after hearing about it, so he wanted to move to Longxing. But Chen Youyi shirked everything and did not want him to come.

The people around Xu Shouhui told him that Chen Youyu had been leading troops to fight outside for a long time, and the king's orders were not affected. This means that Chen Youyu may not listen to the command, and may rebel.

But Xu Shouhui naively thought that Chen Youyu was far away from him, so the feelings were not so deep, as long as he went to Longxing and got along more, wouldn't everyone still be good brothers?

He didn't consult with Chen Youyu anymore, and he took the people and horses with him and went to Longxing. Chen Youyu heard that Xu Shouhui insisted on coming, and after a little thought, he counted his thoughts.

As soon as Xu Shouhui's ship landed, the welcome ceremony on Chen Youyi's side began vigorously. That was called a grand, Xu Shouhui was excited, and directly praised Chen Youyu as the pillar of the country.

It was also in this atmosphere that Xu Shouhui completely let down his guard, or rather, he was not wary at all. He entered Longxing Province with a few of his cronies, and when they entered, the door of Longxing Province was closed.

Xu Shouhui has since become a puppet, but Chen Youyu does not want a puppet.

In the 20th year of Zhengzheng, Chen Youyu attacked Zhu Yuanzhang's quarry and invited Xu Shouhui to the Wutong Temple of the quarry to worship the gods. Xu Shouhui flattered all the way, and was extremely close to chen Youyu's side.

And Chen Youyu didn't want to wait any longer, Xu Shouhui also felt the threat of death, he pleaded: "I give you all the power, I just make a flat seal okay?"

Chen Youyu looked at him with a fool's eyes and asked, "How did you survive in this chaotic world?"

Xu Shouhui was desperate, and Chen Youyi's guards took out a prepared sledgehammer and smashed it into Xu Shouhui's head.

Xu Shouhui was dead, his eyes wide open staring at Chen Youyu. Chen Youyu waved his hand and asked his subordinates to quickly clean up Xu Shouhui's body.

After Xu Shouhui's death, Chen Youyu quickly ascended the throne and set the name of the country as Han. I don't know what kind of psychology it is, Chen Youyu set the era name for himself as "Dayi", which is really ironic.

Throughout Chen Youyu's life, he had courage, strategy, and means, and in that chaotic world, he had several times more strength than Zhu Yuanzhang, and relatively speaking, he was more likely to succeed.

However, Chen Youyi did not hesitate to step on the corpses of others to take the position, losing the hearts of the people. Even if he gets jiangshan, it may not last long.

Cao Cao blackmailed tianzi to order the princes, the monstrous rights, he did not dare to kill the Han Emperor. For the sake of fame, it is the heart of the people.

Since ancient times, the winner was the king and the loser was Kou, and most of the records of Chen Youyu are derived from the History of Ming. As for the authenticity of history, we have no way to verify, but we have the right to tell a story and have fun.

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